Error: XXX search engine doesn’t exist. Falling back to livesearch.

To solve the error when it occurs, modify the .magento.env.yaml file to change the value on the engine: line in the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION: part of the file.

Description description


  • Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, all versions
  • Live Search is installed and in use


A similar error message is shown in the logs (and observable in New Relic):

Error: XXX search engine doesn’t exist. Falling back to livesearch.

*Note: XXX *can be any search engine.

Resolution resolution

To resolve this search engine doesn’t exist error, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the .magento.env.yaml file.

  2. Locate the following lines:

    code language-none
              engine: XXX

    Note: XXX can be any search engine.

  3. If you don’t have these lines, add them to the .magento.env.yaml file.

  4. If these lines exist, modify the engine: from XXX to livesearch.

  5. Commit the change, and then redeploy.

Set up for success with Live Search in our Live Search Guide
