Understand proof details
View proof details
As a proof manager or owner, you can dig deeper into the details behind a proof through the summary panel and the Document Details page. Start by finding your proof in the Documents section of a project, task, or issue.
Summary panel
Select a proof from the documents list, then click the Summary icon in the upper right of the screen.
Next click Overview to expand the overview section.
Then scroll down to the Proofing section. Here you can see the proof owner, progress, number of comments, state and due date.
Note: The Approvals section in the summary panel is for document approvals and is not tied to the proof review and approval process. The two processes are separate in Workfront.
Document Details
To get more information about the proof, click Document Details.
This brings you to the Document Details page and a variety of additional options in the left panel.
It’s important to note that the ability to see information related to the proofing process depends on your proofing permissions in Workfront.
From the proof’s page, you can access these sections from the left panel menu:
- Updates — Comments made in the proof viewer show up here, with a “proof comment” tag. You can also make comments on the file, just like you make comments on a task or project (these comments do not appear in the proof viewer).
- Approvals — This section is for document approvals, not proofing approvals. The two types of approvals are separate processes in Workfront and do not link together. If you’re using proof workflows for your reviews and approvals, you won’t use this section.
- All Versions — Track and manage the version history of the proof. You may find it easier to access this information in the summary panel on the Documents list.
- Custom Forms — Custom forms are used on proofs to capture organization-specific information. This information can be passed with the file to integrated document storage systems, such as Workfront DAM or Adobe Experience Manager. Custom forms are set up by your Workfront system administrator or group administrator. Talk with your team or your administrators to learn if you will be using custom forms on proofs.
- Proofing Workflow — Manage or modify the workflow assigned to the proof. You can open this window using the Proofing Workflow link on the proof in the Documents list, too.
Let’s take a closer look at two of the sections: Proofing Viewer Settings and Proofing Activity.
Proofing Viewer Settings
These settings help you control access to the proof itself.
- Require login. This proof cannot be shared with guest users — The proof can be shared only with people who have a Workfront proofing license.
- Require decisions to be electronically signed — When sharing a proof, this requires that the recipient have proofing permissions in Workfront and makes them “electronically sign” the proof by entering their proofing password when they make a proof decision. (Note: The proofing password is different from your Workfront password. The proofing password is not easily accessible, so most recipients will not know this password.) Adobe recommends talking with your Workfront consultant before using this feature.
- Lock proof when all required decisions are made — This locks the proof to any further comments, replies, decisions, etc., once every decision on the proof has been made. This locks the whole proof version, not just a specific stage of the proofing workflow.
- Allow downloading the original file — Proof recipients are able to download the original source file of the proof from the proofing viewer.
- Allow sharing proof via public URL or embed code — Proof recipients can share a publicly accessible proof link with anyone.
- Allow subscribing to proof via public URL or embed code — Anyone who is sent the public URL can add themselves to the proof with their email address and name (if not a proof users) or their email address and proofing password (if a proofing user). (Note: The proofing password is not the same as a Workfront password.)
Proofing Activity
This page tracks all of the activity that’s happened on the proof, plus the email messages that were sent regarding this proof.
The Activity section timestamps when comments and decisions were made, plus who made them. It also tracks when proofing workflow stages started, when a recipient first opened a proof, and other information a proof manager or owner will want to know. These details can be helpful when you’re trying to figure out things like, why a proofing workflow stage never kicked off, for example.
The Messages section timestamps when email alerts and messages were sent to recipients, who sent them, and the content of the message. This can be useful when troubleshooting if someone says they didn’t receive an email about a proof. You can check if and when an email was sent.
Adobe recommends the proof manager and proof owner become familiar with the information in these two sections. When you combine this information with understanding how to read the SOCD progress bar, you can truly understand and manage your proofs, no matter where they are in the proofing workflow.
Once you’re done working in the Document Details section, use the breadcrumb trail to get back to the Documents section of the project, task, or issue the proof is attached to.