Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.25 overview

This sub-section provides a detailed description of the issues fixed by the patches available in Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.25.

QPT v1.1.25 includes the following patches:

  1. ACSD-47292: Fixes the issue where out-of-stock bundled products are not available in the GraphQL response if the show out-of-stock products is set to Yes.
  2. ACSD-47520: Fixes the issue where customers lose reward points when a credit memo is created.
  3. ACSD-47910: Fixes the issue of missing orders, invoices, shipments, and credit memos in respective entity grids.
  4. ACSD-48044: Fixes the issue where applying multiple gift cards to a single order with multi-shipping prevents orders from being placed.
  5. ACSD-48058: Fixes the issue where product price reindex is not working if the bundle product is not assigned to any website.
  6. ACSD-48234: Fixes the issue where the catalog search result shows an incorrect category item count when the show out of stock option is enabled.
  7. ACSD-48262: Fixes the issue where products are not visible on the frontend when Allow All Products Per Page setting is set to Yes.
  8. ACSD-48293: Fixes the issue where the composite products go out of stock when the child products that were sold out are returned to stock.
  9. ACSD-48300: Fixes the issue where a return cannot be created if the configurable product is removed.
  10. ACSD-48313: Fixes the issue where the configurable_variations column is not parsed if the attribute value contains a comma. The same parsing algorithm is used for additional_attributes.
  11. ACSD-48627: Fixes the issue where the out-of-stock configurable product causes an error when sending a GraphQL request to get cart details.

Use the menu on the left to navigate to a specific patch page.
