How to Access the Site-Wide Analysis Tool

There are two ways you can access the Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard.

You can access the dashboard from either the Site-Wide Analysis Tool Website directly (for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure only) and log in with your Adobe ID, or access via the dashboard from your store’s Admin Panel.

The Site-Wide Analysis Tool service is available in production mode for Admin users with permission to access user role resources.

Effective April 23, 2024, the Site-Wide Analysis Tool has been decommissioned and is no longer available for Adobe Commerce on-premises customers.

Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard

Option 1: Logging in to your Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard directly from the Site-Wide Analysis Tool domain (for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure only)

An Adobe ID is required to access a Commerce account.
If you already have a Commerce account, but you do not have an Adobe ID, you can create one during the sign-in process.

  1. Go to

  2. Click the Sign in with Adobe ID button and follow the prompts.

    Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
    Adobe ID login screen

  3. Accept the terms and conditions.

  4. Note: Your account should be entitled to Support Permissions in order to access Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard.
    See more details in Share a Commerce account in our user guide.

Option 2: Logging in to your Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard from your store’s Admin Panel

Step 1: Verify permissions

Verify that the Admin user account has permission to access the Site-Wide Analysis Tool through their assigned user role.

The Site-Wide Analysis Tool role resource (permission) is not auto-assigned. It MUST be activated for the user role and the role individually assigned to each user account in the Admin.

For the custom role needing Site-Wide Analysis Tool access, do the following:

  1. Select the Reports > System Insights > Site-Wide Analysis Tool role resource.

    Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
    Site-Wide Analysis Tool permission selected for the role

  2. Click Save Role.

  3. Notify any users who are assigned that role to sign out of the Admin, and sign in again.

If you have verified that the user account has permission to access the Site-Wide Analysis Tool and the user receives a 403 error when trying to access the tool from the Admin, your instance of Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure could have HTTP access control enabled. The Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard is NOT supported if you have HTTP Auth enabled. For more information about resolving this issue, see our Support article.

Step 2: Access Site-Wide Analysis Tool

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Reports > System Insights > Site-Wide Analysis Tool.

    Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
    Site-Wide Analysis Tool location in the Admin Panel in Adobe Commerce

  2. Read the Terms of Use for the Site-Wide Analysis Tool and click Accept to continue.

    Each user is required to accept the Terms of Use for the session. This step is repeated for each logged-in session.

  3. At the top of the dashboard, click the tab that you want to see.

    Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
    Site-Wide Analysis Tool information

Generate reports from the Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard

  1. In the upper-right corner of the dashboard, click Generate Report.

  2. Select the checkbox for each Type and Priority setting that you want to include in the report.

  3. Click Generate Report.

    Site-Wide Analysis Dashboard
    Report Settings

Shows the health of your system with current notifications and recommendations by priority.
Provides customer contact information and a summary of current tickets, with detailed information about each installed Adobe Commerce product.
Lists recommendations based on best practices to address issues detected on your site.
Lists errors thrown by the application caused by abnormal conditions without an error handler.
Lists all third-party extensions and third-party libraries.
After applying a recommendation, it may take a few days for it to be updated in the Site-Wide Analysis Tool Dashboard or generated report.