Understand reporting components
In this video, you will learn:
- The key components behind Workfront reporting
- How these components are used in a reporting element
Reporting components quick reference
A - Field source
Field source options are dependent on the object type selected. Often, the field source is the item in Workfront that a specific piece of information (aka the field name) belongs to. Sometimes the field source is the same as the object type.
The field source determines what fields names are available.
Examples: Project, Task, Issue, Assigned To
B - Field name
Field names are pieces of information available on what you selected as the field source.
They can be Workfront fields you filled in, fields from a custom form, or information that Workfront automatically captures.
Field names drive the value field options.
Examples: Progress Status, Description, Planned Completion Date, Custom form fields
C - Filter qualifiers
Filter qualifiers help narrow down the possible results viewable under the field source and field name selected.
They specify how the field source and field name relate to the value field.
Examples: Equal, Contains, Null, Less than
D - Value
The value is the piece of information that’s entered in the field specified by the field name.
Options for value are determined by the field source and field name.
Wildcards for users and dates can be used in the value, as well as free form text.
Examples: New, Current, $$TODAYbw, Description