Understand basic project creation

In this video, you will learn:

  • The definition of a project in Workfront
  • Basic steps to get a project up and running
  • A little about tasks and issues
  • Best practice for starting out with creating projects
When you first learn to create projects, Workfront recommends you keep things simple. Focus first on what’s needed to get the project created easily, yet accurately, so you can get it up and running in no time. Create the project using your organization’s preferred method. Fill in the project details, focusing on the most important information for your organization. By the project timeline, so work gets done by the right people, and take the project live so the work can begin. Mastering these basics ensures you have successful projects and get top-notch reporting data. Then once you have the hang of things, you can move into more advanced project creation and management, looking at things like task constraints, resource management, finances, and more. Now before you start creating projects, let’s take a step back and define what is a project. At its most basic, a project is one of Workfront’s three main work items. Project, task, and issue. A project results in some sort of deliverable, an outcome that’s part of a larger initiative, or completion of a goal. For example, a marketing email that’s part of a national campaign, development of a new consumer product, launch of branded retail items, or delivery of consulting services. In Workfront, projects serve as containers for a series of tasks, which are the smaller pieces of work that need to be done in order to achieve the larger goal. It’s these tasks that get assigned to individuals or teams so the work can be completed. Projects come in a variety of sizes, time spans, and complexity. Some projects are short-term and completed quickly. Others span multiple months or even longer. Some Workfront customers have projects with just a handful of tasks, but Workfront also sees projects with hundreds of tasks that need to be completed. The size and scope of a project is determined by the outcome, or deliverable, and your organization’s processes. Pro Tip When you start using Workfront for projects, start small. Introduce Workfront by planning and managing a few smaller scale projects that your team is comfortable with. This gives everyone time to get used to work management in Workfront before diving into the more complex projects at your organization. Workfront customers create their projects in a variety of ways, depending on the team and the project purpose.