Understand how Workfront Goals fits in your work cycle

In this video, you will learn about:

  • The 6 steps in a typical work life cycle
  • Core building blocks in the “strategy phase” in the work life cycle
Where does Workfront Goals fit in with my work life cycle? We know that the work management life cycle is iterative and not at all linear, and every team every day has multiple work initiatives in different stages of execution, yet work typically follows a common life cycle from planning through execution, even if some work is more agile than others. Number one, establish a vision and strategy. Determine what you need to achieve and why it’s important. Number two, identify and prioritize initiatives. Identify how you will achieve the targeted end goal. Number three, optimize resources for delivery. Model out your work plans to clarify how much can be accomplished given time and resources. Number four, execute with agility. Number five, deliver results. Number six, measure and apply learnings. When planning work in that initial strategy phase some core building blocks are necessary to align teams and ensure that the right work is getting done. Whether your planning cycle is annual, quarterly, monthly or biweekly, there are some critical questions you ask as you plan. What are we trying to achieve? What are the different options for achieving those goals? Which options are best given our constraints? And finally, how will we measure success? By helping you structure and communicate your organizational goals and define related success criteria, Workfront Goals helps you in the early strategy setting, stage of work planning. Also, Goals creates visibility into the what and the why of the plan, connects that plan to work, and then creates organizational alignment by keeping your teams working on the most important things all while measuring success along the way. In that capacity, Workfront Goals connects to the work, execution, delivery and measurement phases of the work life cycle as well. -

Take a minute to reflect on the following questions presented in the video. Jot down some initial thoughts as a response. Use these questions to help guide discussions you have with your teams. What did you learn?

  1. What are we trying to achieve?
  2. How will we measure success?
  3. What are the different options for achieving those goals? Which options are best, given our constraints?