Manage proof versions
In this video, you will learn how to:
- Find the details of when a proof was uploaded
- Download all versions of a proof
- Delete a proof version
Manage proof versions In this video, you will learn how to Find the details of when a proof was uploaded Download all versions of a proof And delete a proof version As your work goes through review workflows and corrections get made, you end up with multiple versions of a file. You can manage these versions through the Summary panel or the All versions section. The Summary panel gives you an overview of the version information. Select a proof in the Documents list and click the Summary icon. The Details section of the Summary panel shows basic information about the proof, Such as when it was uploaded and the size and format of the original file. Scroll down in the Summary panel to the Versions section, Which breaks down information about each proof version, When it was uploaded, who uploaded it, and the name of the original file. The icon indicates if the file was uploaded as a proof or a document. You can download all versions at the same time with a single click. This is a zip file of all the versions. Use the menu option next to an individual proof to download a specific version. If you upload the wrong file by mistake, or a proof version is no longer needed, you can delete that version. After deleting a version, the next version uploaded receives the next sequential number. For example, if you delete version 3, the next version will be number 4. You also can access version information by clicking Document Details and selecting All versions. From here, you can review basic information about each version, view the version, or download it.