Understand navigation and searching as a user

In this video, you will learn:

  • What you see when you log in
  • How to navigate Brand Connect
  • How to search for assets
So I have gone ahead and logged in. Now each organization is going to have its own Workfront DAM URL, And when you log in with your username and password that you’ve been provided by your company it’s going to take you to the part of Workfront DAM that you have access to. So when I logged in this morning it took me to the Brand Portal, 'Cause it knows that I’m going to be a Brand Portal, Brand Connect User.
Now, I have a somewhat fancier screen set up here, kind of a homepage setup. As you can see, I’ve got a carousel going that’s showing me different flower photos. I’ve got a little pod down here that’s giving me different stuff. But let me show you actually how we have our Workfront DAM set up here at Workfront.
We’ve got a carousel here so that our sales team can get to different pitch decks, different order forms, and then we’ve got different little pods here so that our sales team can get to the various things that they need. And this is a page, you can set up this homepage as part of your custom Brand Portal setups. That’s something your system admin will do. So when you log in, you may land on a page, something like that. It’s got things right there for you to get into, quick ways, quick access. If your system doesn’t have a custom page set up, you’re going to land on the equivalent of what is the assets page. So I’m just going to select assets up here in the navigation bar,.
And this is just kind of a basic look at what you’d be seeing here.
So up in the navigation bar, we have our different menu items. And these are going to be different depending on your organization because this menu bar is customizable. Whether you see our Workfront DAM, a WebDAM logo, your own company’s logo, that’s always going to take you back to your login page, to whatever you land on when you log in.
Chances are you’re going to be working out of the assets page most of the time, so we’re going to be using that link a lot today.
Now, the brand guidelines are a set of rules that explain your organization’s brand message. Not everybody has these, not everybody does these inside of Workfront DAM, maybe they’re available elsewhere, but you can see you can actually have multiple sets of different style guides in there. maybe depending on department, depending on campaign, that type of thing. Just makes it easy for folks to get into. If they’re already in here looking for assets anyway, why not give 'em the style guides also? Setting these up in Brand Connect, also part of the admin class.
We can also put links here to other websites or custom pages. So like I said, this is going to vary depending on what your organization has done with their Brand Connect. Now as we work our way across to the right, we have a little icon here, a little, I call it a Foursquare icon, but it’s really nine I guess. But this is your light box icon, and we’re going to talk about light boxes later. But they’re basically a way for you to gather assets into one location to make them easier for you to get to later. A lot of times light boxes are done by maybe a theme, maybe they’re done by a client or a project, but they’re a way for you to manage assets, and get access to them quickly. So I’m going to learn how to work with those later this morning.
You have a notifications icon right here. So when different things happen in Workfront DAM, you will get notifications. I will show you how to do the settings for those later.
And then here, under your avatar, you can manage your profile information, so you can put a picture in. This is also where we can do our notification settings, things like that, we can create address books, that type of thing, and of course, we can log out. We’ve got our search options here in the left panel. You can see we have some search facets or some keywords and different pieces of information about the assets that we can use for searching. And if we go all the way to the bottom of that left panel, we will see our folder structure.
So if you’re a folder diver rather than a searcher, you can still get to your folders down there.
Now, the main part of the window right now, since we’re just in the assets area is going to display the folders that we have access to. But as we get into different things and open up assets, it’ll show us our asset details, it’ll show us our light box contents, that type of stuff. So the things in the middle are going to change as we go through class today. Keep an eye on our filter and view options here in the top right corner.
So you’ll notice that there’s a lot of different ways that you can filter your assets. And then of course, you can do an ascending or descending sort.
And then there’s different ways you can do small, medium or large thumbnails, or go to a list view if you want to. So one of the key things in Workfront DAM is searching for your assets.
There’s a lot of information in your course manual. It gives you a lot of different tips and tricks, different ways to do things. And I recommend that you look at that, because we’re not going to cover every single way to search today.
So basic searching in Workfront DAM is when you enter a search term in here, it’s going to look on the file name of the asset, the metadata, and the keywords.
It is not searching on folder names. So if you want to search inside of a specific folder, you need to open that folder up before you do the search. Otherwise, it’s going to do a search across the entire system.
Search results do partial matches.
So if I were going to type in winter, I could do a search like that. But I could type in W-I-N-T and it’s going to find everything that has W-I-N-T in it. Search results are partial matches on file names, this gets a little tricky.
So when you do a partial match like this, W-I-N-T, or maybe I did P-A-R for Paris, it’s going to look at the file name, and P-A-R in it, it’ll bring it up, Anything that has W-I-N-T in it, will bring it up. Even if I type in winter, it’ll bring in anything that has the word winter in it, and that’s on the file name only.
However, when it comes to the metadata in keywords, those are exact matches. So if I wanted to make sure I was getting things with winter, maybe there’s a keyword, there’s maybe a piece of metadata on that, I would need to type out the full word.
If I want it to be a partial match, I need to use my little wild card, my little asterisk as a wild card. So then it’ll find things that start with W-I-N-T, and then the rest of the letters don’t matter.
Kind of confusing the way that it’s set up, that sometimes the matches are partial matches, sometimes they’re exact matches. When in doubt, throw that little asterisk there at the end, throw that little wild card in so that it will pull in other matches for you.
Now you’ll notice here, that when I clicked in here, it popped up, it said, refine your search using operations like and or, this is really a good window to pop open. A lot of this information is in the course manual, but the fact that it’s right here on the software is even better.
And this is going to give you a lot of different ways to search. So for example, using and.
So, in the example here they have hot dog or hot and dog. Those two searches are going to run the same way.
The system already implies an and in between words when you put it in there You can use an or, hot or dog.
If you’re looking for a phrase, be sure to put it into quotes. So if you want the words hot dog to show up in that order, you’re going to have to put quotes around it. Otherwise, it’s going to find instances of hot, instances of dog.
There’s that partial match, and that little asterisk wild card there.
And then of course, we’ve got the searching by file names. And you’ll see right here, file names are treated differently than other fields.
And then they’re searching on metadata, there’s some power search, they’re searching on keywords. So we don’t have time to go through all of this today, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do search. I do recommend you look through this, look through the manual, and figure out what search terms work best for you. A lot of times I can just do a simple one or two word search here, maybe throw in the wild card, find what I need.
Now, in addition to using search terms, or in place of search terms, you can use our search facets. And that’s what these are referred to as facets. And these are just different pieces of information about the different assets in the system. And all you have to do is go through and click on these and it’ll run the search for you. So you can include a search word up here. and then go through and check some of these boxes. Maybe for example, I want pictures from Paris that were taken by Allison Lippert.
And you can see that that automatically ran a search for me, didn’t find anything. But I’ve got my search parameters right here, so maybe if I take off the Allison part, see if I get anything.
Okay, there we go.
So we have some Paris pictures, but apparently some of them didn’t have, or they didn’t have the photo credit filled in. So the Allison Lippert part of it was making things not show up.
And you can see what I did there, I didn’t want to use that one search facet, so I just clicked the little X next to it. Now I’ve already run this search, so maybe I want to find things that have a headline, vacation in Paris.
I can just add that to my search and there, narrows my list down.
Don’t want that option anymore, just click it out.
So you can use these in conjunction with a search term, you can just use them on their own to supplement your search.
Well, I just cleared the search, so it’s showing me now every asset in the system that I have access to. I’m going to go back to the assets tab here just so I can get back to my folders. Because another way that you may want to look for things is just digging through the folders.
All I’m going to do is double click on those folders. You could have nested folders, several layers deep in here. And just keep clicking on those folders to find what you’re looking for. Now, keep in mind, you’ve got a breadcrumb trail right up here. So I can just go back a level, get there. And keep in mind that you are going to be seeing the assets that you’ve been given permissions to. So even though this folder is showing a little meerkat on the front, when I open it up, I’m only seeing the panda bear photo, well, that’s the only one that I’ve been given access to.
So somebody’s just set that meerkat on there as the folder photo. So I get to see it, but I’m not going to actually be able to access that particular photo. -

Basic search criteria

A basic search looks at filenames, metadata fields, keywords, and asset content (depending on the asset type). It does not include folder names.

Most search results are exact matches. An exception to this “exact match” rule is when the Brand Connect searches the filename field. Brand Connect does return partial filename matches, rather than just exact filename matches.

Advanced searching in Brand Connect

Although the basic searching features will often find the assets you need, you may need to use additional search parameters from time to time.

Partial matches

To find a partial match, add an asterisk to the search term. The asterisk may be used only at the end of a word.

AND operator

To find results containing multiple search terms, enter AND between the words. The words can be found in any order. When searching across all fields, both words may not be present in the same field. For example, Paris AND tower will find assets that have both of those words in any of the fields.

OR operator

Use the OR operator to find assets that contain any of the search terms. For example, Paris OR Arc will find assets that have either of the words, but not necessarily both.


To find an exact phrase, use double quotes around the words. All words will be found together and in order. For example, “Eiffel Tower” will find those words in that exact order.

Negative operator

If you want to exclude a word from the search results, put a minus sign (–) in front of the word. Make sure there isn’t a space between the minus sign and the word. For example, to exclude assets that have the word “tower” in the metadata, your search could be set up as Paris -tower.

Empty field operator

To find assets that have no information in a specific metadata field, enter the field you want to search in this format: ?[xxxxx]. For example, if you want to find assets that don’t have keywords assigned, enter ?[keyword] in the search field.

Brand guidelines

Brand guidelines are a set of rules that explain how your organization’s brand works. Also called brand standards, a style guide, a brand book, or brand identity guides, these guidelines could include:

  • An overview of your brand’s history, vision, personality, and tone of voice.
  • The dos and don’ts of using the company logo.
  • Examples of fonts approved for print and web use.
  • Breakdowns of the company’s primary and secondary colors.
  • Samples of image style and photos that work well with the brand.

Once logged into Brand Connect, access the guidelines by clicking Brand Guidelines in the top navigation bar.
