Admin URL

Use the following environment variable to secure access to your Admin UI. If specified, this value overrides the default URL during installation.

ADMIN_URL—The relative URL to access the Admin UI. The default URL is /admin. For security reasons, Adobe recommends that you change the default to a unique, custom Admin URL that is not easy to guess.

Change the Admin URL

Adobe recommends changing the environment-level variable for the Admin URL after installation. Configure this setting for security reasons before branching from the cloned master environment. All branches created from the master branch inherit the environment-level variables and their values.

Use the magento-cloud variable:update command to update the variable value. (The variable:set command has been deprecated and is not available.) The following example updates the ADMIN_URL to newAdmin_A8v10:

magento-cloud variable:update ADMIN_URL --value newAdmin_A8v10 -e master
The ADMIN_URL value accepts letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore character (_) for a custom admin path. Spaces or other characters are not accepted.

To change the URL using the Cloud Console:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Console.

  2. Select a project from the All projects list.

  3. In the project overview, select the environment and click the configuration icon.

    Project configuration

  4. Select the Variables tab.

  5. Click Create Variable.

  6. Enter the following:

    • Variable name = ADMIN_URL
    • value = New URL. For example, set the Admin URL to magento_A8v10.

    By default, Available during runtime and Make inheritable are selected.

  7. Click Create variable and wait until deployment completes. This button is only visible when the required fields contain values.

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