Understand incomplete executions

Incomplete executions can be stored in Workfront Fusion where they can later be reviewed and resolved. Learn how to take advantage of this amazing feature.

In this video, you will learn:

  • What incomplete executions are
  • How to handle an error that results in an incomplete execution
Incomplete executions are stored in a folder when a scenario execution is not successfully finalized due to an error. Each stored incomplete execution can be resolved either manually or automatically. By default, the storing of incomplete executions is disabled. To enable it go into the scenario settings and check the box to allow storing of incomplete executions. If a module encounters an error during its operation, a new incomplete execution is added to the folder. The execution history will be labeled as a warning and a minion will jump out of nowhere. Yelling, be, do, be do, be do, nah, but not really.
If an incomplete execution is stored due to an error, the scenario will still run through all subsequent unprocessed bundles as long as they aren’t aggregated. Remember, we need to use error handling directives if that’s the case. Failed executions can be resolved by navigating to the history section and clicking on the execution inspector with an error or by navigating to the incomplete execution list and resolve by going into the details. Each incomplete execution contains the scenarios blueprints, in all the bundles that can be mapped into the failed module. Please note that the current size limit of the unresolved incomplete execution folder per organization is 500 megabytes. an error will be thrown if the limit is exceeded.
On the next page of this course, read more about error types that will store incomplete executions with or without auto retry. -

Errors resulting in incomplete executions

There are several categories of errors that result in the storing of incomplete executions.

Different error types received will depend on the APIs you’re connecting to. The error could be a validation errors arising from incomplete or erroneous data, mostly because of a missing item that is expected in order to successfully process all data going through a module. Or the errors could occur from the final destination’s unavailability because of temporary or long-term connection failure (e.g. during connection to email or remote FTP server).

If an error occurs on the first module in the scenario, the execution stops immediately and no incomplete execution is stored.

If an error occurs on any other module and there is no error handler route attached, then:

  • If the error type is ConnectionError, RateLimitError, OutOfSpaceError or ModuleTimeoutError, an incomplete execution record WITH auto-retry is stored.
  • If the error type is DataError, InvalidConfigurationError, InvalidAccessTokenError, UnexpectedError, MaxFileSizeExceededError or MaxResultsExceededError, an incomplete execution record WITHOUT auto-retry is stored.
  • If the error type is anything other than the above, the execution fails.

Want to learn more? We recommend the following:

Workfront Fusion documentation
