Create a request flow

In this video, you will learn how to configure queue topics, topic groups, and routing rules.

Putting it together, how to create a request flow. In this chapter, you’ll learn about configuring queue topics, topic groups, and routing rules. Routing rule creation. We will first want to create our routing rules and topic groups so that we can later attach those to the queue topics. From the queue setup area, we will go ahead and select routing rules. We will then select the new routing rule button. In the dialogue box we will name our routing rule and enter a description.
Once the description has been entered we have the option to assign this routing rule to a default assignee, a default team, or route to a specific project. For this routing rule we want to route these requests to the creative team. Under default team, we will type creative.
The system will then pull up our creative team, which we will select.
From here, we will click the save button thereby creating our new routing rule. Let’s go ahead and create another routing rule where the request will be sent directly to Jennifer Campbell. From the new routing rule dialogue box we will again name the routing rule, then enter a description. This time, under default assignee we will enter Jennifer Campbell’s name.
Again, the system will pull up Jennifer Campbell where we will select her and click save. As you can see, we’ve now created a second routing rule. We’ll create one more routing rule for the requests that we want to assign to Mark Lewis.
From here you can see we have created three different routing rules.
Let’s go ahead and create our topic groups. From the queue setup tab we will select the topic groups. From the topic groups area we will click on the button that says new topic group. In the dialogue box that now displays we will name our first topic group. The next field is for a description and the final field is a dropdown. This allows us to add the topic group to RQ. Now, as a note, you can create dropdowns up to 10 levels deep for queue topics. However, there is no limit to the number of topic groups which can be used. Once all the information has been entered we go ahead and click the save button and as you can see in our list of topic groups, our print topic group has now been created. Let’s go ahead and create a second new topic group.
As you can see we have now created two new queue topics, digital and print.
You can create dropdowns up to 10 levels deep for queue topics. However, there is no limit to the number of topic groups that can be created.
Finally, we can create our queue topic and attach the routing rules and topic groups that we just created. From the queue setup area we will select queue topics. As with routing rules and topic groups we will select new queue topic. From here, we can name our new queue topic, in this case, brochures. Our second field is the description field. Directly underneath the description field we are able to add our topic group as we just created the topic groups of digital and print. We will select the print topic group under custom forms. We also created earlier a creative asset custom form.
We also have a default approval process that we can add to this new queue topic. Let’s add creative team. For default duration, although a default has been set for the overall queue, you can assign a specific duration for the issue being submitted. For this queue topic let’s select a default duration of one day. Just underneath default duration we also have a default route. Remember, these are those routing rules that we created earlier in class. For this queue topic, we will select routing to creative team. And finally, we have request types. From here, you can determine for this queue topic what type of request can be created. The selection available here is of course dependent on what options you selected in the queue creation. As you can see here, we have one option of request. Once all the fields have been entered, we go ahead and select the save button, thereby creating a queue topic. I will now add my remaining three queue topics. Choosing the desired topic group, routing rules and custom forms desired for each topic.
Now that we have created our request queue with some cue topics and routing rules, let’s make sure that everything was set up properly. Under select a request type, I will find my request queue. This will be the name of the project that we created earlier. If we have any topic groups, this is where they will appear. I see both that we created, so we’re good to go. Next, we’ll see a list of the queue topics that are nested under our print topic group. Let’s select one to make sure our form is structured properly. Our basic fields that we set up in the queue details are found at the top, and the fields specific to this queue topic are found at the bottom with our custom form. Let’s submit a test request to make sure that it is routed properly.
We can see that it was properly assigned to Mark Lewis and if we click on the request name we find our request located on the issue tab of our project waiting for Mark to work on it. If anything looks out of place you can always go back to your queue and make changes. -