Understand multiple billing rates

Within Workfront, a project manager has the ability to override system billing rates within a specific project. Previously, when the new billing rate was applied to the project, it not only affected future hours but hours already logged on the project.

With Workfront’s new multiple billing rate capability, the project manager is able to decide what period of time a billing rate should be applied. This way, if a rate has been negotiated or changed, the project manager can determine when that rate should take effect.

Change the billing rate

  1. Go to the project’s landing page. Select Billing Rates from the left panel.

    An image of selecting Billing Rates in Workfront

  2. From the Billing Rates tab, click the Add Billing Rate button. Select New Billing Rate from the dropdown.

    An image of selecting New Billing Rate in Workfront

  3. The New Billing Rate dialogue box appears. From the Job Role dropdown, select the job role to which the new billing rate will be applied.

    An image of selecting job roles in a new billing rate in Workfront

  4. Once the job role is selected, the Default Billing Rate and the Billing Rate 1 field appear. Enter the new billing rate in the Billing Rate 1 field. If that billing rate applies to the whole project (past, present, and future hours logged), click the Save button.

    An image of saving a new billing rate that applies to the whole project in Workfront

  5. If the new billing rate only applies for a certain period of time, click the Add Rate button. The Billing Rate 1 End Date and the Billing Rate 2 fields appear. Enter the End Date for Billing Rate 1. You cannot enter a Start Date for Billing Rate 1 because the system assumes it started at the beginning of the project.

    An image of creating a new billing rate that applies to a certain period of time, starting at the beginning of the project in Workfront

  6. If this is not the case:

    • Enter the default billing rate for Billing Rate 1.
    • Select the End Date for Billing Rate 1 (Default Billing Rate).
    • The Start Date for Billing Rate 2 will automatically be set to the day after Billing Rate 1 ends.
    • Enter the desired billing rate in the Billing Rate 2 section.
    • Continue to add billing rates, as needed, by clicking the Add Rate button.
    • When done, click Save.
    • All Billing Rates will show in the Billing Rates tab on the project.

    An image of creating new billing rates that apply to the different time periods in Workfront
