Stock status incorrect after Inventory Management install

This article provides a fix for stock status being incorrect after Inventory Management installation/upgrade.

Stock status incorrect on some sites

After first installing or upgrading to have Inventory Management in the multi-website Adobe Commerce environment, not all websites have the correct stock statuses for products.

Affected products and versions

  • Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, all versions, with Inventory Management installed
  • Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.3.0 and later, with Inventory Management installed
  • Magento Open Source 2.3.0 and later, with Inventory Management installed


When you first install/upgrade, all of your products are assigned to the default source, associating all quantities to that source. The Default Source is assigned to the Default Stock, with the Default website associated.


If you have more than one website, you need to add these websites as Sales Channels to the Default Stock or other custom stocks.

See the Stock section of the wiki/user guide in our user guide for details on how to do this.
