Create a basic grouping

In this video, you will learn:

  • What a grouping is in Workfront
  • How to create a grouping
  • And how to share a grouping with other Workfront users

Activity: Create a basic grouping

Create an issue grouping that will be used in a report to track requests that come through a request queue. This grouping will make it easy to see similar types of issues/requests grouped by their priority. Name the grouping “Request Queue, Queue Topic, Priority.”

Group the issue report based on:

  1. The name of the request queue (this will be the project name)
  2. The queue topic
  3. The priority of the request


An image of the screen to create a new grouping

  1. In an issue list report, go to the Grouping menu and select New Grouping.
  2. Name your grouping “Request Queue, Queue Topic, Priority.”
  3. Click Add Grouping.
  4. In the First By field. type “project name” then select Name under the Project field source.
  5. Click Add another Grouping.
  6. In the And then by field, type “queue” then select Name under the Queue Topic field source.
  7. Click Add another Grouping.
  8. In the And then by field, type “priority” then select Priority under the Issue field source.
  9. Click Save Grouping