Scenario guardrails

Work automation requires rapid processing, so Workfront Fusion is designed for high performance. Because long-running scenarios can slow down the pace of your work, Workfront Fusion was designed with performance-preserving guardrails that limit execution time, data size, and other scenario parameters. Workfront Fusion scenario designers should be aware of these guardrails and incorporate them into their design practices.

In this video, you will learn about:

  • Scenario guardrails
  • Module guardrails
  • File guardrails
  • Webhook guardrails
Let’s start by reviewing some of the common guardrails that you might run into. The first to keep in mind is the execution timeout of 40 minutes. When the execution reaches this timeout, Workfront Fusion interrupts the scenario execution after the next cycle or operation depending on the scenario. This forces the scenario to stop shortly after the 40 minute limit is reached. Exceeding the timeout limit can be a result of modules making calls to create or update too many fields or a scenario containing too many modules. The maximum size of a scenario blueprint is five megabytes but Workfront recommends keeping the scenario size under three megabytes if possible. How can you tell how large your scenario is? Simply download a blueprint of your scenario from the designer toolbar and check the file size. As you can see, most simple scenarios created in this training program will be well below this limit. However, more robust scenarios may get closer. Typically, app modules, which create or update data with 200 or more fields are frequently culprit. If this type of design is necessary for the business objectives or to interact with any record that has a large number of fields then try using the Workfront Custom API or other custom API modules. If your scenario doesn’t hit the 40 minute timeout limit individual modules may run into a 40 second operation timeout if they are trying to create or update too many fields. While there isn’t a cap for the number of modules in a scenario, scenarios with over 150 modules should be rare as they could also result in hitting the execution timeout limit. Consider ways that you might redesign the scenario with a focus on simplicity. If you want to know how many modules are in some of your larger scenarios, look at the list of scenarios created and you’ll be able to count the total. In the image at the bottom of this page, I can tell that there are eight modules in this scenario. Three that are visible plus the five stacked. Considering integrations that may involve moving files, you shouldn’t try to use fusion to sync files between systems. Ask if a reference to that file would be a better solution than keeping the file in two places. The maximum size of a single file is one gigabyte and the maximum total size of payloads processed by a single scenario execution is six gigabyte. For single files, all we can do is check for files size and filter out files that are too large to process. Well designed scenarios would probably add a note to whatever record is related to the file so that a user could be notified that the file is too large to be processed by Fusion. For the total size of payloads, the best protection for this guardrail is well designed use cases that process single or smaller sets of files instead of batch processing. As an example, a use case triggered by adding a file rather than syncing all files for a project would be better because you only process one file at a time. Finally, Webhooks have two performance guardrails. First, the default maximum size of a payload is five megabytes. Second Webhooks are limited to 100 requests per second. When that limit is reached, Workfront Fusion sends a 429 too many request status. Remember, these guardrails are not in place to make your job harder but to keep your integrations running at peak performance making sure you’re within the scenario module file and Webhook limits will keep your scenarios performing optimally each time they execute. -

Want to learn more? We recommend the following:

Workfront Fusion documentation

Adobe Workfront Fusion performance guardrails
