Configure local installation

To configure your local installation to use multiple stores, see Multiple websites or stores in the Configuration Guide.

After successfully creating and testing the local installation to use multiple stores, you must prepare your integration environment:

  1. Configure routes or locations—specify how incoming URLs are handled by Adobe Commerce

  2. Set up websites, stores, and store views—configure using the Adobe Commerce Admin UI

  3. Modify variables—specify the values of the MAGE_RUN_TYPE and MAGE_RUN_CODE variables in the magento-vars.php file

  4. Deploy and test environments—deploy and test the integration branch

You can use a local environment to set up multiple websites or stores. See the Cloud Docker instructions to Set up multiple websites or stores.

Configuration updates to Pro environments

Some Pro projects require a support ticket to update the route configuration in the routes.yaml file and the cron configuration in the file. Adobe recommends updating and testing YAML configuration files in an Integration environment, then deploying changes to the Staging environment. If your changes are not applied to Staging sites after you redeploy and there are no related error messages in the log, then you MUST Submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket that describes the attempted configuration changes. Include any updated YAML configuration files in the ticket.

Configure routes for separate domains

Routes define how to process incoming URLs. Multiple stores with unique domains require you to define each domain in the routes.yaml file. The way you configure routes depends on how you want your site to operate.

To configure routes in an integration environment:

  1. On your local workstation, open the .magento/routes.yaml file in a text editor.

  2. Define the domain and subdomains. The mymagento upstream value is the same value as the name property in the file.

        type: upstream
        upstream: "mymagento:http"
        type: upstream
        upstream: "mymagento:http"
  3. Save your changes to the routes.yaml file.

  4. Continue to Set up websites, stores, and store views.

Configure locations for shared domains

Where the routes configuration defines how the URLs are processed, the web property in the file defines how your application is exposed to the web. Web locations allow more granularity for incoming requests. For example, if your domain is, you can use /first (default site) and /second for requests to two different stores that share a domain.

To configure a new web location:

  1. Create an alias for the root (/). In this example, the alias is &app on line 3.

            "/": &app
                # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
                root: "pub"
                passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
  2. Create a pass-through for the website (/website) and reference the root using the alias from the previous step.

    The alias allows website to access values from the root location. In this example, the website passthru is on line 21.

            "/": &app
                # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
                root: "pub"
                passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
                root: "pub/media"
                root: "pub/static"
                allow: true
                scripts: false
                passthru: "/front-static.php"
                        passthru: "/static/$resource"
            "/<website>": *app

To configure a location with a different directory:

  1. Create an alias for the root (/) and for the static (/static) locations.

            "/": &root
                # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
                root: "pub"
                passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
            "/static": &static
                root: "pub/static"
  2. Create a subdirectory for the website under the pub directory: pub/<website>

  3. Copy the pub/index.php file into the pub/<website> directory and update the bootstrap path (/../../app/bootstrap.php).

    try {
        require __DIR__ . '/../../app/bootstrap.php';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
  4. Create a pass-through for the index.php file.

            "/": &root
                # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
                root: "pub"
                passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
                root: "pub/media"
            "/static": &static
                root: "pub/static"
                allow: true
                scripts: false
                passthru: "/front-static.php"
                        passthru: "/static/$resource"
                <<: *root
                passthru: "<website>/index.php"
            "/<website>/static": *static
  5. Commit and push the changed files.

    • pub/<website>/index.php (If this file is in .gitignore, the push may require the force option.)

Set up websites, stores, and store views

In the Admin UI, set up your Adobe Commerce Websites, Stores, and Store Views. See Set up multiple websites, stores, and store views in the Admin in the Configuration Guide.

It is important to use the same name and Code of your websites, stores, and store views from your Admin when you set up your local installation. You need these values when you update the magento-vars.php file.

Modify variables

Instead of configuring an NGINX virtual host, pass the MAGE_RUN_CODE and MAGE_RUN_TYPE variables using the magento-vars.php file in your project root directory.

To pass variables using the magento-vars.php file:

  1. Open the magento-vars.php file in a text editor.

    The default magento-vars.php file should look like the following:

    // enable, adjust and copy this code for each store you run
    // Store #0, default one
    //if (isHttpHost("")) {
    //    $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] = "default";
    //    $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"] = "store";
    function isHttpHost($host)
        if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
            return false;
        return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === $host;
  2. Move the commented if block so that it is after the function block and no longer commented.

    // enable, adjust and copy this code for each store you run
    // Store #0, default one
    function isHttpHost($host)
        if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
            return false;
        return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ===  $host;
    if (isHttpHost("")) {
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] = "default";
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"] = "store";
  3. Replace the following values in the if (isHttpHost("")) block:

    •—with the base URL of your website

    • default—with the unique CODE for your website or store view

    • store—with one of the following values:

      • website—load the website in the storefront
      • store—load a store view in the storefront

    For multiple sites using unique domains:

    function isHttpHost($host)
        if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        return false;
        return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ===  $host;
    if (isHttpHost("")) {
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] = "<second-site>";
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"] = "website";
    }elseif (isHttpHost("")){
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] = "base";
        $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"] = "website";

    For multiple sites with the same domain, you have to check the host and the URI:

    function isHttpHost($host)
        if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        return false;
        return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ===  $host;
    if (isHttpHost("")) {
       $code = "base";
       $type = "website";
       $uri = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
       if (isset($uri[1]) && $uri[1] == 'second') {
         $code = '<second-site>';
         $type = 'website';
       $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_CODE"] = $code;
       $_SERVER["MAGE_RUN_TYPE"] = $type;
  4. Save your changes to the magento-vars.php file.

Deploy and test on the integration server

Push your changes to your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure integration environment and test your site.

  1. Add, commit, and push code changes to the remote branch.

    git add -A && git commit -m "Implement multiple sites" && git push origin <branch-name>
  2. Wait for deployment to complete.

  3. After deployment, open your Store URL in a web browser.

    With a unique domain, use the format: http://<magento-run-code>.<site-URL>

    For example,

    With a shared domain, use the format: http://<site-URL>/<magento-run-code>

    For example,

  4. Test your site thoroughly and merge the code to the integration branch for further deployment.

Deploy to Staging and Production

Follow the deployment process for deploying to Staging and Production. For Starter and Pro environments, you use the Cloud Console to push code across environments.

Adobe recommends fully testing in the Staging environment before pushing to the Production environment. Make code changes in the integration environment and begin the process to deploy across environments again.

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