Create visibility with the Jira Integration

Jira is a product used to track projects and issues for development and technical support teams. While many teams use Jira to track task level progress, they use Workfront to do true project management because they can get a high-level progress view. With the Jira native integration, this information can automatically transfer between the two applications.

What is Jira ?

Jira is a product created by Atlassian to track projects and issues for development and technical support teams. Many teams use Jira to track task-level progress, but they also use Workfront to manage projects. This means teams double their efforts by creating tasks both in Workfront and Jira . Yet with the Jira native integration, that kind of information can automatically transfer between the two applications.

How can I install Adobe Workfront for Jira?

Go to Adobe Workfront for Jira to learn how to install and configure Adobe Workfront for Jira.

What can a Jira integration do?

Here we have a sprint in Workfront titled “Workfront Story Spring.”

Storyboard burndown chart

Joan Harris, the Dev-Jedi Council Agile team lead, uses the scrum board and burndown chart as a way to measure the progress of the overall sprint. It gives the team a nice visual representation of what’s going on. In addition, this information is feeding into an executive report that’s reviewed every quarter. However, most of the team makes their updates in Jira , not Workfront.

Joan’s team has been using Jira for several years and find it’s a good way for them to track individual tasks and/or bugs they’ve been assigned to work on. But Joan really needs that information to connect to Workfront and, ultimately, feed those executive reports.

Jira Storyboard

Through the Jira native integration, any updates made to tasks, stories, or bugs can automatically update the tasks, stories, and/or issues in Workfront.

So, when the team member assigned to the Review Hardware Requirement story makes an update to the status in Jira , moving it from “New” to “In Progress,” that update will automatically change the status of the story in Workfront as well.

Jira status page

Status columns
