Understand Brand Portal

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Access the Brand Portal
  • Create folders and establish folder settings
  • Set expiration dates on individual assets
  • Edit asset settings
Let’s go ahead and take a look at the brand portal. So I’m going to go ahead and click right here on this little button. This actually will take me into the brand portal. So you can click on it, you’re just going to open up a new window, and once it loads up, this is where the users are going to have the ability to search. They can view, they can download, they can share. They cannot upload assets here, right? So brand portal users don’t get that option.
Okay, any assets that are published to the brand portal from the DAM are going to show up here, right? So if we publish it it can show up here in our brand portal.
This page can be customized. We talk about that in a different class.
And then again, if you want to just kind of scroll down you can see some of the information or some of the the way that we have the setup. So you can scroll through your different… so the assets here, right? So this is a carousel.
You can click right here to explore some of this information. So we have some eBooks. This is just a text box that we put there, okay? So this is basically what the brand portal is going to look like.
Now, obviously, I’m not going to show you everything about the brand portal or the Workfront DAM right now in this course. So I do encourage you to, if you’ll explore your own.
Classes are going to be available for DAM users and brand portal users in the future. And also know that there’s always multiple ways of doing something here within the Workfront DAM, okay? I’m just going to show you just some of the key things, right? Now, when, let’s go ahead and move it into…we’re going to get actually now into Chapter 3 of the manual. So if you want to follow along with me, go ahead and jump into Chapter 3. We’re going to be starting on page 16, okay? So if you want to, encourage you to follow along. Now we’re going to first talk about how we can, you know create some of our different assets here within the tool. We’re going to talking about, in Chapter 3 we’re going to be talking about users and groups, again, assets and folders, okay? And how we create create these and how we can use some of the settings within them, all right? So let’s first start with creating a folder.
So before you start creating, just jump in and start creating something, we want to plan out our folder structure. Also keep permissions in mind, so who needs access to what, right? So just kind of keep that in mind.
And we’re going to create folders before we create any of the users or any group information, okay? So I’m just going to go right to my home. I’m going to click where it says, “DAM” right here and I’m going to go to my home.
And if we want to create, you know, any type of folder, we can click right here where it says “Assets” and it’s going to bring up all of our assets, right? So here’s all of our folders, and there’s a little plus sign right here to create a new folder.
Okay, so we’re going to click on that and it’s going to ask us to give it a name, okay? So we can call it whatever we want to. Let’s maybe call this one, oh what do we not have? Maybe we don’t have something called, “Logos,” right? So maybe we’re dealing with some logos. We can click on advanced options to show more information.
This is where we can review and modify the folder preferences, like, you know like if there’s an event date or if you want this password protected, you can see here that just some specific preferences, like you know, watermarking, allow emailing of an asset, allow sharing, downloading information okay? Now just kind of figure out what you want.
Now, what we, something that we don’t recommend is the download, we recommend not downloading an email. So “Send download requests to,” right? So we can, you can turn that one off if you really want to enable download requests.
You can receive notifications of downloads. So depending on what you want to do, okay? Now here you’re also going to say apply. We’ll get into this later where it says, “Apply metadata template.” This is something that we’ll talk about in our metadata and keywords class. So we’ll get there, just not for today. And then once we’re done and we’re going to go ahead and click save and you’ll see here that we created a folder.
Okay, so when we select the folder, again it’s going to open up our folder details over here. And you can see the green dot means that it’s an active folder.
Okay, if you want to edit the folder, you can click right there to edit it. If I want to watch it, or if I want to view the folder I can click that.
Now with the folder, actually, like if we double click into the folder okay? We can see that there’s another button right here that where you can create a nested folder, right? So we can give it a…we can say, I don’t know, “Logos,” and under logos, maybe we’ll have “Headshots,” I don’t know. And then under advanced options you can see again some of the same advanced options. One thing we do recommend to turn on is this inherent parents permissions right here. When you have that turned on, anything that’s shared with at the parent folder will follow down here into these these nested folders of these sub folders.
All right, so let’s go ahead and hit cancel now.
So if we want to backtrack, you can backtrack right here.
Okay, now there are some additional things that we can do here with our folders. Okay, so if we were to, again, select the folder, you can click right here to edit the information. Okay, you can see here that we can, there’s edit, you can publish or unpublish this. There’s some, you know, permissions if you want active or deactive. If you want to create a new nested folder or delete it, you can do that from in here.
Okay, again, double clicking in the folder will allow us to, again just see some folder options. Now, you can also right click on a folder, right? So if you want to, oh, well, maybe not.
Let’s do it backwards. There must be a change there. But there is also an edit button right there again so you can see some of the same information that we could do before within this folder.
All right? Now, whoops, let me go ahead and go into an individual asset. So let’s go into a folder here. I just want to show you some information that we can do here on an asset. So when we select or hover over it, again we’re going to be given a little edit option. So we can select that and you’ll see lots of different information so if you want to rename it, publish it, duplicate it, delete it.
There’s also an option here that says “Edit expiration,” okay? So we can actually set an expiration date on an asset.
So if you have assets that shouldn’t be used after a certain point in time, you’re going to set this expiration date, okay? They can’t be viewed in either the Workfront DAM or the brand portal after they’ve expired, unless you are an admin, okay? Only an admin will be able to see that.
So we can set expirations here.
Let’s take a look at some of the other things we can do. So if you want to add some additional notes, it’s just an optional thing, you can do that.
You want to hit cancel. Again, if you want to recreate a thumbnail, replace, there’s an upload a new version option. You can add it as a folder favorite. If you want to rotate, activate it or deactivate it this document then you can, okay? So always just look for that little, the pencil, to edit some of the information as it pertains to the documents or to the assets.

Asset folders

Folders serve multiple purposes in Workfront DAM. First, they are a means for organizing assets. Second, they are used to grant different groups of users access to the assets within the folders.

Some users will browse through the folders to find assets they want rather than searching. A logical, thought-out folder structure will direct these users to the right place. Some Workfront DAM customers organize folders by department, file type, asset subject, product, event, or workflow. But what works for one organization may not work for another.

Folders are also how users are granted access to assets. Users are organized into groups, and then groups are given permission to access the folders. Permissions on folders may vary by group—view only, upload assets, download assets, edit assets, etc.

When creating folders and nested folders, keep in mind the groups and users that will need to access the assets within the folders. The structure of groups could affect the way you organize folders; and how folders are organized could affect how groups are created.
