Filter activity stream

The ability to filter the activity list is useful when you are looking for something specific, such as a backup or a merge event.

To filter the activity list in the Cloud Console:

  1. Select an environment and choose the Activity All view to include the full event history.

  2. Click Filter by and select the Filter by options:

    Filter activities

  3. Choose the Activity Recent view and reset the list.

View stream with Cloud CLI

The magento-cloud CLI provides most of the same abilities as the Cloud Console. The activity command can:

  • list the stream of activities for an environment
  • get details about a specific activity
  • display the log for a specific activity
  • cancel an activity

To view the Activity stream with the Cloud CLI:

  1. List the activities for the current environment.

    magento-cloud activity:list
  2. Each activity has a unique ID. Select an ID from the earlier list and view the details for that activity.

    magento-cloud activity:get wvl5wm7s5vkhy
  3. View the full log for that activity.

    magento-cloud activity:log wvl5wm7s5vkhy

    Sample response:

    Activity ID: wvl5wm7s5vkhy
    Type: environment.backup
    Description: User created a backup of Master
    Created: 2023-09-08T14:03:33+00:00
    State: complete
    Creating backup of master
    Created backup eg5pu63egt2dcojkljalzjdopa
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