Step 2 - Check disk space

Check disk space usage?

Once you have reduced the number of files, run df -h | grep mysql and then df -h | grep tmp in the CLI/Terminal to check disk space usage in /tmp and /data/mysql. Is greater than 70% used for /tmp or /data/mysql?

a. YES – Proceed to Step 3.
b. NO – Queries may be exhausting the available storage. This may crash the node, killing the query and removing the tmp files. Examine the output of the SHOW PROCESSLIST; in the MySQL CLI for queries that may be the cause of the problem. Submit a support ticket, requesting more space.

Step 3 - Identify directory with high usage

Which directory has greater than 70% used?

Which directory has greater than 70% used? /tmp or /data/mysql?

By default database tmpdir writes to /tmp. To check your database configuration is still on this default, run the following command in MySQL CLI: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "TMPDIR"; If the database tmpdir is still writing to /tmp, you will see /tmp in the Value column.

a. /tmp – Proceed to Step 4.
b. /data/mysql – Proceed to Step 5.

Step 4 - Troubleshoot /tmp mount full

Troubleshoot /tmp mount full

Troubleshoot /tmp mount full for Adobe Commerce, scroll down the article and try the solutions and best practices. Then run df -h | grep mysql and then df -h | grep tmp in the CLI/Terminal to check disk space usage in /tmp and /data/mysql directories
  < 70% used?

The solutions in Troubleshoot /tmp mount full for Adobe Commerce are designed for merchants who have not changed the variables for database tmpdir, which by default writes to /tmp. If you have changed the tmpdir value, the instructions in Troubleshoot /tmp mount full for Adobe Commerce will not help.

a. YES – You have solved the issue.
b. NO – Submit a support ticket, requesting more space.

Step 5 - Check default

Check default

Your database configuration may no longer be at the original default. Find the database tmpdir config by running in the MySQL CLI: SELECT @@DATADIR;. If /data/mysql/ is outputted, the database tmpdir is now writing to /data/mysql/. Try to increase space in this directory by following the steps in MySQL disk space is low on Adobe Commerce on our cloud infrastructure. Then run df -h | grep mysql and then df -h | grep tmp in the CLI/Terminal to check disk space usage in /data/mysql and /tmp.
  < 70% used?

a. YES – You have solved the issue.
b. NO – Submit a support ticket, requesting more space.

Back to Step 1

Previous pageMySQL disk space is low on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
Next pageMySQL tables are too large


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