Manage work as a Scrum team

Now that you’ve created your Creative Marketing scrum team, step into the shoes of the scrum master to see what their experience is like.

As the scrum master, your goal is to determine what your team needs to work on first. You’ll organize the stories in the backlog according to the priority of the product owner. If the team has received any team requests from projects or request queues, those will already show up in the backlog. However, you may also need to add stories that don’t specifically belong on a project already in Adobe Workfront.

Manage your backlog

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Create an agile team backlog project
  • Create a new story

In this video, you will learn how to: create an agile team backlog project and create a new story.

In an agile team, projects are what house specific tasks. Many agile teams choose to create a project to use specifically as a backlog. They then tie all of their new stories to that project. We’re going to follow that model, so let’s quickly build a project titled: Creative Marketing Team Backlog. In the Projects area, click on the new project dropdown and then New Project from the list. On the project landing page, we’re prompted to title our project. The status needs to be current but we don’t need to mess with any other details in this case. Now that we’re all set, we can immediately begin to add tasks or stories here on the project we just created. Just make sure to assign the Creative Marketing Team to any task you add. Other information like planned hours can be useful but that can always be added later. We can also navigate back to the team page, go to the Backlog tab, and click on the New Story button to start adding stories to the backlog. Once we’re in the New Story popup window, we need to give our story a title and description; an estimation of the working hours needed; and where to house this story. In this case, we’re going to use the project we just created. -

The Agile team will groom the backlog together. This basically means three things will happen.

  • First, the scrum master will help the team understand what the product owner’s expectations are for what work should be getting done.
  • Second, team members will estimate how long it will take to complete each story.
  • Third, the team uses this information to make informed decisions about what to work on, and when to work on it.