Partner Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure sandbox requests
Last update: June 7, 2024
- Topics:
- Cloud
This FAQ article contains links to useful resources for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure sandbox Requests.
How do I refresh my Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure sandbox?
See Reset environment on Cloud in our support knowledge base.
What do I do with a stuck deployment?
See Deployment troubleshooter in our support knowledge base.
Where/How do I get help when needed?
Refer to the Adobe Commerce Support Knowledge Base.
Where/How do solution partners or tech partners submit a support request?
- Solution partners can submit a ticket for sandbox-related issues by sending an email to and it will be forwarded to the partner technical support team.
- Tech partners can contact Marketplace Support.
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- Patches available in QPT tool
- Patches available in QPT tool overview
- v1.1.0
- v1.1.1
- v1.1.2
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.2
- MDVA-37115: “Only 0 left” notice is shown on product page
- MDVA-37364: Custom customer attribute of date type breaks Grid UI
- MDVA-38447: “Not visible individually” configurable child products are returned in GraphQL response and slow MySQL query
- MDVA-38852: Catalog inventory locks tables which decreases performance
- MDVA-38929: Invoice with FPT shows wrong total
- MDVA-39043: Admin users get error adding widget to CMS page
- MDVA-39195: Add to Cart is inactive on Category Page
- MDVA-39384: Unable to save custom customer attribute for company user
- MDVA-39521: Unable to set shipping address on carts via GraphQL
- MDVA-39923: Search by SKU in B2B quick order functionality is case-sensitive
- MDVA-39935: GraphQL returns configurable child products disabled at the website level
- MDVA-39966: Unable to deploy locales other than en_US
- MDVA-39986: Unable to place orders in admin in Safari browser on macOS
- MDVA-40134: GraphQL not returning related products when shared catalog is enabled
- v1.1.3
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.3
- MDVA-31590: Unable to update attributes in bulk using MySQL async queues
- MDVA-33606: Users get error when saving CMS page assigned to hierarchy
- MDVA-36309: Products search by attributes is slow in admin grids
- MDVA-37234: Adding item to cart multiple times creates duplicate line item
- MDVA-40262: GraphQL queries don’t show in popular search terms in admin
- MDVA-40601: Unable to retrieve data about category changed by scheduled update via GraphQL
- v1.1.4
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.4
- MC-42528: GraphQL query of categoryList shows all categories
- MDVA-25631: Unable to save and refresh customer segments
- MDVA-26005: Unable to select category in tree for Cart Price rule conditions
- MDVA-29400: Duplicated orders placed with PayPal Express Checkout
- MDVA-37725: Emails sent via non-default sites contain default site’s logo URLs
- MDVA-39482: Product goes out of stock if imported with ‘0’ quantity with backorders enabled
- MDVA-40101: Items remain mini-cart after order placement PayPal Express Checkout
- MDVA-40399: Partial invoices for same order can’t be created simultaneously via API
- MDVA-40401: Coupon usage value changes after failed order
- MDVA-40435: Discount on bundle product is not applied correctly via GraphQL
- MDVA-40537: Creating store view gives error when several CMS pages have same URL Key.
- v1.1.5
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.5
- MDVA-31763: Catalog price rules are reverted until manual reindex
- MDVA-37748: GraphQL query returns products not assigned to shared catalog
- MDVA-39229: Error after updating Catalog rule Staging update start time
- MDVA-40545: Only the first node for a page is retrieved
- MDVA-40619: Hierarchy changes break CMS page inline edit and throw 500 error
- MDVA-41046: Simple products with custom options not available for assigning
- MDVA-41061: Stock status resets to saleable when product saved from Admin
- MDVA-41164: Cannot save or edit Company with custom customer attributes
- MDVA-41236: Unable to create new or edit existing scheduled updates for product
- v1.1.6
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.6
- MDVA-27456: Users get an error when loading Swagger
- MDVA-30862: Incorrect order date on printed PDF invoice
- MDVA-32776: Stock status not updated with order placement
- MDVA-39031: Adding unassigned products to cart possible via GraphQL
- MDVA-40120: GraphQL product DESC/ASC sort doesn’t work
- MDVA-40550: Products missing on the frontend after reindexing
- MDVA-40609: Disabled products data absent in cataloginventory_stock_status table
- MDVA-41399: Unable to access the Manage Shopping Cart if a customer adds product to wishlist
- MDVA-41597: Error adding more than one configurable product to cart
- v1.1.7
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.7
- MDVA-27239: Cross-sell products are not displayed
- MDVA-39711: Unable to access customers grid after deleting website
- MDVA-40311: “Invalid security or form key” error after login into Admin if custom admin path is configured
- MDVA-41631: Error retrieving order information without optional “telephone” value
- v1.1.8
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.8
- MDVA-38393: Catalog rules stop working for configurable product if its simple product is re-named
- MDVA-39153: Discount amount is calculated incorrectly during reorder in the Admin
- MDVA-41139: Configurable product becomes out of stock after product import
- MDVA-41215: Users get 500 error after setting “mage-messages” cookie
- MDVA-42326: Customers get error on checkout after session timeout
- MDVA-42341: “categoryList” GraphQL query does not filter results
- v1.1.9
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.9
- MDVA-37984: Visual Merchandiser not working correctly when staging updates are applied
- MDVA-38346: Date filters not working when Adobe Commerce timezone is different from local
- MDVA-38526: Admin user is not able to access SWAT tool
- MDVA-38626: Admin user is unable to place orders using PayPal Payflow Pro
- MDVA-38666: Admin user is unable to change configurable product options
- MDVA-39163: Shipping methods not available to newly registered users with products from guest session
- MDVA-40488: Configurable products with out-of-stock child products not shown in correct price range
- MDVA-42507: Full-page cache is cleaned after applying staging update for cart rule
- MDVA-42657: Unable to select categories in the customer segment conditions
- MDVA-42806: New company registration email is sent each time existing company is updated
- v1-1-10
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.10
- MDVA-38728: Changing product visibility creates URL rewrite for the main website
- MDVA-39181: Related product rules show products from category undefined in rule
- MDVA-40175: Radio buttons not displayed when reorder
- MDVA-40816: Inventory data not shown on product grid
- MDVA-41305: Error on GraphQL Query addProductsToWishlist for Configurable Products
- MDVA-42584: Stock status of configurable product not updated automatically
- MDVA-42768: GraphQL shows wrong price when child products are out of stock
- MDVA-43091: Unable to order bundled product from Admin
- MDVA-43201: Error when using DOB field with locale PT
- v1.1.11
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.11
- MDVA-40830: Store credit applied multiple times during order
- MDVA-41350: Exception when admin adds products outside their access
- MDVA-42237: Configurable product special price not updated
- MDVA-42269: Admin user cannot log into Admin due to the “TypeError” error
- MDVA-42520: Tax rate applied twice when “Enable Cross Border Trade” is used
- MDVA-42790: Product price attributes cannot be updated for specific website via REST API
- v1-1-12
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.12
- MDVA-39546: Staging Update start date can be set to a date earlier than current date
- MDVA-39713: User is able to edit start time of active scheduled update
- MDVA-39993: Inventory changes done through API are not reflected on storefront
- MDVA-41136: Expiration date of mage-cache-sessid is not extended
- MDVA-41229: Images available on backend not displayed on frontend after configurable products import
- MDVA-41628: Restricted admin users get access to new resources
- MDVA-42410: Coupon reports only display default base currency
- MDVA-42645: Admin can’t refund reward points for disabled store credit
- MDVA-42689: Users get Integrity Constraint Violation error while updating product categories during import
- MDVA-42855: New customer address is not saved to address book during checkout
- MDVA-42950: Videos don’t play on the product page
- MDVA-43232: Sorting products in visual merchandiser by Special Price to Top (or Bottom) causes an error
- MDVA-43348: Gift Card GraphQL request shows error
- MDVA-43414: PHP fatal error when running “inventory.reservations.updateSalabilityStatus”
- MDVA-43726: Catalog price rule fails to apply after partial reindex
- MDVA-43731: Search Synonyms don’t work when value is added in ‘Minimum Terms to Match’
- v1.1.13
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.13
- MDVA-39605 Redis cache TTL expiration date has wrong value
- MDVA-42046: Incorrect value assigned for product attribute
- MDVA-42283: Date-time format for French locale is invalid
- MDVA-42969: Related product rule only works when customer segment is set to all
- MDVA-43451: Error when setting Pricing and Structure for shared catalog
- MDVA-43491: Base image label not updating when imported via CSV
- MDVA-43601: Triggers are removed from “catalogrule_product_price” table after full reindex
- MDVA-43824: Order cancellation action failed with error “You have not cancelled the item”
- MDVA-43862: Customer can’t update cart items because of a GraphQL UpdateCartItems mutation error
- MDVA-43935: Upsell product shown twice on product page
- MDVA-44188: Emails are not sent to IDs containing “.-”
- v1.1.14
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.14
- MDVA-43102: Salable quantity not updated correctly
- MDVA-43178: Customer token for custom store cannot be retrieved in GraphQL
- MDVA-43605: Order data returns negative values for row totals when using Rest API
- MDVA-43859: Error “No such entity with customerId =” logged when deleted customer logs in
- MDVA-43983: Products set as “Not Visible Individually” appear in search results
- MDVA-44100: All FPTs are assigned to the last product in shopping cart
- MDVA-44147: GraphQL request doesn’t return Requisition Lists
- MDVA-44505: GraphQL query for cart applying reward points does not update grand total
- v1.1.15
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.15
- MDVA-38559: /V1/customers/search API returns error
- MDVA-40896: ‘Error: TypeError: Argument 3’ error in async product
- MDVA-40961: Additional item can’t be added to cart when minimum qty of item is already in cart
- MDVA-43718: ‘consumer isn’t authorized to access resources’ error appears when accessing shared catalog
- MDVA-44533: Discount incorrectly applied to bundled child product
- MDVA-44660: Grave accent character cannot be used for customer’s name
- MDVA-44887: ‘Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token const’ error in Admin panel
- v1.1.16
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.16
- MDVA-42509: CSV could not be uploaded for quick order resulting in ‘Unable to send the cookie’ error
- MDVA-43167: Admin order grid mass action doesn’t apply for multi-page
- MDVA-44044: Product not displayed on category page after it is assigned to new website
- MDVA-44562: Store id for quote items overridden by default store id
- MDVA-44703: Order totals in Orders report are miscalculated
- MDVA-44940: SQL error while saving category from admin
- v1.1.17
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.17
- ACSD-42807: Custom currency sign not displayed on storefront
- ACSD-43887: Incorrect details displayed on checkout payment page
- ACSD-44591: Errors when order without CAPTCHA confirmation
- ACSD-45143: setShippingAddressesOnCart mutation not setting numeric region code as ‘region’
- ACSD-45169: Visual Merchandiser displays incorrect stock and price for configurable product
- ACSD-45241: Virtual product’s stock quantity miscalculated
- ACSD-45424: Incorrect reservation compensation created after partial refund
- ACSD-45520: Swatch options not selected on product detail page
- v1.1.18
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.18
- ACSD-44938: VAT_ID cannot be applied in GraphQL request for guest user
- ACSD-45255: Exception on Low Stock report page for restricted admin user
- ACSD-45257: GraphQL doesn’t display cart discount correctly
- ACSD-45488: Configurable product with multiple sources not returned to in stock automatically
- ACSD-45754: Reward points not added after applying coupon to cart
- ACSD-45817: GraphQL products mutation gives all configurable variants
- ACSD-45849: Video metadata is lost after staging update
- ACSD-46146: Two order confirmation emails sent after placing order from admin
- v1.1.19
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.19
- ACSD-45781: Store front search field not displayed on mobile
- ACSD-46213: Category tree request limited to 20 categories
- ACSD-46404: Admin user cannot log in after upgrading to 2.4.4
- ACSD-46192: Issue with async/bulk/V1/configurable-products/bySku/options endpoint
- v1.1.20
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.20
- ACSD-44851: Category with subcategories not able to open or expand
- ACSD-45675: Product export uses category names from default store view scope
- ACSD-46520: Incorrect order status when refunded using store credits
- ACSD-46703: Product customization drag and drop does not work
- ACSD-46869: Configurable products not updating using REST API at checkout
- ACSD-46815: Static content deploy fails using compact strategy
- v1.1.21
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.21
- ACSD-45071: Default source added to product during import
- ACSD-46541: Admin user cannot create a credit memo if an order item is deleted
- ACSD-46581: Estimated tax total is not updated after selecting a country in the shopping cart
- ACSD-46618: Product list widget shows incorrect cached prices for logged-in customer
- ACSD-46674: Custom options of image type displayed as HTML in customer emails
- ACSD-46809: The user gets an error when assigning a large number of product sources
- ACSD-46856: Improves performance when updating tier prices
- ACSD-46988: GraphQL currency API request returns null values
- ACSD-47076: Vimeo videos cannot be played on the storefront
- v1.1.22
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.22
- ACSD-47106: New custom attribute on company creation page not saved
- ACSD-47444: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool error when accessing certain non-existing category paths for known products on PHP 7.4
- ACSD-47332: Cron fails with error reported only when running between 00:00 to 00:59 UTC
- v1.1.23
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.23
- ACSD-46519: product_count in categoryList GraphQL query returns 0 for anchor categories
- ACSD-47027: Slow query in B2B CompanyRole GraphQL update
- ACSD-47666: Search in User Roles does not work
- ACSD-47232: Coupon is not applied when Same as Billing Address is checked
- ACSD-47179: Mass deletion of product reviews does not work when logged in as limited user role
- ACSD-47107: Catalog price rule is applied to custom options
- ACSD-47497: Missing ACL for Store / Configuration / Services OAuth
- v1.1.24
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.24
- ACSD-46865: Shipment and credit memo not populated when asynchronous indexing is enabled
- ACSD-47559: Email template preview not fully visible
- ACSD-45168: SEO-friendly URLs not generated for products that have url_key attributes overridden
- ACSD-47137: Improves image gallery loading speed when pub/media folder big
- ACSD-47079: Composite products’ stock status not updated when sub-product stock status changes
- ACSD-47955: GraphQL does not display cart discount correctly
- ACSD-47920: Guest user can place orders via REST API even when Allow Guest Checkout is off
- ACSD-47004: VAT not applied to billing address without VAT ID
- ACSD-46770: Order confirmation email is sent even when Email order confirmation is unchecked
- ACSD-47336: Something went wrong error notifications dismissed Adobe Commerce Admin
- ACSD-47803: Out-of-stock configurable product swatches displayed as available
- ACSD-46617: Continue to Checkout button greyed out when subtotal greater than Minimum Order Amount
- v1.1.25
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.25
- ACSD-48627: Out-of-stock configurable product causes an error
- ACSD-48234: Catalog search result shows incorrect category item count when Display Out of Stock Products enabled
- ACSD-47520: Customers lose reward points when a credit memo is created
- ACSD-48044: Applying multiple gift cards prevents orders from being placed
- ACSD-48300: Return cannot be created if configurable product is removed
- ACSD-48313: configurable_variations column not parsed if attribute value contains comma
- ACSD-47910: Missing orders, invoices, shipments, and credit memos in respective entity grids
- ACSD-47292: Out-of-stock bundled products are not available in GraphQL response
- ACSD-48262: Products not visible on storefront when Allow All Products Per Page is set Yes
- ACSD-48058: Product price reindex not working if bundled product not assigned website
- ACSD-48293: Composite products out of stock when sold out child products restocked
- v1.1.26
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.26
- ACSD-48773: Reward points email template taken from wrong store
- ACSD-47937: Price drop notifications not sent due to application-level caching
- ACSD-48661: Company credit limit comma separator validation issue
- ACSD-48587: Product widget not working with SKUs containing HTML characters
- ACSD-48212: Product import assigns product to wrong source
- ACSD-47988: Product export trims HTML tags from page builder product description
- ACSD-48366: Product image not displayed on Back to Stock email template
- ACSD-48417: SQL error after creating a schedule change
- V1.1.27
- ACSD-48404: Remember category pagination = yes causes an error
- Overview
- ACSD-48634: JS errors when Google Analytics Content Experiments enabled
- ACSD-49042: Product with infinite backorder can’t be ordered from storefront
- ACSD-47908: A value less than or equal to 0 is expected error during checkout
- ACSD-48059: Merchants cannot save Match product by rule for Categories attribute
- ACSD-48362: The default shipping address is used instead of a new one
- ACSD-48164: Restricted admin cannot save website-level value
- ACSD-49013: Email confirmation not translated to website locale
- ACSD-48216: AUTO_INCREMENT of inventory_source_item table increases on UPDATE operation
- ACSD-49497: Order still processing after shipment and partial refund
- ACSD-48694: Invalid state change requested error prevents customer from placing order
- v1.1.28
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.28
- ACSD-49179: orders report shows incorrect amounts for different stores
- ACSD-49065: Quote items are not visible in admin if assigned to custom stock
- ACSD-48866: Error when requesting RSS feed for categories
- ACSD-49433: Default amount shown as subtotal in cart for gift card
- ACSD-48807: Product reviews not filtered by storeview
- ACSD-49574: Can’t update gift card product in shopping cart via GraphQL
- ACSD-48784: Customer segment prices cached incorrectly
- ACSD-48857: Unable to save changes with Page Builder
- ACSD-49286: Product added twice to cart when multiple product widgets are present
- ACSD-48204: Catalog price rule created based on Yes or No attribute doesn’t consider selected scope
- ACSD-49370: Product attribute has “FilterMatchTypeInput” type in GraphQL schema
- ACSD-47704: Bundled product shows in stock products price only
- v1.1.29
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.29
- ACSD-49389: Ready for pickup email sent by API when not ready for pickup
- ACSD-49706: Default value saved for visual swatch attribute when no value is selected
- ACSD-49960: Filtering by date doesn’t work for the customer order grid
- ACSD-49822: Updates on requisition list not reflected on print requisition list
- ACSD-49835: Use Default Value checkbox is not saved
- ACSD-49970: Incorrect handling of GraphQL errors
- ACSD-49502: Downloadable link not updated correctly after staging update
- ACSD-49748: Email invitations cannot be sent
- ACSD-49849: Customer email was replaced with paypal email
- ACSD-49773: Product export fails when AWS S3 is used as remote storage
- ACSD-49839: Shared catalog pricing and structure throws an error
- ACSD-50260: GraphQL product search results are limited
- ACSD-49898: Products grid throws an exception
- ACSD-50234: Incorrect customer name in confirmation email for orders placed using PayPal
- ACSD-48813: Search not showing relevant results based on search weight of attributes
- ACSD-49464: Invoices, shipments, and credit memos not moved back from archive
- ACSD-48771: WYSIWYG editor renders content differently
- ACSD-49527: GraphQL company roles don’t display pagination correctly
- v1.1.30
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.30
- ACSD-50367: Customer address export does not work
- BB2B-2598: Adds caching capability to storeConfig, currency, country, countries, availableStores GraphQl queries
- B2B-2674: Adds caching capability to customAttributeMetadata GraphQL query
- ACSD-49973: Improved performance fetching bundled products via GraphQL
- ACSD-50116: An admin user cannot create a URL rewrite
- ACSD-50276: Customer registration form doesn’t work on storefront if multi-select customer attribute is created
- ACSD-50527: Error upon saving a page with empty dynamic block
- ACSD-49513: Remote storage synchronization fails
- ACSD-50336: Product alert emails not sent
- ACSD-46683: Shipping price shows not yet calculated
- ACSD-49129: Content attribute not returned in product media API responses
- ACSD-49737: Coupon is incorrectly marked as used after a failed card payment
- ACSD-50814: Admin user is not able to create credit memo
- ACSD-49877: Video autoplay does not work on mobile Safari
- ACSD-51114: Random product disappearing from large catalogs while asynchronous indexing
- v1.1.31
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.31
- ACSD-50858: Improved performance for loading banners’ content
- ACSD-49392: Order status changes to closed after partial refund
- ACSD-50817: Optimizes cron job sales clean quotes to run faster
- ACSD-50345: reCAPTCHA issues during checkout
- ACSD-51036: Race conditions during concurrent REST API calls result in an overwrite of shipping status
- v1.1.32
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.32
- ACSD-49628: Page Builder CORS errors prevent product save
- ACSD-50621: Tier prices for different websites in shared catalog are not visible
- ACSD-51528: Different behaviors on snake_case formatting
- ACSD-49480: Discard Subsequent Rules not working
- ACSD-50794: Cannot remove a gift_wrapping from customer order via graphql
- ACSD-51041: Price index takes very long to complete
- ACSD-51230: Gift card account is deleted
- ACSD-51379: Changes to page’s text content via Page Builder aren’t saved
- ACSD-51305: Out-of-stock composite child products unavailable in GraphQL response
- ACSD-51294: Price, quantity, tax, shipping, revenue sent as string to Google Analytics and GTM
- ACSD-51291: Restricted admin can add images/videos to product assigned to multiple websites
- ACSD-50849: Adding new product to category after clearing cache results in mismatch of positions and selections
- ACSD-51204: Product does not return back in stock after creating credit memo
- ACSD-51238: Inventory source removed when updating configurable product and editing the price
- v1.1.33
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.33
- ACSD-51792: Page does not have impression event
- ACSD-51645: Saving a new Cart Price Rule if the extension Magento_OfflineShipping is disabled
- ACSD-51240: Uploaded file missing while registering via company registration form
- ACSD-51907: Restricted admin user can’t create credit memo for offline refund
- ACSD-51892: Performance issue where config files load multiple times
- ACSD-50478: JS issue for rollback action in backups grid and database rollback command
- ACSD-51431: Indexer status is working
- ACSD-51102: Catalog rule is not correctly indexed
- ACSD-52148: Google v3 reCAPTCHA admin login fails occasionally
- ACSD-51408: Order item status is set to backordered
- ACSD-50512: Error when updating the start date for a downloadable product staging update
- ACSD-50895: Google Analytics 3 GTM tags are not fired if Google Analytics 4 GTM is not configured
- ACSD-51471: Admin user cannot save scheduled update for bundled product
- ACSD-51120: GraphQL GET requests cache not cleared for CMS pages that contain CMS blocks
- ACSD-51700: Error switching store views on downloadable product edit page
- ACSD-51735: Order item status incorrectly set to Ordered when product stock is 0
- ACSD-51497: Cannot sort catalog page by custom attribute of type Dropdown
- ACSD-50368: Customers group_id is ignored when customer created via Async REST API or Async Bulk REST API
- ACSD-50949: Price filter in advanced search not returning proper results when used with SKU filter
- v1.1.34
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.34
- ACSD-50813: Admin unable to add bundled products containing a slash
- ACSD-52277: Admin user redirected incorrectly on selecting store view when creating new order
- ACSD-52160: Product validation result against the cart price rule
- ACSD-51636: Company admin cannot add new users
- ACSD-51853: Copied text styles aren’t applied using page builder
- ACSD-51630: Numerous system messages slow download of Admin Pages
- ACSD-52689: Images can’t upload to Amazon S3 storage via REST API
- ACSD-51857: Slow cron job of aggregate_sales_report_bestsellers_data affects performance
- ACSD-51739: Error on requesting structure_id in CompanyTeam GraphQL request
- ACSD-48448: Race condition issue during order cancellations causing duplicated entry in inventory_reservation table
- v1.1.35
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.35
- ACSD-52095: Manage stock value is wrong while exporting csv
- ACSD-51358: Schedule updates are missing
- ACSD-51149: Scheduled ImportExport with enabled Catalog Permissions invalidates indexers
- ACSD-50815: Decimal quantity for simple product cannot be used for new bundled product option
- ACSD-52202: Default stock salable qty changes to 0 in error when non-default stock set to 0 qty in order
- ACSD-51845: Can’t update subsequent products with tier prices & different attribute sets via asynch bulk API
- ACSD-52133: Customer account cannot be saved after an upgrade
- ACSD-51683: Customizable option can’t be added to the cart using GraphQL
- ACSD-52398: Requested qty not available when trying to update quantity of bundled product
- ACSD-52815: Input field for quantity field of non-default source supports only up to 6 digits
- ACSD-51899: Default shipping address auto-populated incorrectly
- ACSD-48070: Exception while editing a scheduled update
- ACSD-52786: Catalog rule SKU is applies to all products starting with the SKU
- ACSD-52041: Page Builder rendering doesn’t release locks
- ACSD-51890: Submit review button can be clicked multiple times
- ACSD-52921: Error requesting cart details from GraphQL for out-of-stock configurable product
- ACSD-51984: Unchecked Used Default Value and non-default product field values are not saved
- ACSD-52831: Cannot place negotiable quote orders when Google reCAPTCHA v3 Invisible enabled
- ACSD-51265: Optimize reindexing for bundled products
- ACSD-52399: Product with salable qty 0 shows in stock
- v1.1.36
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.36
- ASCD-52736: Cart Price Rule doesn’t work as expected
- ACSD-53239: Inventory indexer cleans all caches in the Update on Schedule mode
- ACSD-50887: Use in Search Results Layered Navigation set to Yes without the Use in Search option
- ACSD-51846: Internal error as REST API payload levels aren’t validated
- ACSD-53176: Product rule with is one of condition do not match
- ACSD-47875: Can’t add product to cart for store view scope with inventory management
- ACSD-51666: Error “The session has expired, please login again.” after you log in
- ACSD-52906: Resolving X-Magento-Vary cookie issue for logged-in customer caching
- v1.1.37
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.37
- ACSD-52613: Cache and indexes are refreshed with no updates
- ACSD-52606: Error message displayed when the user clicks “Notify Order is Ready for Pickup”
- ACSD-53750: “Broken pipe or closed connection” error during multi-threaded catalog_product_price reindex
- ACSD-53728: Product EAV indexer takes a long time to complete
- ACSD-53148: Two requests in GraphQL for adding the same configurable product
- ACSD-47054: Preview content slow as all stores reindex
- ACSD-51574: Image not updated on frontend when replaced with another image
- ACSD-51884: Product image cache path incorrect on resize command
- ACSD-53979: JS error occurs on the homepage
- ACSD-52143: Custom options are removed after product import
- ACSD-53628: CSV sales order report shows incorrect special characters
- ACSD 49843: Product download link unavailable after being auto invoiced with Payment Action = Sale
- v1.1.38
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.38
- ACSD-54018: Performance issue with catalog widget product List
- ACSD-54111: Product thumbnail image not displaying
- ACSD-52287: Status of archived orders does not change
- ACSD-52929: Redundant request to re-index default source items
- ACSD-53824: Deployment is failing on setup upgrade
- ACSD-53098: Products in shared catalog do not reflect on frontend
- ACSD-53347: Price indexing performance gradually degrades
- ACSD-47669: Internal server error when importing products with customizable options
- v1.1.39
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.39
- ACSD-54342: Error message when importing CSV file without valid data
- ACSD-54660: New input attribute sort to sort customer orders in GraphQL
- ACSD-53583: Improve partial reindex performance for Category Products and Product Categories indexers
- ACSD-54026: Incorrect error message for updateCompanyRole GraphQL request
- ACSD-47657: Adds a caching mechanism for AWS credentials
- ACSD-52219: Resolving admin grids filter issue in bookmark view switching
- ACSD-53204: The product can’t be saved error on concurrent requests to add images to gallery
- ACSD-53704: Reward points balance history miscalculated after expiration
- ACSD-54106: Rectifying Turkish accented character sorting in product category
- ACSD-53998: Dynamic block based on customer segment works incorrectly after logging out
- ACSD-54776: Unchecked used default value and non-default product field values are not saved
- v1.1.40
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.40
- ACSD-54472: Customers of a rejected company can still authenticate and place orders
- ACSD-54680: B2B Quote for a product with Multiple Assigned Sources cant be processed
- ACSD-55004: Validator crashes while uploading an import file larger than the value
- ACSD-53414: Restricted admin users can see CMS pages outside their permissions scope
- ACSD-52657: Minicart not updated on the second storeview that uses subdomain
- ACSD-54007: Undefined array key _scope error on importing customer data
- ASCD-54040: Created field is blank in order details when B2B modules are enabled
- ACSD-52801: GraphQL product filter query not showing partial match results
- ACSD-54961: Restricted admin user can’t mass update Product Review status
- ACSD-55031: ‘Type “mixed” cannot be nullable’ error during compilation
- ACSD-54319: Product price shows zero in the Products in Carts report
- ACSD-54989: Company admin cannot order when Enable Purchase Orders set to Yes and Purchase Order set to No
- ACSD-53378: Enhanced checkout experience for customers with extensive address books
- v1.1.41
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.41
- ACSD-54376: Exception in shopping cart when product removed from shared catalog
- ACSD-55414: Bad performance when MariaDB tries to cast the entitys_ids
- ACSD-53118: Cart rules with coupon not working properly
- ACSD-53643: Order has an incorrect total when placing a purchase order
- ACSD-53722: Bundled product options price changes to $0
- ACSD-54067: Product video doesn’t play on mobile device
- ACSD-51819: Placing multiple orders with a single quote ID
- ACSD-54324: GraphQL requisition_lists request doesn’t consider pagination settings
- v1.1.42
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.42
- ACSD-54060: Restricted admin can’t save product if it’s child of another product
- ACSD-54418: Fixed discount amount incorrectly added to child product of dynamically priced bundle
- ACSD-55238: Saving the empty product meta description
- ACSD-53568: Recently Viewed Product data not updated properly in store view
- ACSD-55628: Upload file company registration form; replace file for customer attribute storefront
- ACSD-53845: MySQL connection timeout issue when consumer max_messages = 0
- ACSD-55112: Submit Review button can be clicked multiple times
- ASCD-54264: Error when customer tries to check out with negotiable quote
- ACSD-54626: Cannot create new purchase order rule with NUMBER_OF_SKUS via GraphQL
- ACSD-55381: Resolving error when requesting configurable product option uids from B2B requisition list
- ACSD-54966: Fix for reusing coupon codes after failed orders
- ACSD-54890: aggregate_sales_report_bestsellers_data causes MySQL errors
- ACSD-48910: Bundled product assigned multiple sources go out of stock after invoice and shipping
- v1.1.43
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.43
- ACSD-52714: Date filter does not work in admin grid when set as y-m-d
- ACSD-56090: GraphQL response is not store specific
- ACSD-55610: Partially canceled order has incorrect discount amount
- ACSD-55334: Labels not translated through translation dictionaries in GraphQL response
- ACSD-55305: Popup freeze during company user editing in My Account
- ACSD-54972: Canonical category URL doesn’t update
- ACSD-53636: Regular price is not displayed on Product Listing page
- ACSD-53925: Cannot save CMS block with Product Carousel
- ACSD-54885: Exception during multiple address checkout when admin logs in as customer
- ACSD-53309: Incomplete tax application for customizable options and ‘Regular Price’ label
- ACSD-53790: Multiple RMAs for a single product can be created via Rest API
- ACSD-54739: Product Stock status not applied for Related Product Rules
- ACSD-54983: Company user UID with GraphQL not available with inactive user
- v1.1.44
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.44
- ACSD-55231: SKU not found error while using quick order functionality
- ACSD-55352: Creating Credit Memo with reward points
- ACSD-55427: Admin user cannot unassign product from shared catalog from product page
- ACSD-56280: Gift registry purchases are not completed
- ACSD-56193: Fastly/Varnish cache not cleared for content staging update
- ACSD-56158: Wrong tax value in GraphQL response when multiple tax rules applied to cart
- ACSD-56023: Widget content is not updating on the CMS page
- ACSD-56246: Scheduling product updates clears multiselect attributes values
- ACSD-56790: Move out of stock to bottom option does not work while sorting products in the Visual Merchandiser
- v1.1.45
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.45
- ACSD-56447: Adding same product to cart via parallel web REST API requests results in two separate items in cart
- ACSD-54965: Visual Merchandising grid does not display the correct stock
- ACSD-56886: Configurable product becomes out of stock when child products disabled
- ACSD-56515: Admin with permissions cannot edit Dynamic Block
- ACSD-56616: Storefront display of bundled products during simple stock shortage
- ACSD-52824: Disabled payment methods displayed for company customers
- ASCD-56415: Performance of Partial Price Indexing is slowed due to DELETE query
- v1.1.46
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.46
- ACSD-46767: Category page caches invalidate when the stock quantity changes
- ACSD-54656: Invisible reCAPTCHA fails during checkout, which prevents order placement
- ACSD-56621: Updated names not displayed in greetings header for company admin user
- ACSD-55100: GraphQL doesn’t return products beyond 10k in search results
- ACSD-56842: Deferred proxies and proxy factories are missing
- ACSD-57003: Order status changes to Complete instead of changing to Processing
- v1.1.47
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.47
- ACSD-57074: Yes/No custom attribute doesn’t work with indexing
- ACSD-56760: Admin user is restricted to a specific website and is unable to sort or add new products
- ACSD-55241: Used and Times Used attributes display incorrect values for generated coupons
- ACSD-56858: Role permissions discrepancy in B2B company admin
- v1.1.48
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.48
- ACSD-57315: New transaction is created in PayPal Payflow Pro each time the fetch button is clicked
- ACSD-56635: Imported customers are duplicated when account sharing is set to Global
- ACSD-57337: Admin user with access restrictions could see companies
- ACSD-57394: Incorrect product sorting by multiple sort fields in GraphQL
- ACSD-56546: Configurable and bundle products display as out of stock on the storefront
- ACSD-56741: Troubleshooting database setup errors with custom MySQL triggers
- ACSD-55566: mergeCart mutation fails with internal server error in GraphQL response
- ACSD-58008: Editing the end date as empty causes the schedule update to disappear
- ACSD-57854: GraphQL response contains disabled categories that should not be listed in category aggregations
- ACSD-57565: The order dashboard displays incorrect order information
- v1.1.49
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.49
- ACSD-57643: Products with custom options are incorrectly added
- ACSD-57588: Error in region ID processing when shipping to multiple addresses
- ACSD-56979: Product images removed after staging update deleted
- ACSD-58163: Cart Price Rule does not apply discount from matching Customer Segment cart without coupon code
- ACSD-57086: Orders from non-default websites with terms and conditions enabled are processed incorrectly
- ACSD-57941: Product options are incorrectly assigned to the admin store
- ACSD-58739: Partial reindexing throws an error
- ACSD-57846: GraphQL products search with filter for zero prices not returning results
- ACSD-58054: API token generation for inactive customers
- ACSD-57045: URL rewrites cause infinite page looping after Website Root unchecked from Hierarchy
- ACSD-58446: Deleting a team with child users or teams via GraphQL gives an uninformative error
- ACSD-58375: Incorrectly configured YouTube API key causes error when adding video at store view level
- v1.1.50
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.50
- ACSD-59036: Exception occurs when loading product prices
- ACSD-45049: Customer Is required attribute setting doesn’t work as per website scope in Admin
- ACSD-59378: Store-level URL rewrites incorrectly updated during import
- ACSD-46938: Performance issues with DB triggers during setup:upgrade
- ACSD-54887: Customer shopping cart gets cleared after customer session has expired
- ACSD-58141: PHPSESSID regenerates on POST requests for logged-in customers if L2 Redis cache is enabled
- ACSD-59229: Customer group data misallocation due to an outdated X-Magento-Vary value
- ACSD-60441: Updating customers via V1/customers REST API endpoint throws an error
- ACSD-58352: Return attribute labels for the default store are returned via GraphQL API
- ACSD-59514: Forms in Admin with Page Builder throw error in browser console
- ACSD-58790: Fixes pinch to zoom functionality on the product detail page images in mobile view on Chrome
- ACSD-58442: Fixes the issue where devices with 768px width treated as mobile, causing menu and header to load in mobile view not desktop
- ACSD-48210: Store view specific scope attribute overrides global values
- ACSD-59280: ReflectionUnionType::getName() error in 2.4.4-pX installations
- ACSD-60303: Admin order placement issue resolved with HTML minification enabled
- Check patch for Commerce issue with Quality Patches Tool
- Announcements
- Announcements overview
- Adobe Commerce Announcements
- Integration Environment enhancement request - Pro and Starter
- Holiday Surge Capacity Requests for Adobe Commerce on our cloud infrastructure
- Upgrade Compatibility Tool 1.1.0 for Adobe Commerce
- FAQ for the Updated Lifecycle Policy for Adobe Commerce Releases
- Switching to OpenSearch for Adobe Commerce on Cloud 2.4.4
- Adobe Commerce Recommendations for PHP Vulnerabilities
- Quality Patches Tool released: new tool to self-serve quality patches
- MySQL catalog search engine will be removed in Adobe Commerce 2.4.0
- Adobe support customer data access and privacy
- UPS APIs deprecated
- 2024 release schedule
- Help Center News
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting overview
- Database
- Multiple rows in database for same entity
- Checking slow queries and processes MySQL
- Database upload loses connection to MySQL
- Changes in the database are not reflected on the storefront
- Deadlocks in MySQL
- MySQL high-load bottleneck in Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- MySQL server has gone away error on Adobe Commerce on cloud
- MySQL disk space is low on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Database storage troubleshooter on Adobe Commerce
- MySQL tables are too large
- Database errors related to max_allowed_packet on Adobe Commerce
- Adobe Commerce database numeric value out of range, INT to BIGINT
- Read Replicas issues on Adobe Commerce Cloud 2.4.6 with MariaDB 10.6
- Payments
- Troubleshoot create order page in CSP restricted mode
- Troubleshoot storefont checkout page in CSP restricted mode
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue: missing “Refund” label in Klarna
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: Braintree not in Multiple Addresses checkout
- 2.3.4 PayPal issue hotfix
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.1: wrong message on PayPal-Braintree guest checkout
- PayPal sandbox account not verified
- Error placing order with Sandbox account (An error occurred on the server)
- Delayed Payment Services report data
- Checkout is stuck when payment method is used
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.1 known issue: error popping up on Checkout with PayPal Braintree
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 Braintree Virtual Terminal page corrupted
- Cybersource payment from Admin and front on different domains not processed
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue: Amazon pay, no payment methods
- Adobe Commerce 2.3.7-p1 known issue: outdated order total for PayPal
- Patch for Amazon Pay checkout issue in Adobe Commerce 2.3.5-p1
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: Checkout error selecting local payments
- PayPal Payflow Pro active carding activity
- PayPal troubleshooting on Adobe Commerce
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0, 2.4.1: Enable Braintree Venmo partial invoice
- Credit card failed payments in a Sandbox environment
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.2 B2B: discount remains pay method change
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.2: Braintree Venmo payment does not work
- Payment methods not displayed on checkout with multiple addresses
- EU customers cannot complete payments
- PayPal gateway rejected request - duplicate invoice issue
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue: Klarna On-Site Messaging blank pages
- Troubleshoot Payment Services installation
- Storefront
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue: orders display error
- Adobe Commerce on-premises 2.4.2: product image missing
- After installing, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graphics
- Cannot save “shipping” as URL key
- Product is not displayed on storefront
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 issue: storefront raw message data display
- Store credit issue during checkout in Adobe Commerce 2.3.5
- Store images not displayed after deployment
- Product comparison known issue in Adobe Commerce 2.3.5
- Top navigation panel does not load on storefront
- Product images do not display despite Product Edit image roles
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: 404 error removing rewards points on multi-shipping checkout
- Customers get logged out or lose cart content on Adobe Commerce storefront
- Cannot save contact as URL key
- Installation and upgrade
- Recommendations JS errors after upgrade to Adobe Commerce version 2.4.5
- B2B 1.4.0 installation fails on Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p1 on-premises
- Reduce expired “oauth_tokens” before 2.4.6 upgrade
- Cannot install using nginx
- Wishlist error during upgrade to Adobe Commerce versions 2.3.4-p1 or 2.3.5
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 installation fails with outdated stores cache
- Composer install command overides .gitignore file, Adobe Commerce
- During installation, PHP date warning
- During installation, Reflection Exception error
- Area code is not set error when running setup:upgrade
- Installation fails; cannot create install.log
- Exceptions during installation
- Errors installing optional sample data
- During installation, fatal PDO error displays
- Installation stops at about 70%
- Adobe Commerce upgrade 2.4.3, 2.3.7-p1 PHP Fatal error Hotfix
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: exception during B2B 1.2.0 install
- Troubleshoot upgrade compatibility tool errors
- Out of memory error during install or upgrade
- Site down or unresponsive
- Site not accessible due to origin cloaking
- 503 error accessing Adobe Commerce in web browser
- Site fails to load due to maintenance mode left enabled
- Site down troubleshooting diagram
- Adobe Commerce site down troubleshooter
- Applying a patch takes your site down
- Error 404 on all pages due to Content Staging issue
- Revised patches for Google Maps access loss on all Adobe Commerce versions
- Miscellaneous
- Fix data not updated in Commerce Data Exporter feeds and cron logs errors with changelog table don’t exist
- How to check why cron was disabled
- Error opensearch search engine doesn’t exist. Falling back to livesearch.
- Email stating that export storage is almost full
- Indexes invalidated and “indexer_reindex_all_invalid” run constantly
- Missing or altered configuration file
- cURL error 60: SSL certificate expired
- Troubleshoot Product Recommendations module in Adobe Commerce
- Safely delete files when disk run out of space in Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- robots.txt not updated or displaying default settings
- Troubleshoot /tmp mount full for Adobe Commerce
- Unknown module Magento_BundleSampleData
- Cron readiness check issues
- Redis service crashed
- SQL queries: EXPLAIN cost errors
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 B2B Admin can’t add configurable product to quote
- Adobe Commerce 2.3.6: endless spinner displayed on address save
- Troubleshooting New Relic on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- 404 not found error when accessing Web Setup Wizard via Admin panel
- Enable cache to avoid performance degradation
- Adobe Commerce Security Scan tool troubleshooting guide
- File permissions readiness check issues
- Fastly caching is not working on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Diagnosing Google eCommerce revenue discrepancies
- I’ve configured API keys for Sensei but only seeing one SaaS data space
- Main Menu (Categories) not displayed on subpages with Fastly enabled
- File storage low, specific page loads are slow
- Slow performance due to full reindexing
- General custom module troubleshooting help
- Low disk space
- Cache warming up and site unavailable on Adobe Commerce
- Resolving UTF-8 errors for CSV file uploads
- Troubleshoot performance using New Relic on Adobe Commerce
- Bulk action product count known issue in Adobe Commerce 2.3.5
- Disable Adobe Commerce Banner output to improve site performance
- Checking for DDoS attack from CLI
- Blank page or redirect loop error when accessing storefront or Commerce Admin
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.1 Vertex Address validation message post address update
- Extension Manager shows no extensions in Adobe Commerce 2.3.x
- Apply a patch to continue offering DHL as shipping carrier
- Login redirect when trying to login to Commerce Admin
- Resolve issues with encryption key
- “Updater application is not available” error
- PWA Studio: Venia GraphQL queries to Adobe Commerce produce validation errors
- Stock status incorrect after Inventory Management install
- Adobe Commerce 2.3.5 known issue: virtual product multi-ship orders
- Using Data Exports to pinpoint discrepancies
- Composer plugin against Dependency Confusion attacks
- Stock images not displayed, Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.3.7-p2
- Error enabling Image Optimization in Adobe Commerce
- Data Migration Tool troubleshooting
- Component dependency readiness check issues
- Cannot access Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure UI
- Vertex Address Cleansing: different addresses not allowed
- Changes to categories are not being saved
- Live Search displays out-of-stock products regardless of stock status settings in admin
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue - Export Tax Rates does not work
- Magento Order Management System (OMS) for Adobe Commerce processing error
- Exact match search not working in Adobe Commerce 2.4.x
- Slow performance due to non-cacheable pages
- Cached images are not loaded after 2.2.X to 2.3.X upgrade
- 504 gateway time-out error when saving a category with 1k+ products
- Error message when adding sites into Security Scan
- Shared access troubleshooting
- Slow performance, slow and long running crons
- Error when validating the Fastly credentials
- Backup issues
- New customers not displayed in Customer grid after CSV import
- The Security Scan Tool report is blank
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.2-p1: invoice note with an incorrect value
- Cannot access the latest Adobe Commerce pre-release
- Admin passwords saved as plain text to actions log
- Index is locked by another process
- Diagnosing a data discrepancy
- Admin 2FA email notifications not being received
- Redirect back to the Commerce Admin login form with “Your current session has been expired” error
- Redis unserialize error setup:static-content:deploy
- Site in maintenance mode but available to customers
- git pull origin develop fails when updating the Adobe Commerce software
- Blockers launching on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- PHP settings errors
- Redis issue delay Commerce Admin login or checkout
- Composer plugins issues when upgrading to Adobe Commerce 2.4.4
- PHP mcrypt extension not installed properly
- Adobe Commerce 2.3.6, 2.4.0-p1, 2.4.1 known issue: dotdigital login
- Cron job is stuck in “running” status
- .magento.env.yaml changes not shown in env.php after deploy
- Issues after disabling a module
- Offload non-regex redirects to Fastly instead of Nginx (routes)
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0 known issue: Create New Order buttons missing
- laminas/laminas-escaper 2.7.1 causes error Adobe Commerce frontend and Admin pages
- 403 errors when accessing Site-Wide Analysis Tool on Adobe Commerce
- Advanced Reporting troubleshooter for Adobe Commerce
- Common PHP Fatal Errors and solutions
- Composer update fail on Adobe Commerce: Incompatible argument type
- Cannot delete the source or change its code
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.2 B2B: email template not updating email
- Manual order export to MOM fails. The Export Order button returns HTTP 404 error
- PWA Studio: browser not trust generated SSL certificate
- Troubleshooting 503 error caused by necessity to change default Varnish settings
- Redirect to parent environment when accessing new Integration environment
- robots.txt gives 404 error Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.3.x
- Restricted admin access causing performance issues
- Cron tasks lock tasks from other groups
- Locked (grayed out) fields in Commerce Admin
- Cannot change Search Engine using Commerce Admin (Search Engine menu is inaccessible)
- Installation xdebug maximum function nesting level error
- Unable to save entity Adobe Commerce backend
- PHP version error or 404 error when accessing Adobe Commerce in browser
- Bundle options order is not updated by import
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: “Add selections to my cart” does not work
- MBI: Data discrepancies
- Custom server-side scripts not executed in pub media directory
- PHP version readiness check issues
- Cloud site is slow
- Error purging Fastly cache on Cloud (The purge request was not processed successfully)
- Custom SSL certificate expiration information
- PWA Studio: Validation errors when running developer mode
- Turn off hourly Amazon emails when using Adobe Commerce
- Invalidated cache causes response time degradation
- Github token issue and Composer key procedures
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.1 issue: unable to change Amazon account in Chrome
- ECE-Tools and patch update errors Adobe Commerce cloud infrastructure 2.2.x., 2.3.x
- PWA Studio: Webpack hangs before beginning compilation
- Install latest patches to fix Adobe Commerce Redis issues
- Resolve an illegal offset error
- GraphQL query to hide categories not work with B2B shared catalog
- Product status incorrect when created programmatically
- Fastly Error: Plugin VCL version is outdated! Please re-Upload
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.0: refresh on Customer’s Activities does not work
- The var/export folder permission issue Adobe Commerce on cloud
- Scheduled Content Staging updates not displayed with stale Fastly cache
- Troubleshoot cron
- Exported products .csv file does not appear
- “Class cannot be saved in the code directory” error
- Checking deployment log if Cloud UI has “log snipped” error
- Download fails because of changes in Composer
- ERROR: Warming up failed on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Cannot clone the Magento GitHub repository
- Live search catalog not synchronized
- Live Search dashboard and search result ranking is incorrect
- Live Search facets are not alphabetically sorted
- Customer profiles not appearing in Experience Platform
- PWA Studio: browser cannot resolve the .local.pwadev site
- Product Recommendations not shown in Page Builder
- Adobe Commerce Fastly troubleshooter
- High throughput AJAX requests cause poor performance
- PWA Studio: Browser displays “Cannot proxy to” error
- run setup:static-content:deploy deployed_version.txt issue
- Redirect back to the Commerce Admin login form with “Your account is temporarily disabled” error
- Google Analytics gets disabled after deployment
- Troubleshooting Adobe Commerce Intelligence account lockout
- Known issues that affect xdebug installation
- Unable to log in to Adobe Commerce support or cloud account
- Conflicting component dependencies
- Adobe Commerce Intelligence Service Policies
- New environments placed under production when pushed from Git
- Error after logging in to the Commerce Admin
- Magento Order Management System (OMS) for Adobe Commerce times out
- Drop shipping picks up wrong address
- Error purging cache in Commerce Admin
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.1: empty page when dotdigital Page Builder form saved
- Adobe Commerce cloud: reindex is terminated with Killed message
- Upgrade to version 10.0 DHL schema to continue offering DHL shipping
- Adobe Commerce status column missing exported products CSV file
- Cannot access New Relic on Adobe Commerce cloud account
- Modules missing from Adobe Commerce 2.4.4
- Former team members receive Adobe Commerce cloud notification emails
- New domain is redirecting to default domain
- Unable to add user to Adobe Commerce cloud project
- Cron stops due to misconfigured or missing OpCache settings
- The file can’t be deleted. Warning! unlink: No such file or directory error* from the Admin
- Admin login not working - allowed session max size exceeded
- Configuring Adobe Commerce Intelligence connection for existing cloud starter projects
- Google Tag Manager is broken by the Live Search widget
- Vulnerabilities found by third-party security scans should go to HackerOne
- Getting thousands of search results after upgrading from 2.4.2 to 2.4.5-p3
- Cannot change search engine in app/etc/env.php
- The Magento-cloud CLI doesn’t show an active environment
- SendGrid file limitation for Adobe Commerce Cloud
- Poor performance in integration environments
- Deployment
- Deployment fails: Elasticsearch and Adobe Commerce versions incompatible
- Deployment failed: unable to apply MDVA-43395 patch
- Deployment errors from enabling early-alpha Baler module
- The ‘Current version of RDBMS not supported’ error on deployment
- Deployment fails Fastly module incompatible Adobe Commerce version
- Environment redeployment failed or MySQL server gone away
- Deployment error: SQLSTATE[HY000]
- Deployment issues relating to account permissions and access keys
- Adobe Commerce deployment troubleshooter
- Error during deployment when upgrading to version supporting PHP 8.1
- E: Error verifying routes.yaml error during Staging or Production deploy
- Deployment fails with “Error building project: The build hook failed with status code 1”
- Adobe Commerce on cloud repo could not be accessed: 403 Forbidden or 404 Not Found error when deploying
- Deployment stuck with “Unable to upload the application to the remote cluster” error
- Deployment error: “error 7 while downloading … port 443: Connection refused”
- Deployment errors when committing incorrect files
- Deployment errors where patches not found
- Deployment failed on cache flush: “There are no commands defined in the ‘cache’ namespace” error
- Deployment fails with correct access keys in env:COMPOSER_AUTH or auth.json
- Known issues
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.7-p4 HIPAA 1.2.0 compatibility package Hotfix
- Security update available for Adobe Commerce - APSB25-08
- Backwards incompatible changes for GraphQL “placeOrder” API in Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p8
- Security update available for Adobe Commerce - APSB24-73
- Guidance on securing your store and rotating encryption keys: CVE-2024-34102
- Security update available for Adobe Commerce - APSB24-61
- Troubleshooting Encryption Key Rotation: CVE-2024-34102
- Security update available for Adobe Commerce - APSB24-40 Revised to include isolated patch for CVE-2024-34102
- UPS shipping method integration migration from SOAP to RESTful API
- USPS Ground Advantage shipping method support hotfix for AC-9182
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.3-p2 - 2.4.5 security hotfix for CVE-2022-35698
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.4: Unable to create partial invoices
- Advanced search not showing the most relevant results
- Error when filtering orders in Admin
- Users not able to add product to cart if nothing selected in Allow Countries
- Adobe Commerce Admin URL location disclosed
- Admin can’t create order/reorder when Braintree payment enabled
- Packages downgraded after upgrading from 2.4.4 to 2.4.4-p1
- Order email sent from the server email address
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 error placing order from Admin panel
- salesRule label issues when upgrade from versions < 2.4.5
- JQuery UI security vulnerability CVE-2022-31160 fix for 2.4.4, 2.4.5, and 2.4.6 releases
- FedEx shipping method integration migration from SOAP to RESTful API
- Elasticsearch
- Falling back to Elasticsearch7 when search engine set to Opensearch
- Elasticsearch issues after Adobe Commerce cloud infrastructure 2.3.1+ upgrade
- ElasticSuite tracking indices causes problems with Elasticsearch
- Ensure Elasticsearch is installed properly
- Elasticsearch 5 is configured, but search page does not load with “Fielddata is disabled…” error
- Elasticsearch Index Status is ‘yellow’ or ‘red’
- Elasticsearch service not running
- MySQL and ElasticSearch show different results
- Elasticsearch is shown as the search engine despite OpenSearch installation
- Help Center Guide
- How-to
- How-to overview
- Adobe Commerce P1 Notification hotline
- How to include a team member in Support notifications
- How to obtain and apply security patches
- Checklist for setting up a new domain
- Restore a DB snapshot from Staging or Production
- Adobe Commerce Intelligence Essentials: update payment method or cancel subscription
- Adobe commerce Intelligence Training Video: SQL Report Builder
- Set cache TTL for images and other static content
- Provide discount for first purchase only (no coupons)
- Roll back environment without Cloud snapshot
- Log locations (directories) for Starter plan
- Reduce deployment downtime on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- How to add a new country to Adobe Commerce
- Customize design configuration in the Commerce Admin
- Increase disk space for Integration environment on cloud
- Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure: CPU allocation calculation
- Update Shared Catalog prices using REST API
- Find large MySQL tables
- Sync data and files Production to Staging or Staging to Integration
- Check disk space using CLI on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure environment
- Reset stuck Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure cron jobs manually
- Test Fastly on Production if a Live Site uses the same domain
- Static content deployment options to reduce deployment downtime on Cloud
- Identify and measure outages for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Change account owner for New Relic on Cloud
- Change Admin URL on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Enable Elasticsearch on Cloud
- Configure NPM to be able to use PWA Studio
- Rearrange cloud branches on Adobe Commerce
- How to find Adobe Commerce product documentation
- Redirect HTTP to HTTPS for all pages on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure (Force TLS)
- Allocate more space for MySQL in Adobe Commerce on cloud
- Change increment ID for a DB entity (order, invoice, credit memo, etc.) on particular store
- Set up Fastly for Starter plan on Cloud
- Adobe Commerce Intelligence Training Video: Cohort Report Builder
- Upgrade MariaDB 10.0 to 10.2 for Adobe Commerce on cloud
- Reset environment on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- MBI: Re-authenticating integrations
- Configure Fastly DNS settings on Staging and Production environments
- Log locations (directories) for Pro plan: Integration, Staging, Production
- Adobe Commerce on cloud: check if upsize for host’s instances is needed
- Bootstrap Adobe Commerce 2 in a sandbox script
- Adobe Commerce Intelligence Training Video: Filter Sets
- How to profile database queries in Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Block malicious traffic for Adobe Commerce on Fastly level
- Create a patch for Adobe Commerce Composer installation from a GitHub commit
- Change Admin password on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- How to request temporary Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure upsize
- View environment vCPU tier in your cluster on Adobe Commerce
- Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure: Check host’s CPU configuration
- Adobe Commerce on cloud: change authentication keys and redeploy
- How to create a “scrubbed” dump when requested by support agent
- MBI: Creating and editing advanced calculated columns
- Check disk space limit for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- SSL (TLS) certificates for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Cannot access the latest Beta version
- Switch the Application mode
- How to log into Fastly account provided with Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Display Adobe Commerce error report number instead of Fastly 503 error
- Reset a theme to defaults
- How to apply a composer patch provided by Adobe
- Check logs to troubleshoot 500 and 503 errors on Adobe Commerce
- Create database dump on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Third-party testing tips for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
- Access the Adobe Commerce Customer Support Guide
- How to subscribe to Adobe Commerce status updates
- How to update the cloud account profile
- Change current Adobe account email address to new address
- Adobe Commerce post-deploy is skipped because deploy was failed
- How to change email address on account when the field is grayed out
- How to remove Magento Order Management
- Tech tips for Commerce holiday readiness
- How to bypass WAF for GraphQL requests
- Upgrade MariaDB 10.4 to 10.5 for Adobe Commerce on cloud
- FAQ overview
- Web Application Firewall (WAF) powered by Fastly: the FAQ
- Depreciation of Core Adobe Commerce Payment Integrations
- Can I install third-party applications on my cloud instance?
- Link and account logins
- Fastly origin cloaking enablement FAQ
- Billing FAQ for Adobe Commerce
- Database auto_increment increment variable set to “3” Adobe Commerce on our cloud pro architecture
- Monitoring fact sheet for Adobe Commerce on cloud pro infrastructure
- Access New Relic services
- Web Content Accessibility for Adobe Commerce
- How many coupons can a customer use in Adobe Commerce?
- Support ticket Contact Reason descriptions
- Partner Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure sandbox requests
- Google Shopping ads Channel FAQs
- Adobe Commerce GDPR resources
- Base price change affect on shared catalog price
- Two-Factor Authentication in Admin Panel on Adobe Commerce FAQ
- Adobe Commerce support tools at a glance
- Backup (snapshot) on Cloud: FAQ
- FAQ for the 2024 and 2023 Adobe Commerce Release Strategy and Lifecycle Policy
- Can I schedule Content Staging updates for prices in a shared catalog?
- Adobe Commerce Security Scan Tool FAQ
- Adobe Commerce Software End of Support FAQ
- Do I need Fastly for a Headless Adobe Commerce site?