Fastly Cache Average Response for selected time period in seconds, faceted by POP

Fastly Cache Average Response for selected time period in seconds faceted by POP

POP in this context refers to a Point of Presence (POP) that is configured to function as a pool for cache storage. See Points of presence.

Total Bandwidth (All POPs) during the selected timeframe, compared with 1 week ago (% increase/decrease)

Total Bandwidth (All POPs) during the selected time frame, compared with 1 week ago (% increase/decrease)

Requests – Since selected timeframe compared with one week ago

Requests – Since selected time frame compared with one week ago

This frame is similar to the summary box for Total Requests at the top, but shows the prior weeks’ requests counts. These are all requests, not just cacheable requests (where is_cacheable is true).

Response Count

Response Count

Bandwidth by POP

Bandwidth by POP

Top 5 URLs (5xx or 3xx status codes)

Top 5 URLs (5xx or 3xx status codes)

The Top 5 URLs view shows the top 5 URLs that are experiencing 5xx or 3xx error responses. Due to the space constraint, you’ll need to mouse over the URL to see the specific error code associated with that URL. (example in the red box of the figure above).

Top 25 URLs (200 status)

Top 25 URLs (200 status)

The Top 25 URLs frame shows the URLs that returned a 200 status by count during the selected timeframe.

Duration by Response Status

Duration by Response Status

The Duration by Response Status graph displays the error responses by count during the selected timeframe, faceted by the error status code.

Duration by Response Status, top 25 urls

Duration by Response Status, top 25 urls

The Duration by Response Status, top 25 URLs graph shows the top 25 URLs by the duration of response in seconds. You may need to hover the mouse over the URL to see the entire path. Also, to remove all but one URL, click on that URL. You can then add other URLs back by clicking on them individually. If you wish to remove individual URLs, you can hold the key and click on each URL to remove them from the graph.

Duration by Response Status, top 25 non-200 status

Duration by Response Status, top 25 non 200 status

The Duration by Response Status, top 25 non-200 status graph is similar to the last one except that the focus is on non-200 status codes or error status codes. It will show the error code and then the URL. You may need to hover the mouse over the URL to see the entire path. Also, to remove all but one URL, click on that URL. You can then add other URLs back by clicking on them individually. If you wish to remove individual URLs, you can hold the key and click on each URL to remove them from the graph.

Error Count by POP timeline

Error Count by POP timeline

The Error Count by POP timeline graph displays the error statuses’ count along the selected timeframe timeline, faceted by the error code.

Duration by Response status, top 25 client IP, non-200 status

Duration by Response status, top 25 client IP, non 200 status

The Duration by Response status, top 25 client IP, non 200 status graph shows the IP addresses by the average duration across the selected timeframe where there were status error codes.

IP Frequency

IP Frequency

The IP Frequency frame counts the (‘MISS’ and ‘PASS’) statuses for each IP from the Fastly logs. Web requests with these statuses will reach the origin server and will add load to the server. It shows the top twenty addresses in frequency. This frame can be used to detect IP attacks or sources of heavy load on a website. This graph is also present on the summary tab and is placed here for easy comparison to more details on the Fastly log information displayed on this tab.

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