Mapping panel and formula editor

In this video, you will learn:

  • More details on using the mapping panel
  • How to use the formula editor
  • Common formula examples
  • The different formula types
  • Good and bad use of the formula editor
In the mapping panel on that first tab, you’ll find any item available from a previous module. Sometimes you’ll even find example values per item off to the right in gray text. Hovering over a item in the mapping panel will reveal additional information about what type of data you’re going to receive, whether it’s text, date, numeric or some sort of array. Items in the mapping panel are going to be color coded to match the corresponding module, and if you hover over those items, it will make the module pulsate the edges in the designer. Sometimes you’ll have multiple modules that are the same color or type, so it’s important to know that you can display the module ID in the mapping panel. In the image at the left, we can see that the Google Sheets “Watch Rows” module has a module ID 1, indicating it was the first module added to the scenario.
Within a module, every field available to map can use any combination of functions, mapped items, or static data. Functions can be nested within each other to provide a virtually limitless set of possibilities. Functions come in a variety of logic, mathematical, text, date, or array-based functions. A pro tip is as you start building out more complex functions, you can do Cmd or Ctrl + A and Cmd or Ctrl + C to use that function in another field in another module. Let’s take a look at some common formula examples. In the first example, if I want to combine data from multiple items and include static text, it’s as easy as dragging and dropping those items, typing out your text, and then including other items as necessary. If I want to enter a value into the field based upon the evaluation of another item, I can use functions such as this if statement to say that if this confidence rating is less than 100, apply a value of four, otherwise apply a value of two. I can also get fancier and I can enter a value based upon lots of evaluations of other items using an and statement or an or statement. There’s mathematical functions such as plus, minus, multiply, and divide. There’s the ability to display numbers and dates in specific formats. You can add days or times to dates that you map in, and you can even look at text mapped or typed and find and replace something within that set. Again, because you have the ability to nest functions within other functions, you almost have a limitless possibility of ways to create the values that you need in fields.
Because we don’t have time to cover every formula or function in the mapping panel within this training, know that you can hover over any of them in the mapping panel, and a window will pop up to show how to use that function, and explanation of its use, and even some examples of how to use it correctly. -