Apply milestones

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Apply a milestone path to a project
  • Add a milestone to a task
  • Best practices for applying milestones

Welcome to Apply Milestones. Milestones can be applied to any task within your project, but each milestone must first be created on a milestone path and that milestone path must be applied to your project.

Here is a milestone path named Catalog. It is shared with the marketing group and it contains six milestones, each with a designated color for easy viewing. We’ll use this milestone path in our example. Your system administrator should have created or delegated the creation of milestone paths for use in your organization, and all applicable milestone paths should have been shared with one of the groups that you’re in. To apply a milestone path to a project, first edit your project to add the milestone path.

It’s in the project settings area at the top. Click in the milestone path field to see a list of all milestone paths that have been shared with one of your groups. We’ll select Catalog.

With the milestone path applied, we can add a milestone to a task. I’m going to show you two ways to do this, the hard way and an easy way that requires a little preparation. The hard way is to edit a task where you want to apply a milestone.

Go to the top of the task settings area and choose a milestone from the list. This is a list of all the milestones on the project’s milestone path.

A much easier way is to just select the milestone view as your task is created. You can also add a milestone to the project. You can also add a milestone to the project. You can also add a milestone view as your task view. Then click on the milestone column for any task and select the milestone you want. It should be noted that you can only apply one milestone to a task and you can’t apply the same milestone to more than one task. This is the rule no matter which method you use to apply the milestone. Since using the milestone column is so easy, why would you ever want to edit the task to set the milestone? The reason is because the milestone view does not come built in with Workfront. You have to create it as a custom view. But if you’re using milestones, I think you’ll find it’s well worth the effort. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to create it in the Milestone View activity in the Create a Basic View tutorial. Now for some best practices. Milestones are commonly used over and over for similar projects, which makes them an ideal candidate to add to a project template.

In the project template, you can apply your milestone path right here. You can also set up milestones on template tasks, and you can create a milestone view for template tasks to make that easier. Do you want to see the names of the milestone paths that are being used in your templates? You can set up a milestone path view for that. The next step is to create a milestone view, and that’s what we’re going to do here. Now, let’s look at our project template. a milestone path view for that. It’s similar to a milestone view, but you just create a milestone path name column instead of a milestone name column. If you do create a milestone path column, you can click on a milestone path to view details about it.

For information on how to create a Milestone view, see the Milestone view activity in Create a basic view.