Customize reporting lists with layout templates

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate to the report list settings in a layout template
  • Remove filters, views, and groupings
  • Add filters, views and groupings
Hi everyone, in this video, we’re going to show you how to remove options from the filters, views, and grouping lists, as well as add a custom filter, view, or grouping to the reporting list. Now, when users go to an area of Workfront, like the projects area, they can determine what projects appear in the list by using a filter, they can determine what information you’ll see about the projects by using a view, or how the projects should be organized by using a grouping. These are reporting elements, and they allow you and your users to gain important insight into the work that’s being done. Now, you can see here that Workfront provides a list of default options for each one of these, but those options may not suit your organization’s needs. So, with a layout template, you can add or remove certain options in order to clean up and streamline these lists for you and your users. So we’re going to do that by going to the setup area and going to our layout template section. Now, you can start customizing those lists by either creating a brand new template or by customizing a template that is already there. So I’m going to edit an existing template for the marketing content team. So let’s just say that for the marketing content team, they don’t keep track of any financial data. So they don’t need to see anything about budgets or expenses or anything like that. So we want to remove those options from the reporting elements list in order to clean those up, in order to streamline them. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go to customize what users see, and from the dropdown menu here, we are going to select lists. Now that’ll refresh and you’ll see filter view and grouping, but before we make any changes, you need to make sure that you are in the right object. So make sure here where it says select a list to customize, you’re using the right object or you’re in the right object that you wanted to make those changes to. So for me, I did want to make changes to the projects area, filter views and groupings list, but you’ll notice here you can do that if you’re looking at portfolios, if you’re looking at reports, if you’re looking at schedules or a list of tasks or a list of templates, you have the ability to customize the filters, views and groupings for each one of these objects within Workroom. So just make sure you’re in the right area. I’m going to stick with projects and we’re going to make those adjustments here. So again, remember that in this example, the content marketing team, they’re not keeping track of financial data, so we just want to remove those options from our filter view and grouping list. So I’m going to go through the filters here on the left, see if I’ve got any financial stuff, which I do. I’ve got over cost budget and over work budget. I’m going to remove those from this list by deselecting or unchecking the boxes next to each one of those options. Now they still show here, but by deselecting, that means you’re hiding it from that list. I’m going to do the same thing for view. Remove a couple of these and let’s take a look at grouping. We don’t have any there, so we’re okay. So once we save the layout template, those options that we deselected or unchecked will no longer appear in that list. Now not only can we remove options, but we can add options as well. So let’s say for the marketing content team, their manager created a view specifically for them so they can see how they’re progressing with their tasks or their projects that they’re in charge of or that they’re assigned to. And they created that view, it’s called status and progress. So I’m going to go to the view section and at the bottom of this list, you’re going to see an option that says add view. I’ll click that, brings up this pop-up box where I can then find the view that I want to add. So it has to be created before I make changes to the layout. So from this list, I only have a couple of options and I’m going to click status and progress and then click add. So now that view is an option in my list of views when I’m looking at the projects area. As a side note, just to let you know, you do have the ability to deselect all the options, but I will let you know that there are some filters, views and groupings that you cannot deselect that will automatically show up that are hard coded into the system. But you can remove as many as you want in order to again, declutter or streamline these lists for your users.

Set list defaults

Setting default filters, views, and/or groupings for users gives them quicker access to vital information that can move work forward, faster.

As a system or group administrator, you can determine what users initially see when looking at a list of projects, tasks, issues, etc., by setting a default filter, view, and/or grouping through a layout template.

Layout template Lists window

Although a default filter, view, and/or grouping can be set up, the system is sticky and will show whatever filter, view, and/or grouping was last used by the user.

If you want to set a list default, you can either:

  • Hover your mouse over an option already listed and click Set as default.

Layout template Lists window with Set as default visible

  • Or add a custom filter, view, or grouping and check the box next to Set default.

Add an existing View window

Once done, you’ll see the Default tag.

Default tag next to list option
