View milestones

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • View milestones in a specific project
  • Read the milestone view in a list of projects

Viewing milestones. There are several ways to look at project milestones. In this video, we’ll show you how to view milestones in a specific project and how to read the milestone view in the project’s area. There are a couple ways that we can view the milestone tasks from the project landing page. In the filter dropdown we can select milestone tasks as I’ve done here. As you can see, this filter will only display those tasks that have a milestone step attached to them. From this view we can see the parent tasks of concept, design and engineering, manufacturing, and distribution. Another way to view your milestone tasks is through a specific milestone view. Now let me go ahead and change this filter back to where we can view all of our tasks. In the view dropdown, we will now select Status. This allows us to see the task status icons. After selecting status, you can see that the columns of information here have changed and we now have status or flags associated with each of our tasks. As I scroll down, you can see that the tasks that have the milestone steps attached to them now have the little color tiles in the last space in the Flags column. Navigating to our projects list by clicking Projects and making sure we’ve selected all projects. We are also able to view this list of projects in a milestone view. Under the view reporting element in the dropdown we will select Milestone.

From this view, we’re able to see all of our projects through the milestone view. What we see on this page is that all of our projects are grouped by the milestone path that has been associated with it. Any projects that do not have a milestone path associated with it will be listed at the bottom under the unassigned portion. With the projects grouped together you’re able to see from, again, a milestone view and you’re able to compare these projects based on their milestone paths. So what are we seeing on this page? Well, in the left column or the far left side of the screen next to the name of each of our projects we have the condition of the project. We’re also seeing a start date and each of our milestone steps.

Finally, we’re seeing a planned completion date for each project.

Now, there’s some other things that we can do here. First of all, we can click on the date and we can manually change the planned completion date of this task in this field.

We can also change what we’re seeing in our milestone view of all of our projects. From the options dropdown I can deselect or select progress, status, and percent complete to see a very basic view of all of our projects with milestone paths. -

For information on how to create a Milestone view, see the Milestone view activity in Create a basic view.