Understand the difference between a document and a proof
In this video, you will learn:
- The difference between a document and a proof in Workfront
Document versus Proof In this video, you learn how to distinguish the difference between a document and a proof in Workfront. When Workfront talks about digital assets, PDFs, video files, images, and more, two terms are commonly used, document and proof, which always prompts the question, what’s the difference? In Workfront, a proof and a document don’t look that different. Both are digital files uploaded to your Workfront project’s task or issues. Both can be accessed by Workfront users with the proper sharing permissions. And both support asset versions, ensuring that the latest and greatest iteration of the file is available and easy to find. The biggest difference comes in the way that customers use documents and proofs in Workfront. Documents tend to be uploaded to Workfront to serve as source files, reference materials, or as a way to store files with a specific project for historical or auditing purposes. Typically, no work needs to be done on the files, so they’re okay as is. For example, the Professional Services team is updating the terms of service on its contracts. The project manager uploads the terms used over the past five years for reference. Proofs are uploaded files that need to be reviewed, commented on, marked up, and possibly approved by one or more people. For example, once the terms of service have been rewritten, it’s reviewed by the legal team, the Professional Services manager, and the department executive. As a proof in Workfront, those designated can be assigned to review the proof digitally. You can tell if the file is a proof if you see the open proof link, the proof progress icons, the workflow details, etc. Your organization can use only documents, only proofs, or a combination of both. It all depends on the purpose of the file and what your needs are.