Search for assets using metadata keywords

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Search for assets using metadata and keywords
  • Plan for maintaining metadata and keywords
  • Establish Workfront DAM best practices
Okay, just a couple more things and then I’m going to let you guys go for the day. First of all, we talked earlier about how metadata and fields and keywords play into the searching, okay? And when we type into the search field, you know, we’re looking in the metadata fields. We’re looking at the keywords, okay? Now, because I had that Oslo, Norway folder open, it searched in there, didn’t find anything. Let’s go ahead and X that out.
And you can see now I’ve got everything that has Paris in it somewhere, okay? So I’ve got pictures that have Paris as a keyword or Paris in the metadata. I’ve got pictures that have Paris in the name.
I think I even saw this Walking Dead PDF that’s part of our marketing stuff, okay? I don’t see Paris in the keywords or in the metadata. So the word Paris must appear somewhere in that PDF. So it even does a content search.
There are instructions on searching how you can use quote marks. You can use or, and, you can use wildcards, okay? All of that information is in the system admin manual back in an appendix about searching.
But I want to show you here with the advanced options, this is where we can start searching on specific metadata fields, okay? So you get these additional options. The image filters. Here’s where we can search on keywords, okay? So I could come in and say just find me things that have the keywords of United States and North America in them, okay? And you can see what it’s doing here. Keywords and North America and United States, okay? Or I can do an or. It has to either have North America or the United States in it, okay? And that’s just letting me pick from the taxonomy. Now, if I were able to manually type keywords in there, I’d be able to do that right here.
But if I want to search the specific metadata field, that job number field, the source field, the created by field, that’s where I’m going to select add a new field. And I’m going to hit all so that I can see all of my different metadata field options. And they’re going to be in the same order that they appear in the setups and over in the panel on the right. So let’s say, I want to search that job number field for that 1234.
Okay? Didn’t find anything.
Oh, there I did. I had multiple things going on there. Took that other search criteria off. There’s anything with the job number 1234.
Okay, I can build on those if I also want to make sure that the credit has Allison in it.
I can do that too.
Then anytime you want to take one of those search criteria away, just click it up here. So you can see how those keywords and those metadata fields can be key to searching and finding exactly what you want.
Well, that is the end of our material for today with our metadata setups. But let me just leave you with a few thoughts.
We talked about this in the administrator manual, but I just want to get a plan for checking the metadata and keywords on your assets. Again, what’s required, who’s going to do it? Is somebody going to go back in and check these things on existing assets? We have customers that have actually somebody called an asset librarian that that’s their job. They come in and they purge files that are expired. They make sure that file names are correct, their keywords are in there, the metadata’s in there. So maybe you’ve got somebody dedicated at your organization who does that kind of thing, okay? If you don’t establish the workflow, who’s responsible for it.
Not only create that plan for your day-to-day use but create that plan for maintaining the metadata and the keywords. That keyword taxonomy is going to need to be updated periodically. Who’s going to do it? How frequently are you going to do it? How are people going to submit their suggestions? So be sure when you’re creating all of this, getting all this set up to look to the future also.
So what is next for you guys when it comes to your Workfront DAM implementation? Well, after today’s class, there’s a couple things you can do.
Meet with your consultant, talk about your metadata and your keyword strategies, and if you need some help, they can help you with that metadata mapping so you can pull information from Workfront into the Workfront DAM with your assets.
You’ll probably want to establish some sort of naming convention for your assets, maybe different by department, by team. Again, everybody naming things the same way, so folks know what to look for, know how they should be naming things. Determine which metadata fields you want to be active. Create that keyword taxonomy if you’re going to use that.
Do the system setting so you enable the taxonomy and enforce it if you need to.
Create and apply those metadata templates to your folders and then start creating those plans for your future maintenance.
Now, something your consultants want me to pass on to you is in the Excel spreadsheet of information you received from your Workfront DAM consultant, there are a couple sheets in there that talk about metadata and keywords. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to at least look at those before today’s class. If not, go back and look at 'em, read the instructions on there, start filling things out and have that ready to go the next time we talk to your consultant. Start doing your setups in the system even.
Another thing your consultant may ask you to do at this stage in your implementation is to start defining your end-to-end user workflows if you haven’t done that already.
And as you define those workflows, make sure you work in who is going to be adding the metadata and the keywords.
Okay, everyone, that is what I have for you today for Workfront DAM Administrator metadata and keywords. You are free to go.