Understand metadata

Metadata is all of the data used to describe an asset. Metadata fields have a name, and users can edit or change the information in many of those fields. Some metadata fields are populated by the application or device the asset came from and cannot be edited.

Keywords are a subset of metadata. Keywords tend to be generic, descriptive terms about the contents of the asset. This information is added to the asset, often manually after upload.

Using consistent metadata and keywords increase the searchability of your assets in Workfront DAM.

In this video, you will:

  • Get an introduction to the Workfront DAM course
Well, welcome, everybody. My name is Alison, and I am a member of the education team here at Workfront. And today we are going to focus on a very specific aspect of the Workfront DAM setups, and that is the metadata and the keywords. So, again, we are doing the metadata and keywords setup for Workfront DAM. And I just want to list a couple of the goals of today’s class before we get in. I’m going to pass on some tips for creating a metadata strategy, as well as some tips for creating a keyword taxonomy.
I’m going to help you set up your organization’s metadata fields, decide which ones to use, which ones not, and I’m going to walk you through creating that keyword taxonomy, which is basically a pick list of keywords. And then in today’s class, I’m going to show you how to create and apply a metadata template.