The Deploy tab

This tab is an attempt to isolate issues and causes of deployment problems quickly.

Deploy log Deployment Troubleshooter

Deploy log Deployment Troubleshooter

The Deploy log Deployment Troubleshooter frame shows a count of deploy log events that occurred across the selected timeframe. The intent is to provide an at-a-glance view of deployment activity and determine the complexity of the deployment by the count. The more logged messages, the more complex the deployment typically is.

Deploy State

Deploy State

The Deploy State frame shows the deploy events that occurred across the selected timeframe. The parser for this frame is looking for these specific signals:

  • %NOTICE: Starting generate command%’) as ‘start_gen
  • %git apply /app/vendor/magento/ece-tools/patches%’) as ‘apply_patches
  • %Set flag: .static_content_deploy%’) as ‘SCD
  • %NOTICE: Generate command completed%’) as ‘gen_compl
  • %NOTICE: Starting deploy.%’) as ‘start_deploy
  • %NOTICE: Deployment completed%’) as ‘deploy_compl
  • %NOTICE: Starting post-deploy.%’) as ‘start_pdeploy
  • %NOTICE: Post-deploy is complete%’) as ‘pdeploy
  • %deploy-complete%’) as ‘cl_deploy_compl

Deploy Log Detail

Deploy Log Detail

The Deploy Log Detail frame shows the deploy log message summary details that occurred across the selected timeframe. The frame is parsing for the following strings in the deployment logs:

  • %NOTICE: Starting deploy.%’) as ‘start_dply
  • %INFO: Starting scenario(s): scenario/deploy.xml%’) as ‘start_scenario
  • %NOTICE: Starting pre-deploy%’) as ‘strt_predply
  • %INFO: Restoring patch log file%’) as ‘rstr_ptch_log
  • %INFO: Updating cache configuration.%’) as ‘updt_cach_config
  • %INFO: Set Redis slave connection%’) as ‘redis_sec_conn_set
  • %INFO: Static content deployment was performed during build hook, cleaning old content%’) as ‘scd_build_hk
  • %INFO: Clearing pub/static%’) as ‘clr_pub_static
  • %NFO: Clearing redis cache:%’) as ‘clr_redis_cach
  • %INFO: Clearing var/cache directory%’) as ‘clr_var_cach
  • %NOTICE: Enabling Maintenance mode%’) as ‘enable_maint_mode
  • %INFO: Disable cron%’) as ‘disable_cron
  • %INFO: Trying to kill running cron jobs and consumers processes%’) as ‘kill_cron_try
  • %INFO: Running Adobe Commerce cron and consumers processes were not found.%’) as ‘no_cron_fnd
  • %NOTICE: Validating configuration%’) as ‘validate_config
  • %The following admin data is required to create an admin user during initial installation%’) as ‘no_admin
  • %recommended PHP version satisfying the constraint%’) as ‘php_ver_constraint
  • %WARNING: Fix configuration with given suggestions:%’) as ‘fix_config_sugg
  • %WARNING: [2003] The directory nesting level value for error reporting has not been configured.%’) as ‘nest_err_reporting
  • %NOTICE: End of validation%’) as ‘end_validation
  • %NOTICE: Starting update.%’) as ‘start_update
  • %INFO: Updating env.php.%’) as ‘update_php_env
  • %INFO: Updating env.php DB connection configuration.%’) as ‘update_php_env_db
  • %INFO: Updating env.php AMQP configuration%’) as ‘update_php_env_amqp
  • %INFO: Set search engine to: elasticsearch7%’) as ‘set_elastic7
  • %elasticsearch 6.5.4 has passed EOL%’) as ‘elastic_ver_EOL
  • %INFO: Set search engine to: elasticsearch6%’) as ‘set_elastic6
  • %INFO: Updating secure and unsecure URLs%’) as ‘update_urls
  • %INFO: Running setup upgrade.%’) as ‘setup_upgrade_run
  • %INFO: Post-deploy hook enabled. Cron enabling, cache cleaning, and pre-warming operations are postponed%’) as ‘post_hook_enabled
  • %NOTICE: Maintenance mode is disabled.%’) as ‘maint_mode_disabled
  • %INFO: Scenario(s) finished%’) as ‘scenario_finished
  • %WARNING: Command maintenance:enable finished with an error. Creating a maintenance flag file%’) as ‘enable_maintenance_fail
  • %MySQL server has gone away%’) as ‘MySQL_has_gone_away

Post Deploy Log Detail

Post deploy log detail

The Post Deploy Log Detail frame shows the post-deploy log details that occurred across the selected timeframe. This frame is focused on particular log messages that contain the following strings:

  • %Disabled maintenance mode%’) as ‘disabled_maint_mode
  • %INFO: Starting scenario(s): scenario/post-deploy.xml%’) as ‘start_pstdply_scenario
  • %NOTICE: Validating configuration%’) as ‘val_config
  • %NOTICE: End of validation%’) as ‘end_val_config
  • %INFO: Enable cron%’) as ‘cron_enabled
  • %INFO: Create backup of important files.%’) as ‘file_backup
  • %INFO: Successfully created backup%’) as ‘file_backup_success
  • %INFO: Starting page warming up%’) as ‘pg_warmup_start
  • %INFO: Warmed up page:%’) as ‘warmed_up_pg
  • %ERROR: Warming up failed:%’) as ‘warm_up_pg_err
  • %INFO: Scenario(s) finished%’) as ‘scenario_finished

Cloud Log Detail

Cloud Log Detail

The Cloud Log Detail frame shows the cloud log details that occurred across the selected timeframe. The following strings are parsed and returned with the ‘AS’ label below:

  • %DEBUG: /bin/bash -c "set -o pipefail; php ./bin/magento setup:upgrade%’) as ‘start_update
  • %Schema creation/updates:%’) as ‘schema_updates
  • %Nothing to import.%’) as ‘mod_import_finish
  • %NOTICE: End of update.%’) as ‘update_finished
  • %DEBUG: Running step: deploy-static-content%’) as ‘scd_run
  • %NOTICE: Skipping static content deploy. SCD on demand is enabled.%’) as ‘scd_ondemand
  • %INFO: Clearing%’) as ‘clr_dirs
  • %DEBUG: Step "deploy-static-content" finished%’) as ‘scd_finished
  • %NOTICE: Skipping static content compression. SCD on demand is enabled.%’) as ‘scd_compression_run
  • %INFO: Clearing var/cache directory%’) as ‘clr_var_cach
  • %DEBUG: Step "compress-static-content" finished%’) as ‘scd_compression_finished
  • %DEBUG: Running step: deploy-complete%’) as ‘deploy_finished
  • %INFO: Post-deploy hook enabled. Cron enabling, cache cleaning, and pre-warming operations are postponed to post-deploy stage.%’) as ‘Post_deploy_hook_enabled
  • %NOTICE: Maintenance mode is disabled.%’) as ‘maint_mode_disabled
  • %INFO: Scenario(s) finished%’) as ‘scenario_finished
  • %post-deploy.xml%’) as ‘post_deploy_start
  • %NOTICE: Validating configuration%’) as ‘validate_config
  • %WARNING: [2003] The directory nesting level value for error reporting has not been configured.%’) as ‘nest_err_reporting
  • %NOTICE: End of validation%’) as ‘end_validation
  • %INFO: Enable cron%’) as ‘enable_cron
  • %INFO: Create backup of important files%’) as ‘create_backup
  • %DEBUG: Step "backup" finished%’) as ‘backup_finished
  • %INFO: Starting page warming up%’) as ‘warmup_start
  • %ERROR: Warming up failed:%’) as ‘warm_up_fail
  • %DEBUG: Step "warm-up" finished%’) as ‘warmup_finished
  • %DEBUG: Step "time-to-first-byte" finished%’) as ‘ttfb_finished
  • %INFO: Scenario(s) finished%’) as ‘post_deploy_finished
  • %DEBUG: Running step: pre-build%’) as ‘run_pre-build
  • %DEBUG: Flag .static_content_deploy has already been deleted%’) as ‘scd_flag_del
  • %DEBUG: Step "pre-build" finished%’) as ‘pre-build_completed
  • %NOTICE: Applying patches%’) as ‘apply_patches
  • %has been applied%’) as ‘patches_applied
  • %DEBUG: Step "apply-patches" finished%’) as ‘apply_patches_complete
  • %Deploy using quick strategy%’) as ‘quick_strategy_deploy
  • %NOTICE: Running DI compilation%’) as ‘di_compliation_start
  • %NOTICE: End of running DI compilation%’) as ‘di_compliation_finished
  • %NOTICE: Generating fresh static content%’) as ‘gen_frsh_static_content
  • %magento setup:static-content:deploy%’) as ‘scd_executing
  • %NOTICE: End of generating fresh static content%’) as ‘gen_frsh_static_cont_finished
  • %INFO: Starting scenario(s): scenario/build/transfer.xml%’) as ‘start_transferxml
  • %INFO: Trying to kill running cron jobs%’) as ‘kill_crons
  • %INFO: Clearing redis cache:%’) as ‘clear_redis_cache
  • %INFO: Checking if db exists and has tables%’) as ‘db_check
  • '%WARNING: [2010] Elasticsearch service is installed at infrastructure layer, but is not used as a search engine.%) as ‘es_not_used
  • %NOTICE: Starting update.%’) as ‘starting_update
  • %INFO: Set search engine to: mysql%’) as ‘mysql_search
  • %SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away%’) as ‘mysql_gone

Count of modules imported during deploy

Count of modules imported during deploy

The Count of modules imported during deploy frame shows the number of modules imported during deployment across the selected timeframe.

Deployed module list

Deployed module list

The Deployed module list frame shows deployed modules across the selected timeframe.
