The PHP tab

The PHP tab shows PHP process issues to provide a deeper analysis into PHP problems.

PHP active process details

PHP active process details

The PHP active process details frame shows the PHP processes, including php-fpm, across the selected timeframe.

PHP process load (# of PHP processes and % of CPU load)

PHP process load

The PHP process load (# of PHP processes and % of CPU load) frame shows the CPU load from PHP-FPM processes across the selected timeframe.

PHP Memory detail

PHP Memory detail

The PHP Memory detail frame shows the memory usage of PHP processes across the selected timeframe.

PHP CPU Utilization

PHP CPU Utilization

The PHP CPU Utilization frame shows the CPU percentage utilization of PHP processes across the selected timeframe.

PHP Process states

PHP Process states

The PHP Process states frame shows the PHP process states across the selected timeframe. It displays when PHP processes terminate and restart. Beware of terminated PHP processes that do not show restarts.

  • ‘%NOTICE: Terminating …%’) as ‘php_term’
  • ‘% NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!%’) as ‘php_exit’
  • ‘% NOTICE: fpm is running, pid%’) as ‘fpm_start’
  • ‘%NOTICE: ready to handle connections%’) as ‘php_ready’

PHP Errors

PHP Errors

The PHP Errors frame shows the number of PHP worker errors across the selected timeframe. Error messages parsed and displayed include:

  • ‘%worker_connections are not enough%’) as ‘worker’
  • ‘%PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size!%’) as ‘mem_size’
  • ‘%exited on signal 11 (SIGSEGV)%’) as ‘sig_11’
  • ‘%exited on signal 7 (SIGBUS)%’) as ‘sig_7’
  • ‘%increase pm.start_servers%’) as ‘pmstart_serv’
  • ‘%max_children%’) as ‘max_children_cnt’
  • ‘%PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of%’) as ‘mem_exhst_coun’
  • ‘%Unable to allocate memory for pool%’) as ‘opc_mem_count’
  • ‘%Warning Interned string buffer overflow%’) as ‘opc_str_buf’
  • ‘%Illegal string offsetl%’) as ‘opc_sv_comments’
  • ‘%PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RedisException: read error on connection%’) as ‘php_exc’

PHP processes count

PHP processes count

The PHP processes count frame shows a count of PHP processes across the selected timeframe.

Database Errors

Database Errors

The Database Errors frame shows database errors across the selected timeframe. Errors parsed include:

  • ‘%Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size%’) as ‘temp_tbl_buff_pool’
  • ‘%[ERROR] WSREP: rbr write fail%’) as ‘rbr_write_fail’
  • ‘%mysqld: Disk full%’) as ‘disk_full’
  • ‘%Error number 28%’) as ‘err_28’
  • ‘%rollback%’) as ‘rollback’
  • ‘%Foreign key constraint fails for table%’) as ‘foreign_key_constraint’
  • ‘%Error_code: 1114%’) as ‘sql_1114_full’
  • ‘%CRITICAL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away%’) as ‘sql_gone’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many connections%’) as ‘sql_1040’
  • ‘%CRITICAL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002]%’) as ‘sql_2002’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[08S01]:%’) as ‘sql_1047’
  • ‘%[Warning] Aborted connection%’) as ‘aborted_conn’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation:%’) as ‘sql_23000’
  • ‘%1205 Lock wait timeout%’) as ‘sql_1205’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database%’) as ‘sql_1049’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:%’) as ‘sql_42S02’
  • ‘%General error: 1114%’) as ‘sql_1114’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[40001]%’) as ‘sql_1213’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column%’) as ‘sq1_1054’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation:%’) as ‘sql_42000’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation:%’) as ‘sql_1241’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[22003]:%’) as ‘sql_22003’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000] [9000] Client with IP address%’) as ‘sql_9000’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014%’) as ‘sql_2014’
  • ‘%1927 Connection was killed%’) as ‘sql_1927’
  • ‘%1062 [ERROR] InnoDB:%’) as ‘sql_1062_e’
  • ‘%[Note] WSREP: Flushing memory map to disk…%’) as ‘mem_map_flush’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1146%’) as ‘sql_1146’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1062%’) as ‘sql_1062’ * ‘%1062 [Warning] InnoDB:%’) as ‘sql_1062_w’
  • ‘%Internal MariaDB error code: 1064%’) as ‘sql_1064’
  • ‘%InnoDB: Assertion failure in file%’) as ‘assertion_err’
  • ‘%mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0%’) as ‘mysql_oom’
  • ‘%[ERROR] mysqld got signal%’) as ‘mysql_sigterm’
  • ‘%1452 Cannot add%’) as ‘sql_1452’
  • ‘%ERROR 1698%’) as ‘sql_1698’
  • ‘%SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3%’) as ‘cnt_wrt_tmp’
  • ‘%General error: 1 %’) as ‘sql_syntax’
  • ‘%42S22%’) as ‘sql_42S22’
  • ‘%InnoDB: Error (Duplicate key)%’) as ‘innodb_dup_key’

Database traces

Database traces

The Database traces frame shows database trace information. This frame aligns with the APM transaction summary view for the selected timeline.

Database mysql-slow.log

Database mysql-slow.log

The Database mysql-slow.log frame shows the query statement types that were in the mysql-slow.log file across the selected timeframe.
