Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 issue: storefront raw message data display

This article provides a solution for the issue when all error messages on the storefront display with a “+” sign instead of a space. This solution helps error messages remain readable.

Affected products and versions

  • Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.4.0
  • Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.0.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Create New Account page on the storefront.
  2. Create a new account using a registered email. The following message is displayed:



The issue is caused by a PHP 7.4.2 issue related to set\read cookies. See PHP BUG #79174 setcookie() encodes space as `+`, but $_COOKIE no longer decodes them.


To solve this issue, use another version of PHP 7.4.x. PHP 7.4.2 is not supported by Adobe Commerce 2.4.0.
