
Before beginning an upgrade or a patching process, create an active branch from the Integration environment and check out the new branch to your local workstation. Dedicating a branch to the upgrade or the patch process helps to avoid interference with your work in progress.

The Quality Patches Tool is a dependency for the Cloud Patches for Commerce and the ece-tools package. To apply the latest patches, you must have the latest version of ECE-Tools installed. The minimum required version of ECE-Tools is 2002.1.2.

View available patches and status

To view the list of available individual patches:

php ./vendor/bin/ece-patches status

Sample response:

More detailed information about patches you can find on
║ Id             │ Title                                           │ Type     │ Status      │ Details                         ║
║ MAGECLOUD-5069 │ FPC is getting disabled during deployments      │ Required │ Applied     │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-page-cache    ║
║ MCLOUD-5650    │ Hold deployment config after reading from file  │ Required │ Applied     │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/framework            ║
║ MCLOUD-5684    │ Pagination Not working - product_list_limit=all │ Required │ Applied     │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-elasticsearch ║
║ MC-65837       │ Fix load balancer issue                         │Deprecated│ Applied     │ Recommended replacement: MC-1   ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/framework            ║
║ BUNDLE-2554    │ Set Payment info bug                            │ Required │ Not applied │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - amzn/amazon-pay-module       ║
║ MC-1           │ Fixes issue 1                                   │ Optional │ Applied     │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-cms           ║
║ MC-2           │ Fixes issue 2                                   │ Optional │ Not applied │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-cms           ║
║ MC-3           │ Fixes issue 3                                   │ Optional │ Not applied │ Required patches:               ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - MC-2                         ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-cms           ║
║ N/A            │ ../m2-hotfixes/MDVA_custom__2.3.5_ce.patch      │ Custom   │ N/A         │ Affected components:            ║
║                │                                                 │          │             │  - magento/module-framework     ║
Magento 2 Enterprise Edition, version

The status table contains the following types of information:

  • Type:

    • Optional—All patches from the Quality Patches Tool and the Cloud Patches package are optional for Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source installations. For Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, all patches are optional.
    • Required—All patches from the Cloud Patches for Commerce package are required for Cloud customers.
    • Deprecated—The individual patch is marked as deprecated and we recommend reverting it if you have applied it. After you revert a deprecated patch, it will no longer be displayed in the status table.
    • Custom—All patches from the ‘m2-hotfixes’ directory.
  • Status:

    • Applied—The patch has been applied.
    • Not applied—The patch has not been applied.
    • N/A—The status of the patch cannot be defined due to conflicts.
  • Details:

    • Affected components—The list of affected modules.
    • Required patches—The list of required patches (dependencies).
    • Recommended replacement—The patch that is a recommended replacement for a deprecated patch.

Apply a patch in a local environment

You can apply patches manually in a local environment and test them before you deploy.

To apply individual patches in a local development environment:

  1. Add the ‘QUALITY_PATCHES’ variable to the .magento.env.yaml file and list the required patches underneath.

          - MCTEST-1002
          - MCTEST-1003
  2. From the project root, apply the patches.

    php ./vendor/bin/ece-patches apply

    The ece-patches apply command applies patches in the following order:

    • Required patches
    • Optional individual patches
    • Custom patches from the /m2-hotfixes directory
  3. Clear the cache.

    php ./bin/magento cache:clean
  4. Test the patches, make any necessary changes to custom patches.

Apply a patch in a remote environment

We strongly recommend testing all patches in an integration or Staging environments before deploying to the Production environment.

To apply patches in a remote environment:

  1. Add the QUALITY_PATCHES variable to the .magento.env.yaml file and list the required patches underneath.

          - MCTEST-1002
          - MCTEST-1003
    After upgrading to a new version of Adobe Commerce, you must re-apply patches if the patches are not included in the new version.
  2. Add, commit, and push the updated .magento.env.yaml file.

    git add .magento.env.yaml
    git commit -m "Apply patch"
    git push origin <branch-name>

Apply a custom patch

When you deploy, ECE-Tools applies all Adobe patches and any custom patches that you add to the /m2-hotfixes directory in the project root.

All patch file names must end with the .patch extension.

To apply and test a custom patch on a Cloud environment:

  1. In the project root, create a directory called m2-hotfixes if it does not exist

    mkdir m2-hotfixes
  2. Copy the patch file to the /m2-hotfixes directory.

  3. Add, commit, and push code changes.

    git add m2-hotfixes/
    git commit -m "Apply patch"
    git push origin <branch-name>
    Make sure to test all patches in a pre-production environment. For Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, you can create branches with the magento-cloud environment:branch <branch-name> CLI command.

Revert a custom patch

To revert or uninstall a previously applied custom patch:

  1. Delete the patch file from the /m2-hotfixes directory.

  2. Add, commit, and push code changes.

    git add m2-hotfixes/
    git commit -m "Revert patch"
    git push origin <branch-name>
    Make sure to test in a pre-production environment. For Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, you can create branches with the magento-cloud environment:branch <branch-name> CLI command.

Apply patches to a non-Cloud project

Use the Quality Patches Tool for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce projects.

Revert a patch in a local environment

You can revert all previously applied patches in a local development environment using the ece-patches CLI.

To revert all applied patches:

php ./vendor/bin/ece-patches revert

This command reverts all patches in the following order:

  • Reverts all applied custom patches from the /m2-hotfixes directory.
  • Reverts all applied optional individual patches.
  • Reverts all applied required patches.


The Quality Patches Tool logs all operations to the <Project_root>/var/log/patch.log file.

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