Issues with Adobe Commerce on-premises

Issue 1: Search Engine field is not displayed

When you access the Catalog Search section, the Search Engine menu is not displayed at all.


Cause: Store View is not Default Config

The Store View for the Admin has been set to any value other than Default Config.

The search engine is a global configuration set on the application level, not on the Store Scope. Stores within an Adobe Commerce application cannot use different search engines.

Solution: Set Store View to Default Config

  1. Log in to the Admin as an Administrator.
  2. On the left-side of the Admin sidebar, click on Stores.
  3. Navigate to Settings and choose Configuration.
  4. In the upper-left hand corner, click the Store View selector and choose Default Config.
  5. Click on OK in the confirmation dialog box to approve the store view changes.


Related documentation: Changing Scope in our user guide.

Issue 2: Cannot uncheck “Use system value”

When you access the Catalog Search section of the Admin, the Use system value checkbox is greyed out so you cannot remove selection from the checkbox to later change the search engine.


The default search engine has been configured on the application configuration level in the app/etc/env.php or app/etc/config.php files and thus cannot be changed using the Admin.

Example of the section with default search engine configuration:

array (
array (
array (
array (


Remove the section with default search engine configuration from the app/etc/env.php or the app/etc/config.php configuration files.

Adobe Commerce configuration files in Adobe Commerce Configuration Guide

Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure

Switching search engines using the Admin is not available in Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure due to the way the cloud infrastructure has been organized.

During the deployment process, the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure deployment scripts check if Elasticsearch has been declared in the MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS variable. If declared, Elasticsearch is selected as the active search engine and configured automatically; the MySQL search engine becomes inaccessible in the Admin. If the Elasticsearch relationship has not been declared, MySQL is set to active, and Elasticsearch becomes inaccessible.

It is not recommended to edit the app/etc/env.php or the app/etc/config.php configuration files directly on your cloud environment; that is why changing these files to make the Elasticsearch engine to be displayed in the Admin (the solution we recommend in the previous section) is not applicable for your cloud project.

Change search engine on Staging and Production environments

Before switching search engine from MySQL to Elasticsearch on your Staging and Production environments, make sure you have previously submitted a support ticket requesting to enable Elasticsearch on the environment and the ticket has been resolved successfully.

To change the search engine used on your Staging and Production environments, change the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION environment variable in your .magento.env.yaml file on your local environment, then push changes to the Integration and Staging/Production environments for the changes to take effect.

If you are switching to Elasticsearch 7, the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION variable in the resulting .magento.env.yaml file might look as follows:

     engine: elasticsearch7
     elasticsearch_server_hostname: hostname
     elasticsearch_server_port: '12345'
     elasticsearch_index_prefix: magento
     elasticsearch_server_timeout: '15'

If you are switching to Opensearch (in 2.4.6 and later,) the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION variable in the resulting .magento.env.yaml file might look as follows:

     engine: opensearch
     elasticsearch_server_hostname: hostname
     elasticsearch_server_port: '12345'
     elasticsearch_index_prefix: magento
     elasticsearch_server_timeout: '15'

If you are switching to Live Search, the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION variable in the resulting .magento.env.yaml file might look as follows:

     engine: livesearch

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