Change the project status to complete

In this video, you will learn:

  • How to change the project status to Complete
  • Why to change the project status to Complete
  • What to do if you can’t change the project status to Complete
One of the final steps for closing out a project in Workfront is changing the status to complete. Throughout the life of the project, the status does two main things. It lets everyone know what stage of development the project is in, and it tells Workfront when to send out notifications and when not to. With the complete status, you’re letting everyone know that the project work is done. All the reports that monitor the project will be updated at once, so there’s no confusion. And you’re telling Workfront to stop sending notifications related to the project. Before you can change the project status to complete, make sure that all tasks are complete and not pending approval, and make sure that all issues are closed. To change the status, you have to edit the project. You can do this in several convenient ways. You can edit the project status from a project report. Or you can choose to edit the project from the menu. Or you can choose to change the status from the project header. Communication is a huge part of project management. Workfront makes it easy to spread the word about your project to all who need to know about it. Reports within your organization have probably been providing real-time status updates about your live project, but now you want it to drop off that list. Notifications will also help spread the news that it’s complete. But what if you forget to actually change the status? Some people will think the reports aren’t working, when really it’s just that the status isn’t up to date. There is a project setting, called Completion Mode, which will automatically change the status to complete when your project meets the qualifications. Some project managers prefer to do this. If you’re one of them, make sure you set this in your projects. You can set it in a project template as well. You can also set this on a lot of projects at once using Bulk Edit. Have you ever had this happen? Your project says it’s 100% complete, but you get an error message when you try to change the status to complete. It says the project cannot be marked complete if there are any open issues or incomplete tasks. But this project looks like it’s complete. There is one more thing you need to look for, and that’s approvals. A task or issue can show as 100% complete when it’s awaiting approval. The project will show as being 100% complete as well. An easy way to check your task to see if any are awaiting approval is to change the view to something that shows the task status. Anything pending approval will reveal itself in the task status. If you have more than a few tasks in your project, you might want to change the filter to approval tasks. Now you can see all the tasks that have an approval process attached to them and which ones are still awaiting approval. If you click on the task summary, you can see who the approval is waiting on.