
  • Support for PrivateLink is available on Pro Production and Staging environments only. It is not available on local or integration environments, or on Starter projects.
  • You cannot establish SSH connections using PrivateLink. See Enable SSH keys.
  • Adobe Commerce support does not cover troubleshooting AWS PrivateLink issues beyond initial enablement.
  • Customers are responsible for costs associated with managing their own VPC.
  • You cannot use the HTTPS protocol (port 443) to connect to Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure over Azure Private Link due to Fastly origin cloaking. This limitation does not apply to AWS PrivateLink.
  • PrivateDNS is not available.

There are two PrivateLink connection types available—shown in the following network diagram—to establish secure communication between your store and external systems hosted outside of the Cloud environment.

PrivateLink network diagram

Choose one of the PrivateLink connection types best suited for your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure environments:

  • Unidirectional PrivateLink–Choose this configuration to retrieve data securely from an Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure store.

  • Bidirectional PrivateLink–Choose this configuration to establish secure connections to and from systems outside of the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure environment. The bidirectional option requires two connections:

    • A connection between the customer VPC and the Adobe VPC
    • A connection between the Adobe VPC and the customer VPC
Work with your network administrator or Cloud platform provider for help with selecting the PrivateLink connection type, or help with VPC setup and administration. See Cloud platform PrivateLink documentation: AWS PrivateLink or Azure Private Link.
Enabling PrivateLink can take up to five business days. Providing incomplete or inaccurate information can delay the process.


check A Cloud account (AWS or Azure) in the same region as the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure instance.

check A VPC in the customer environment that hosts the services to connect through PrivateLink. See the AWS or Azure documentation for help with VPC setup or contact your network administrator.

check For bidirectional PrivateLink connections, you must create the endpoint service configuration for your application or service, and create an endpoint in your VPC environment before requesting PrivateLink enablement. See Set up for bidirectional PrivateLink connections.

Gather the following data required for PrivateLink enablement:

  • Customer Cloud account number (AWS or Azure)—Must be in the same region as the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure instance

  • Cloud region—Provide the Cloud region where the account is hosted for verification purposes

  • Services and communication ports—Adobe must open ports to enable service communication between VPCs, for example SQL port 3306, SFTP port 2222

  • Project ID—Provide the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure Pro project ID. You can get the Project ID and other project information using the following Cloud CLI command: magento-cloud project:info

  • Connection type—Specify unidirectional or bidirectional for connection type

  • Endpoint service—For bidirectional PrivateLink connections, provide the DNS URL for the VPC endpoint service that Adobe must connect to, for example: com.amazonaws.vpce.<cloud-region>.vpce-svc-<service-id>

  • Endpoint service access granted—To connect to external service, allow the endpoint service access to the following AWS account principal: arn:aws:iam::402592597372:root

    If access to the endpoint service is not provided, then the bidirectional PrivateLink connection to the service in your VPC is not added, which delays the setup.
  • Provide the cluster ID; using SSH, log in to the remote and use the command: cat /etc/platform_cluster

  • For an external service to connect to your Adobe Commerce Pro cluster, you need:

    • A list of ports on your Pro cluster to expose to the new external Private Endpoint
    • A list of Azure subscription IDs for the Private Endpoint connections
  • To connect your Adobe Commerce Pro cluster to an external service, you need:

    • A list of resource IDs for the target services. External Private Link service IDs look similar to the following:

Enablement workflow

The following workflow outlines the enablement process for PrivateLink integration with Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure.

  1. Customer submits a support ticket requesting PrivateLink enablement with the subject line PrivateLink support for <company>. Include the data required for enablement in the ticket. Adobe uses the Support ticket to coordinate communication during the enablement process.

  2. Adobe enables customer account access to the endpoint service in the Adobe VPC.

    • Update the Adobe endpoint service configuration to accept requests initiated from the customer AWS or Azure account.
    • Update the Support ticket to provide the service name for the Adobe VPC endpoint to connect to, for example com.amazonaws.vpce.<cloud-region>.vpce-svc-<service-id>.
  3. Customer adds the Adobe endpoint service to their Cloud account (AWS or Azure), which triggers a connection request to Adobe. See the Cloud platform documentation for instructions:

  4. Adobe approves the connection request.

  5. After connection request approval, the customer verifies the connection between their VPC and the Adobe VPC.

  6. Additional steps to enable bidirectional connections:

    • Adobe supplies the Adobe account principal (root user for AWS or Azure account) and requests access to the customer VPC endpoint service.

    • Customer enables Adobe access to the endpoint service in the customer VPC. This assumes that the Adobe account principal has access to arn:aws:iam::402592597372:root, as previously described in the Endpoint service access granted prerequisite.

    • Adobe adds the customer endpoint service to Adobe platform account (AWS or Azure), which triggers a connection request to customer VPC.

    • Customer approves the connection request from Adobe to complete the setup.

    • Customer verifies the connection from the Adobe VPC.

Test VPC endpoint service connection

You can use the Telnet application to test the connection to the VPC endpoint service.

To test the connection to the VPC endpoint service:

  1. From the project root directory, check out the Staging or Production environment configured to access the PrivateLink endpoint service.

    magento-cloud environment:checkout <environment-id>
  2. Run the following CURL command:

    curl -v telnet://<endpoint-service-dns-url>:<port>/


    $ curl -v telnet:// -vvv

    Sample successful response:

    * Rebuilt URL to: telnet://
    * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)

    Sample failed response:

    Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out
    * Closing connection 0
  3. Verify that the service is listening on VM.

    netstat -na | grep <port>
  4. Check the packages flow.

    tcpdump -i <ethernet-interface> -tt -nn port <destination-port> and host <source-host>

    Check the following internal settings to ensure that the configuration is valid:

    • Endpoint and endpoint services settings
    • Network Load Balancer (NLB) settings
    • The target groups in NLB and verify they are healthy
    • The netcat/curl endpoint URL from each VM (listed above)

    See the following articles for help with troubleshooting connection issues:

    If you cannot resolve the errors, update the Adobe Commerce Support ticket to request help establishing the connection.

Submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to change an existing PrivateLink configuration. For example, you can request changes like the following:

  • Remove the PrivateLink connection from the Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure Pro Production or Staging environment.
  • Change the customer Cloud platform account number for accessing the Adobe endpoint service.
  • Add or remove PrivateLink connections from the Adobe VPC to other endpoint services available in the customer VPC environment.

The customer VPC must have the following resources available to support bidirectional PrivateLink connections:

  • A Network Load Balancer (NLB)
  • An endpoint service configuration that enables access to an application or service from the customer VPC
  • An interface endpoint (AWS) or private endpoint (Azure) that allows Adobe to connect to endpoint services hosted in your VPC

If these resources are not available in the customer VPC, you must sign into your Cloud platform account to add the configuration.

  • Amazon VPC console–
  • Azure portal–

See your Cloud platform documentation for PrivateLink set up instructions:

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