Manage cards on a board

Learn how to reorganize, copy, archive, delete, and disconnect cards on a board.

As work is reviewed and moves forward, the cards representing that work need to be moved, adjusted, archived, or deleted in order to maintain a clean and accurate board. So in this video, you’ll learn how to reorganize cards by moving them either up or down in a column or to another column altogether, copy a card and edit card information, and either archive, delete, or disconnect a card from a board. Cards can be placed wherever they’re needed or are supposed to be on a board. This is one of the great things about creating a board. You have flexibility where and when you need it. For instance, most of us write things down as they come to our mind. Same thing happens when we’re creating tasks in a project or cards on a board. This way we don’t forget or lose our train of thought. However, that isn’t usually the order they go in. So we need to be able to rearrange them or move them into another position. Cards can easily be reordered in a column or moved to another column altogether by clicking on the card and then dragging and dropping it into the desired position or column. If you know the card needs to go at the top or the bottom of the column, you can go to the More menu and click Top of column or Bottom of column to move them there faster, whichever method you use. The next time you or another team member enters the board, the card will be where you left it. Let’s say that moving a card doesn’t work for the situation. For instance, every month you have a customer check-in meeting to address updates and or issues. The original card for that meeting needs to remain intact, but a card should be created for the next two meetings. In this instance, copying the card and adjusting information where needed is the ideal option. This way the cards are there ready for you to use, adjust, and or move when you need them. To copy a card, click on the More menu on the card and click Copy. Initially the card title will say Copy of whatever the card name was. If you just changed the title, you can simply click on the card title from the board to update it. If more information needs to be updated, click the More menu, click Edit, and make the adjustments where needed in the Card Details box. The updates you make will automatically save, so click Close when you’re done. Boards are a living object within Workfront. Statuses are being updated, team members are being assigned and reassigned when needed, and new work is constantly being created and added to a board through cards. Because of the flexibility Boards gives a team, it’s likely that reorganization and cleanup will need to happen. That way you and your team can make sure that what you’re looking at is accurate and current. So you may need to use one of the following to help you maintain your board. Archive, Delete, or Disconnect. Being completed work is a great way to know how much your team has done and accomplished. However, keeping it there long term does not use the board space wisely. So it’s best to archive cards. That way the information stays in Workfront, but hides it from view, making it easier to see what’s current. To do that, click on the More menu on the card, and click Archive from the menu that appears. The card is removed from view, but can be made visible again through the filters option available. If the scope of your work changes, or you just find that the work is no longer needed and it’s represented by a card on your board, you can delete it. To delete the card, click the More menu and select Delete from the menu that appears. A message will pop up asking you to confirm the deletion. If you’re sure, click Delete. The card is deleted from the board. If the card was connected to a project, the task or issue remains on the project. One last option to mention is disconnecting a card. This can be helpful for instance if you accidentally connected a card to the wrong project. To disconnect a card, click the More menu and select Disconnect in the menu that appears. You’ll get a message asking you to confirm the disconnection. If you’re sure, click Disconnect. The card remains on your board, but any updates made to the card do not update the projects since there is no longer a connection. No matter which option you select, remember that a board is a way for you to track and communicate about work your team is doing. So do whatever allows you to do that more easily.