Change Admin URL on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure

By default, the Commerce Admin URL is set to <domain_name>/admin. This article shows how to change the URL.

Method 1: Change using the Admin

Read the steps: Using a Custom Admin URL > Change from the Admin in our user guide.

Method 2: Add ADMIN_URL environment variable

Integration environment

From the Cloud Console, add a new variable with:

Name: ADMIN_URL Value: new Admin URL

When Staging and Production are not available in the Cloud Console

Submit a support ticket requesting to add the ADMIN_URL variable for your Staging or Production environment.

If Staging and Production are accessible from the Cloud Console, add the Environment Variable as described in the Integration environment section above.

Add variables using Cloud CLI

You can add the ADMIN_URL variable using the following Cloud CLI command (for main):

magento-cloud variable:update ADMIN_URL --value newAdmin_A8v10 -e master --inheritable false

For more detailed instructions, refer to Change the Admin URL in the Admin variables topic in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Guide.

Be aware that using the Cloud CLI to change the ADMIN_URL variable triggers a redeployment of the environment. Variables are inheritable by default; to prevent inheritance, use the Cloud CLI command options to indicate that you do not want the variable value inherited by child environments. Refer to the Visibility topic in Variable levels in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Guide.
