Beyond basic mapping walkthrough

Change the project name, planned start date, and priority from the “Initial scenario design” you created in the first walkthrough using the mapping panel formulas.

An image of the Fusion scenario

Beyond basic mapping walkthrough

Workfront recommends watching the exercise walkthrough video before trying to recreate the exercise in your own environment.

The purpose of the next walkthrough exercise is to show you how to use the mapping panel and the formula editor to change the project name, the planned start date, and the priority from our first walkthrough exercise.
You will still want to have the spreadsheet pulled up for reference and you may want to go into your practice test drive, select all projects using the checkbox at the top left and delete all the projects out. So as you run your scenario again, you’ll see all of the new projects appear.
Picking up where we left off, I’m going to clone this initial scenario design, so then I can keep my training exercises separate and organized. Let’s start by clicking the save button before we leave the designer, click the scenario section in the left panel, and then at the right hand side of my scenario, there’s a clone option in that pick list.
Let’s call this beyond basic mapping.
Once I clone it, I’m brought to my scenario overview. If I want to keep it organized in my folder, I do have to return to the scenario section and then drag and drop that scenario into the folder. I can see underneath the title of my scenarios the folder that they’re sitting in.
If I click into my beyond basic mapping scenario and I click anywhere in the open space on the overview page, I’m back in the designer where we left off. Let’s click on the Create Workfront Projects module to take a closer look into the mapping panel.
Once my module field panel opens up, I’m going to find the project name again.
Clicking anywhere in that field will make my mapping panel appear. As you can see in the first tab, I see the items available from any previous module.
I click in the next tab, I see general functions such as get or if. I also have operators like equal, not equal, and, or or.
Going over to the next tab, I have math or mathematical functions such as format number, floor, max or min. At the bottom, I also have my available operators for doing math or mathematical functions such as plus, minus, multiply, divide, less than or equal.
Then the next tab is the mapping panel where I’ll find text or binary functions, such as lower or capitalize, toString, split for others, as well as keywords for building out my functions and formulas.
The second to the last tab is my date and time functions. Here I can see addDays, setMonth, or parseDate.
On the last tab, I can see functions for working with arrays such as slice, merge or map.
Let’s learn a little bit more about using the mapping panel. In the first walkthrough exercise, we mapped over the project name, the planned start date and the priority. Let’s add a little bit more for the project name.
I want to be able to use the name from the spreadsheet and then by the sponsor from the spreadsheet, and I can do that by simply typing into the field and clicking or dragging over the sponsor name. For the planned start date, we want to add 15 days to the date in the spreadsheet. To do that, I’m going to remove the field initially, go to my date and time functions and hover over the add days to make sure how to use it correctly.
Once I do that and I click on it, I can put my cursor here in the first space for the first parameter, go back and choose the plan begin date from the spreadsheet and then I can position my cursor over in the second parameter space and type 15.
The last thing I want to do is map over some criteria to change the priority based off of the confidence rating in the spreadsheet here. This is the confidence rating column.
We already selected normal from the list for all the projects that we create, but above this priority field, I have the option to map and change what the value is using the formulas and functions in the mapping panel. In this case, I want to see if the confidence rating in the spreadsheet is less than 100.
I’ll give it a high priority if it is. If it’s above 100, we’ll give it a normal priority.
So I go in to my general functions, I’m going to start by grabbing the if statement and take a quick glance at how to use it.
Click on it first and delete that two there. I’ll move my cursor here to this first space, which is the condition, and I’ll select the confidence rating.
And then I’ll go to the mathematical tab and I’ll choose the less than symbol, and then I’ll type in 100.
So if that’s true, I’ll give it a priority of four, which is a high priority.
Otherwise, I’ll give it a priority of two, which is a normal priority. Once I do that, we can click Okay at the bottom of the panel. I’ll click Save and I’ll click Run once.
Clicking into the execution inspector, I can see that all 20 operations for all 20 rows was run again, and I can expand an operation to see the projects that were created.
I can see the project name by the sponsor name. I can see the priority and I can see the planned start date.
Going into Workfront, I refresh the screen, I can see all the projects that were created using the mapping of the project name by sponsor.
I can even look at the planned start date and compare it to the project begin date in the spreadsheet to make sure that everything is working as planned. -

Your turn

Practice exercises and challenges are optional and are not necessary to complete Fusion training.

This practice exercise builds on what you learned in the walkthrough, but the solution is not provided.

Create a clone of the “Beyond basic mapping” walkthrough you just completed. You’ll continue using that scenario in the next walkthrough, so you don’t want to modify it with this exercise.

Create a task in each project you created as part of the previous walkthrough.

  • Use “Initial Planning for a (Project Color) Project” as the task name.
  • Set the planned start date to be the same as the project planned start date.
  • Set the duration to 3 days and duration type to Calculated Assignment.
  • Set the planned hours to be 10% of the Confidence Rating in hours.
  • Set the Task Constraint to As Soon As Possible.

Challenge: If the project color is Red, assign the task to Rick Kuvec. If the project color is Yellow, assign the task to Mary Smith. If the project color is Green, assign the task to Ida Blankenship.

Want to learn more? We recommend the following:

Workfront Fusion documentation
