The Redis tab

Redis Node summary

Redis Node summary

The Redis Node summary is inclusive of all nodes in an environment. The above example includes the nodes for shared staging. There is one primary and two secondaries on production and also a primary and two secondaries on staging.

Redis node detail

Redis node detail

The Redis node detail frame indicates the environment, Redis role, software version, and node size.

Redis node roles timeline

Redis node roles timeline

The Redis node roles timeline frame indicates the loss of Redis service in particular roles. If a line dips, it indicates that the particular role that the line represents has lost a node or nodes.

Connection to Redis

Connection to Redis

The Connection to Redis frame displays the net.connectedClients value from the New Relic Redis sample data. It displays the connections count by New Relic application (environment) and node.

Commands per second by node

Commands per second by node

The Commands per second by node frame shows the Redis commands by node per second over the selected timeframe.

Redis % of memory used

Redis % of memory used

The Redis % of memory used frame shows the percentage of maximum memory used by the Redis servers.

Redis used memory

Redis used memory

The Redis used memory frame shows the node usage of memory in GB/MB.

Redis changes since last db save

Redis changes since last db save

Redis is a memory resident and saves the information to storage. The Redis changes since last db save frame indicates the number of changes to memory that have occurred since the last database was saved to storage. Refer to Redis persistence for more explaintion on Redis’s persistence.

Redis synchronization from Log

Redis synchronization from Log

The Redis synchronization from Log frame focuses on the errors encountered during Redis synchronization or errors that happen due to synchronization problems. For more information on Redis, refer to Redis Documentation.
