Understand Workfront DAM

Workfront DAM is a digital asset management (DAM) solution made especially to manage, control, and publish your marketing and creative assets. It can be used in conjunction with workflows you already have in Workfront, where you may be managing projects, task assignments, and other work. Use Workfront to create asset requests and then manage the production and review of assets. Curate, store, and distribute completed and approved assets using Workfront DAM.

As the system administrator, you are responsible for setting up Workfront DAM and maintaining it. You need your stakeholders to provide insight into their processes so you can provide them with a system that meets their needs. These stakeholders might include:

  • Internal customers, such as sales managers, advertising reps, or marketing specialists
  • Production manager
  • Creative director
  • Creative team member

In this video, you will:

  • Get a high-level overview of Workfront DAM
  • Search for and view assets
  • Explore how the folder structure affects asset organization and access
This is what we’re looking at is the Workfront DAM. Okay? This is the DAM itself. This is the storage area. Okay, so again we see finished assets, logos, headshots, templates all the bits and pieces that we’re going to store to make our created items, right? The main thing that we’re trying to create we can store them here in the Workfront DAM. Users are going to be uploading items here. You can search for things, you can view, you can download. This is going to be the main area for like contributor users and also for admins.
The other side of this is going to be the brand portal which I’ll show you guys in a little bit. This is where completed and approved assets are going to be published, okay? They’re stored in the DAM, right? So we store that information in the DAM but then we share it through the brand portal.
This is a way to grant other users access to assets. So we can share assets with non DAM or brand portal users through the brand portal. Again, you can search, we can download, we can view and it’s the brand portal is primarily for the brand portal users. Now, as you get started, I want you to talk with your Workfront DAM consultant about configurations, best practices, set ups, things like that, okay? And in chapter two of the manual it’s going to give you things to think about, okay? Just some things to think about. I’m not going to jump into like a lot of that information but I do want you to review it. I want you to look at it. It’s really, if you look at chapter two, it’s literally a page of information, okay? Like thinking about goals and structure and metadata schema, keyword taxonomy, processes. You know, how are you going to be addressing Workfront and or the Workfront DAM, how’s going to fit into your organization? Now, for most of you, this is probably going to be one of your first times looking at the Workfront DAM.
So again, I want to give you a high level overview so that you’re familiar with the structure of the DAM and some of the terminology that we’re going to be discussing today. Because, you know, you’re going to be configuring the system for your user. So it’s kind of important for you to understand how it works, okay? And let’s go ahead and begin. All right, so cross the top here is going to be our you know, our navigation bar, okay? This is the top bar. This is where we’re going to have menus. You can oversee, we have like individual settings. This is going to be on this side, okay? Below this is going to be kind of like our main area where we can see some actions that have happened like our newest, newest assets that have been uploaded. Also, any notifications, you’ll see a few of them here, okay? Over on the left hand side, right? This is where as a Workfront, as a DAM user this is where you’re going to search for your assets, okay? So you can type in search right here. You can use like an advanced search option here. So if you want to search for keywords or statuses or something of that nature, you can search, okay? So if I wanted to search for like keyword that says like, like Paris, right? I can type in Paris, right? Click search, and it’s going to search for any information that shows that, okay? So it’s going to bring that up here.
So we can click the home button right there where it says DAM and take us back to the home button, okay? Or we can switch from basic to advanced search, okay? So when we’re searching for an asset we can search for file names. We can search for metadata. We can search for keywords, okay? What it doesn’t search for is for folder names, okay? So it’s not going to search for folders it’s going to search for files.
And again, using your advanced search if you want to be more specific or just kind of generic just don’t click the advanced search. Below that, we’re going to have our folder tree right here.
So, folders are used to store assets. They organize and they also help grant permissions to assets within the Workfront DAM, okay? This is very important to remember when we’re creating folders in groups, is that folders and permissions go hand in hand, okay? Folders can, you can have your main folders. You can also have what’s called a nested folder. So if you click on the little drop down next to it you can get like, see travel, and then you can have more nested folders or sub folder. We call 'em nested folders, but you can call 'em sub folders. Either way, it’s all the same, right? And then we can click on any one of these.
So if I click here on photographs, you’ll see here it’s now shows me the travel folder, right? So I can see that information, I can click right here on travel, right? Double click on that, and it’ll open up again the nested folder. So now I can see Oslo, Norway, Seattle, and Paris, right? Places that we’ve been. And then to be more specific, again, double click into one of the folders. Again, you’ll see how it highlights over here on the left. And now you can see some of the images that have been stored.
Information about, you know, the specific folder is going to be over here on the right. So you can see here, here’s the noslo, or nolso… Oslo, Norway, folder, folder details. See the data was created, who was created by.
You can edit some of this information. Sub folders. How many assets are in this folder? Okay, if you see this little green dot, okay? This means that it’s an active folder. If it was red, it would be an inactive folder. So they have to be active. A folder has to be active in order for users to see it or to publish anything to the brand portal. So it has to be an active folder.
Then you can see up here across the top we can download, we can upload, we can create a new sub folder. Just some options for us here. Over on this side you can select, do a multiple selection. You can sort options. And if you want to change your display option you can do that from using this little button right there.
Okay, now, when we click on an asset, okay, it’s going to over here on the right hand side, again, is going to open up information about that specific asset. So if this had a name we’re just calling it Oslo101.jpeg. So it’s just going to keep our file extension. I can see the image here. You can see some, again, more details, okay? Again, this is an active document. So if you want to, an active document is a live asset, right? It can be seen by users and it can be published to the brand portal. If it’s a red dot, right? So if I were to change this, now it’s red, it’s not active. So we can see it here in the DAM but it would not be available in the brand portal, okay? So now I can click the green button and change this down back to active.
Some of the information you’ll be able to see here on the details. Again, who created it, uploaded it, and then you’re going to have all this kind of information. This is our metadata, okay? And some of our keywords. So you’re going to see here, it’s information about the asset, the named fields, descriptive terms entered by the user or you know, copyright information, city and country. Again, you can see our keywords down here, Europe and Norway. And then again, our EXIF if we wanted to open that up. You can see just some information specific about the the image itself, okay? So this is where we’re going to see some of that information, okay? Now we can upload an asset to a folder, right? So if I were just to come over here to, let’s say education folder, just have a specific folder in mind, okay? There’s no assets in this folder, but I can click upload and I can either drag and drop, okay? Or I can do an import, okay? So I can now import and find what I’m looking for. So I’m going to just use the drag and drop option. And let’s go ahead and just take a file and drag it in there, okay? There it goes. Maybe want to do this one like that. There we go.
Okay, and it’ll say all files have been uploaded.
So it’s very simple to drag and drop. Make sure you hit the upload button if you’re going to be using like the FTP import, okay? So you’d click on that and then upload those documents, okay? Now, once we’re done we can minimize this or we can get rid of it. And you’ll see here that it says that these assets are processing.
So we’re going to wait for these to kind of kick in here. We can try to refresh our browser if you want to see if it will work a little bit faster. Our browsers have kind of been suffering from some speed issues, but there we go. So again, now we can see the education folder. I can click on the document itself. You’ll see it over here and it’s created by me against some metadata about it.
Okay? We can also have the ability to have asset versions, right? So if you wanted to have a new version of the file, again, you can just drag and drop it on top of this one and it would create a new version and have a ‘V’ plus a number next to the file name, right? So you’d be able to see multiple versions of this.
Some system settings can control version behavior which we’ll look at a little bit later, okay? Now, if you want to download an option or one of these files, you can select the one that you want click download, and it will download the file.
And we can also double click onto this. All right? And you’ll see here, it’s going to open up the image itself. It’ll show you, it’s called flowers and mountains. We can rename it if we want to. It shows you the folder that this is an active asset. Down here says that we’ve wanted to download it. It could actually show you the number of times that it was downloaded. Again, just some details if we wanted to add some keywords. So if we want to say something like mountains, right? We can add a keyword here or something, right? There you go. You can actually see that, that image.
If you want to backtrack, there’s a little back arrow. So you can return to the folder. That’ll just take us right back. And if you wanted to open up a different one you can double click on that one.
Again, opening up some of these different images for us to take a look at some of these different assets.
Now, anytime you are working here in the tool there’s going to be notifications that happen. So when someone makes a comment on a document or on an asset or something makes a change that you’ve been following you’re going to get this little notification down here in the lower right hand corner, right? So I can actually click on that and you’ll see your notifications, okay? If you want to view all, click right there where it says view all and you’d be good to go.
So you’re only going to get notifications about folders or assets that you’re watching, right? So if I wanted to watch something, right? We can click on the little button right here that says watch folder, right? And now I’m watching it. So now anytime an adjust or a something happens in the folder, I’m going to get a notification, okay? And that’s just going to be some of the basics here.