The MySQL tab

MySQL% free storage by node

MySQL% free storage by node

Many problems are caused by MySQL running out of storage in the storage assigned to MySQL (datadir MySQL configuration setting, default is /data/mysql) or the tmpdir running out of space. The default tmpdir (MySQL setting) is /tmp. The MySQL% free storage by node frame looks at the /, /tmp (if defined as a separate mount) and the /data/mysql percentage of free storage. Starting in MySQL version 5.7 (MariaDB version 10.2), uncompressed tmp tables are written to a tmp tablespace in the /data/mysql directory in the file (ibtmp1). This file automatically expands without limit by default. As it is a tablespace, it will not decrease in size and will reset to 12MB when MySQL restarts.

MySQL Connections by Node

MySQL Connections by Node

The MySQL Connections by Node frame indicates periods of database node outages or high volumes of connections.

MySQL Node Summary

MySQL Node Summary

The MySQL Node Summary table shows database node details such as software version and instance type (size).

Galera Number of Nodes in cluster

Galera Number of Nodes in cluster

The Galera Number of Nodes in cluster frame displays information from the MySQL logs. As nodes join and leave a cluster, only the messages for the selected timeframe will be shown. If a node leaves the cluster before the timeframe, no message will exist during that timeframe. If you suspect that the database may be running short of a node, expand the timeframe to a larger period to see if you can see additional information. If there is information during the time period that indicates less than all nodes in the Galera cluster, expand the timeframe to see if you can determine when the node left the cluster.

MySQL shutdowns and starts

MySQL shutdowns and starts

The MySQL shutdowns and starts frame detects when there is a shutdown of a node. The Galera nodes will be evicted and will self-evict from the Galera node. This will typically result in a restart of the MySQL service.

Galera log

Galera log

The Galera log frame shows the counts of particular signals from the MySQL logs concerning Galera nodes, their states, and the state changes of the Galera cluster.

  • ‘%1047 WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use%’) as ‘node_not_prep_for_use’
  • ‘%[ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read from: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2%’) as ‘xtrabackup_read_fail’
  • ‘%[ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 %’) as ‘xtrabackup_compl_w_err’
  • ‘%[ERROR] WSREP: rbr write fail%’) as ‘rbr_write_fail’
  • ‘%self-leave%’) as ‘susp_node’
  • ‘%members = 3/3 (joined/total)%’) as’3of3’
  • ‘%members = 2/3 (joined/total)%’) as’2of3’
  • ‘%members = 2/2%’) as ‘2of2’
  • ‘%members = 1/2%’) as ‘1of2’
  • ‘%members = 1/3%’) as ‘1of3’
  • ‘%members = 1/1%’) as ‘1of1’
  • ‘%[Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 10.%’) as’sql_restart’
  • ‘%Quorum: No node with complete state:%’) as ‘no_node_count’
  • ‘%WSREP: Member 0%’) as ‘mem_0’
  • ‘%WSREP: Member 1.0%’) as ‘mem_1’
  • ‘%WSREP: Member 2%’) as’mem2’
  • ‘%WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections%’) as ‘ready’
  • ‘%/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version:%’) as ‘mysql_restart_mysql.slow’
  • ‘%[Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state:%’) as ‘galera_cluster_view_chng’

Galera Log by Host

Galera Log by Host

The Galera Log by Host frame is the same as the Galera log frame, except that it is broken out by node to help with troubleshooting.

Database performance

Database performance

The Database performance frame shows database performance during specific requests. You can see each metric by clicking on them in the colored icons below the graph. Many of the metrics called out in Monitoring MySQL Database Performance with New Relic are found in this frame.

  • average(query.queriesPerSecond)
  • average(query.slowQueriesPerSecond)
  • average(db.createdTmpDiskTablesPerSecond)
  • average(db.createdTmpFilesPerSecond)
  • average(db.tablesLocksWaitedPerSecond)
  • average(db.innodb.rowLockTimeAvg)
  • average(db.innodb.rowLockWaitsPerSecond)

Transaction Database Call Count

Transaction Database Call Count

The Transaction Database Call Count frame shows the number of database calls made by each transaction facet. This seems to be row-focused and not statements.

Cron_schedule table updates

Cron_schedule table updates

The Cron_schedule table updates frame displays the maximum duration of database updates to the cron_schedule table for the selected time period.

Slow Query Traces

Slow Query Traces

The Slow Query Traces frame displays the table and request type where slow query traces exist. A slow query trace is created for query transactions that take longer than five seconds. Of importance for this frame are the update queries. If a table is being updated by UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT statements, they may lock tables for a period of time.

Even SELECT statements may lock rows if used with FOR UPDATE.

Datastore Operations tables

Datastore Operations tables

Cron table change

Cron table change

The Cron table change frame looks for “could not acquire lock for cron job:” error messages, along with a specific PHP memory error and locks involving the cron_schedule table. If the cron_schedule table is locked (for example, by a DELETE query being run against it), it will block other crons from running.



The Deadlocks frame looks at the following strings parsed from the MySQL logs:

  • ‘%PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of%’) as php_mem_error
  • ‘%get lock; try restarting transaction, query was: DELETE FROM `cron_schedule%’) as cron_sched_lock_del
  • ‘% lock for cron job: indexer_reindex_all_invalid%’) as ‘lock_indexer_reindex_all_invalid%’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: cron_schedule%’) as ‘lock_cron_schedule’
  • ‘% lock for cron job:%’) as ‘total_cron_lock’
  • ‘%General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded%’) as ‘sql_1205_lock’
  • ‘%ERROR 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock%’) as ‘sql_1213_lock’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found%’) as ‘sql_1213_lock2’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: indexer_update_all_views%’) as ‘lock_indexer_update_all_views’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_grid_order_invoice_async_insert%’) as ‘lock_sales_grid_order_invoice_async_insert’,
  • ‘% lock for cron job: staging_remove_updates%’) as ‘lock_staging_remove_updates’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_grid_order_shipment_async_insert%’) as ‘lock_sales_grid_order_shipment_async_insert’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: amazon_payments_process_queued_refunds%’) as ‘lock_amazon_payments_process_queued_refunds’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_send_order_shipment_emails%’) as ‘lock_sales_send_order_shipment_emails’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: staging_synchronize_entities_period%’) as ‘lock_staging_synchronize_entities_period’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: indexer_clean_all_changelogs%’) as ‘lock_indexer_clean_all_changelogs’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: magento_targetrule_index_reindex%’) as ‘lock_magento_targetrule_index_reindex’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: newsletter_send_all%’) as ‘lock_newsletter_send_all’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: newsletter_send_all%’) as ‘lock_newsletter_send_all’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_send_order_emails%’) as ‘lock_sales_send_order_emails’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_send_order_creditmemo_emails%’) as ‘lock_sales_send_order_creditmemo_emails’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_grid_order_creditmemo_async_insert%’) as ‘lock_sales_grid_order_creditmemo_async_insert’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: bulk_cleanup%’) as ‘lock_bulk_cleanup’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: flush_preview_quotas%’) as ‘lock_flush_preview_quotas’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_send_order_invoice_emails%’) as ‘lock_sales_send_order_invoice_emails’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_send_order_invoice_emails%’) as ‘lock_sales_send_order_invoice_emails’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: captcha_delete_expired_images%’) as ‘lock_captcha_delete_expired_images’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: magento_newrelicreporting_cron%’) as ‘lock_magento_newrelicreporting_cron’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: outdated_authentication_failures_cleanup%’) as ‘lock_outdated_authentication_failures_cleanup’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: send_notification%’) as ‘lock_send_notification’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: magento_giftcardaccount_generage_codes_pool%’) as ‘lock_magento_giftcardaccount_generage_codes_pool’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: catalog_product_frontend_actions_flush%’) as ‘lock_catalog_product_frontend_actions_flush’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: mysqlmq_clean_messages%’) as ‘mysqlmq_clean_messages’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: catalog_product_attribute_value_synchronize%’) as ‘lock_catalog_product_attribute_value_synchronize’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_importer%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_importer’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_reviews_and_wishlist%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_reviews_and_wishlist’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: captcha_delete_old_attempts%’) as ‘lock_captcha_delete_old_attempts’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: catalog_product_outdated_price_values_cleanup%’) as ‘lock_catalog_product_outdated_price_values_cleanup’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: consumers_runner%’) as ‘lock_consumers_runner’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_customer_subscriber_guest_sync%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_customer_subscriber_guest_sync’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: get_amazon_capture_updates%’) as ‘lock_get_amazon_capture_updates’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: get_amazon_authorization_updates%’) as ‘lock_send_get_amazon_authorization_updates’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: temando_process_platform_events%’) as ‘lock_temando_process_platform_events’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_status%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_status’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_status%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_status’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: sales_clean_orders%’) as ‘lock_sales_clean_orders’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: catalog_index_refresh_price%’) as ‘lock_catalog_index_refresh_price’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: magento_reward_balance_warning_notification%’) as ‘lock_magento_reward_balance_warning_notification’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: analytics_update%’) as ‘lock_analytics_update’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: messagequeue_clean_outdated_locks%’) as ‘lock_messagequeue_clean_outdated_locks’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: messagequeue_clean_outdated_locks%’) as ‘lock_messagequeue_clean_outdated_locks’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: staging_apply_version%’) as ‘lock_staging_apply_version’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: magento_reward_expire_points%’) as ‘lock_magento_reward_expire_points’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: yotpo_yotpo_orders_sync%’) as ‘lock_yotpo_yotpo_orders_sync’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: catalog_event_status_checker%’) as ‘lock_catalog_event_status_checker’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_campaign%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_campaign’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: visitor_clean%’) as ‘lock_visitor_clean’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: scconnector_verify_website%’) as ‘lock_scconnector_verify_website’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_email_templates%’) as ‘lock_ddg_automation_email_templates’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: aggregate_sales_report_order_data%’) as ‘lock_aggregate_sales_report_order_data’
  • ‘% lock for cron job: ddg_automation_catalog_sync%’) as 'lock_ddg_automation

DB Statistics

DB Statistics

The DB Statistics frame displays deletes, writes, rows read, updates, and slow queries per second.

Request frequency

Request frequency

Database Errors

Database Errors

The Database Errors frame shows a variety of database warnings and errors:

  • ‘%Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size%’ as ‘temp_tbl_buff_pool’
  • ‘%[ERROR] WSREP: rbr write fail%’) as ‘rbr_write_fail’
  • ‘%mysqld: Disk full%’) as ‘disk_full’
  • ‘%Error number 28%’) as ‘err_28’
  • ‘%rollback%’) as ‘rollback’
  • ‘%Foreign key constraint fails for table%’) as ‘foreign_key_constraint’
  • ‘%Error_code: 1114%’) as ‘sql_1114_full’‘%CRITICAL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away%’) as ‘sql_gone’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many connections%’) as ‘sql_1040’
  • ‘%CRITICAL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002]%’) as ‘sql_2002’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[08S01]:%’) as ‘sql_1047’
  • ‘%[Warning] Aborted connection%’) as ‘aborted_conn’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation:%’) as ‘sql_23000’
  • ‘%1205 Lock wait timeout%’) as ‘sql_1205’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database%’) as ‘sql_1049’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:%’) as ‘sql_42S02’
  • ‘%General error: 1114%’) as ‘sql_1114’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[40001]%’) as ‘sql_1213’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column%’) as ‘sq1_1054’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation:%’) as’sql_42000’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation:%’) as ‘sql_1241’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[22003]:%’) as ‘sql_22003’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [9000] Client with IP address%’) as ‘sql_9000’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014%’) as ‘sql_2014’
  • ‘%1927 Connection was killed%’) as ‘sql_1927’
  • ‘%1062 [ERROR] InnoDB:%’) as ‘sql_1062_e’
  • ‘’%[Note] WSREP: Flushing memory map to disk…%') as ‘mem_map_flush’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1146%’) as ‘sql_1146’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1062%’) as ‘sql_1062’ * ‘%1062 [Warning] InnoDB:%’) as ‘sql_1062_w’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1064%’) as ‘sql_1064’
  • ‘%InnoDB: Assertion failure in file%’) as ‘assertion_err’
  • ‘%mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0%’) as ‘mysql_oom’
  • ‘%[ERROR] mysqld got signal%’) as ‘mysql_sigterm’
  • ‘%1452 Cannot add%’) as ‘sql_1452’
  • ‘%ERROR 1698%’) as ‘sql_1698’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3%’) as ‘cnt_wrt_tmp’
  • ‘%General error: 1 %’) as ‘sql_syntax’
  • ‘%42S22%’) as ‘sql_42S22’
  • ‘%InnoDB: Error (Duplicate key)%’) as ‘innodb_dup_key’ FROM Log TIMESERIES

DB Error Table

DB Error Table

The DB Error Table frame shows the same information as the Database Errors frame, but you can see it by node and in a table format. See MariaDB Error Codes for more information.

Database Traces

Database Traces

The Database Traces frame shows the database traces by type across the selected timeline.

Database processes

Database processes

The Database processes frame shows the database processes, environments, and node identifiers.

MySQL Non-Sleeping Threads by Node

MySQL Non-Sleeping Threads by Node

The MySQL Non-Sleeping Threads by Node frame shows the connection threads to the database. This frame shows the active threads.

MySQL Running and Sleeping Threads by environment

MySQL Running and Sleeping Threads by environment

The MySQL Running and Sleeping Threads by environment frame shows both active and sleeping connections to the database. If there are connections to the database where slow queries have gone to sleep, there will be sleeping connections. Sleeping connections can be database queries that are blocked by locked rows or tables. These sleeping connections are also holding PHP worker connections.

MySQL mem used by node

MySQL mem used by node

The MySQL mem used by node frame shows the node usage of memory by MySQL. On larger sites, this frame may be continuous bars with GBs worth of memory used.

Database mysql-slow.log

Database mysql-slow.log

The Database mysql-slow.log frame shows the query statement types that were in the mysql-slow.log file across the selected timeframe.
