Set up groups and users

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Understand how group setups affect access to assets
  • Create folders, groups, and users in a specific order
  • Understand the user role types
  • Grant permissions to folders
  • Create and edit groups
  • Add and edit users
Next, we’re going to be talking about groups and users. Okay? So get your folder structure established before you tackle this. So remember that group control, or excuse me, groups control access to the folders and also the assets that are contained in them.
So when you’re creating folders, you know, and groups map it out, right? Say, okay, this group needs have access to these ones. Map it out. This group has this needs access to these. Map it out. And then start creating. Okay? And we’re actually going to create groups before we start creating users, okay? Because we’re going to add users to groups as we create users, right? So that’s just kind of logic. Okay? So let’s come right up here. We’re going to click on our, our little gear right here.
And we’re going to go into our system preferences and as we’re going to see all of our system preferences.
And then let’s take a look at some of the things that we can do here. So under system settings, let’s come up here to permissions and we’re going to select groups.
And this is where we’re going to start creating these.
You can see here that we have some existing ones.
There’s a couple default groups, like the guest group. This is a default group. This is someone who isn’t logged in or authenticated. This is literally everyone else in the world. This is someone you can send a link to, for example, right? You can control what they see, but don’t have to specifically allow anything, right? So it’s just like an anonymous thing. You can just send it out to the link app to someone. You can give access to specific information, okay? The other default group is going to be the logged in. This is everyone with Workfront Dam or brand portal usernames and passwords.
So this is going to be a couple default groups. We can restrict what they see. We can restrict what they can do. We can assign, they can be assigned to folders, right? So if you only want them to see like logos, or PowerPoint templates, or whatever you want them to see, you can adjust that, you can change that, and set those restrictions.
The other one is going to be the admin. This is the see everything, all the time. This is one that you can’t change or delete. You can just add people to it. Okay.
So these three are kind of like your default ones. Now these are the ones are the ones we’ve created here. So once you create one, by clicking this little plus sign.
We’re going to go ahead and, and get into this. So you can see the role type.
There are, there are three that are here. Okay? The role type actually controls what application users get, right? So you have like the brand portal. So this is a brand portal only. They can view, download, and share.
The regular user, don’t use, okay? I know it’s there. It’s actually being phased out. It’s not part of Workfront licensing. So we try not to use that one. However, we do have the contributor, okay? This is, they have access to the, what’s we refer to app as the Dam proper, right? So the Workfront Dam. They can upload, download, edit, share, and publish. Okay? And then again, if you want to add users to the admin group, then you can but an admin is the, I can do everything type of user. Okay? And this role type is going to be applied to the specific groups that we’re looking at. Okay? So before you create a group ask yourself some questions. Like, what role type are they going to need? What asset folders did they need access to? What asset download presets do they need? Let’s go ahead and give this a name, right? So we’re going to, let’s go ahead and actually let’s change this to say contributors.
Oh, sure. So, absolutely Nicole. So Nicole, ask the question, what’s the difference? If I can repeat, what’s the difference between access between the brand portal user and a contributor? So a brand portal only has access to the brand portal to this area right here.
Okay? That’s it. Again, they can, from the brand portal they can view and download it and share, okay? The contributor license will give them access to the what we refer to as the Dam proper. The Workfront Dam here, this area.
So this will allow them to upload documents. They can download documents, they can edit, share, and publish to the brand portal.
So it’s just a higher, little bit higher step. And then only one higher than this would be the admin.
Okay? Let’s go ahead and give it a name. I’m going to call this the training group.
We can put a description if we want to kind of explain what this group is. And then we’re going to have some of our, some presets.
So this is created as part of the system preferences. So you can actually allow people to put in their own specs, right? So allow users to create their own image download presets or some of the options that they can choose from. So whether it’s image download or video download.
So you can say they can only download these types or you can allow them to create their own, which I’m actually going to select, okay? I’m going to allow them to create their own. And then I’m going to go ahead and save.
Now, once I save this, it’s going to open up the different folders, right? So this is, we’re going to get into our folder permissions. You can see here that we can see the different folders. So maybe I want them to have access to this one, so I can go ahead and check that one. So now they have access to it.
Yes. I want them to view. I want them to be able to download. Yeah, I want them to be able to download. But can they upload assets? Can they edit them, move them, delete 'em. What about creating folders? Create, edit, move, delete, okay. And if there was a nested folder, we could say, yes apply this to the nested. And then all of these settings would move down to the nested folders.
We can also do a bulk edit, right? So we can actually change 'em all and then, right? So we can see how we can select these and do bulk edits.
Or we can do them one at a time, right? So with nothing selected, just do 'em one at a time. Or again, bulk edit them.
So I’ll go ahead and say that they can have access to the education folder. Allow, I’ll let them for the assets they can, yep. Upload. They can move them. I don’t want them to delete 'em and I don’t want them to really create any folders. Let’s go ahead and say edit as well. And then we can go ahead and hit save.
So now anyone that I put in this, this new group that we’ve created.
They would then be able to have access to this one specific folder. And the settings that we set. Amy asked the question, what if you create new folders after groups have been created? Do you have to go in one by one to give group permissions to the new folder? You would, yeah, you would have to, right? You’d want to come back in here into the groups or you can do it from the folder option. But then you can always click this little, you know, like the actions right here, and hit edit group. And then choose some of the information, what you want to do here. Or you’re going to have to, oops, not edit, I’m sorry. Let’s go ahead and hit cancel. I meant permissions, right? And then choose the folders that they have access to.
So anytime a new folder’s been created, then you’re going to have to go in here and choose the groups to have access to it.
Or again, if we were to come over here to assets, I’m just going to come backtrack a little bit. If we were to choose a folder.
You can edit it and hit permissions right here and immediately allow permissions to be changed.
So we can say, all right, what group? And then downloads, what can they do, right? So you can set it here, on the folder level too.
Alright. So let’s go back up here to group. So once we have our groups created, right? We have them in place, then we’re kind of getting set up now to add users to these.
So we’re going to go ahead and select our users tab right here. And you’ll be able to see here all of the different users that we currently have at least we have in ours, right? So you can see there I am, right there. You see I’m an admin, right? It gives us our name, and email address, and the group that we’re a part of, right? I can see my downloads, my status, my last login, which is today. So it gives me that information. And if I wanted to add a user or even edit some of this information. Click the plus sign to add, you put in their username, their email address, you’re going to put in their role type. So again are they going to be an admin, brand portal, or contributor? Again, remember, we’re not using the regular users. It’s being phased out.
And select the groups that they’re going to be a part of, right? So you can see the brand portal. If I do contributor, I’ll be given some more options here.
We can put in first name, last name, company, URL’s, phone numbers, right? Just kind of set all their information.
And then we’ll just add that here. Now we can edit any of this information any time, right? So you can click on like if I wanted to select a specific person, I can click the little tool. So we can, I can delete this individual, I can add them to a specific group, right? So I can click on that. It says, please select your group. So I could say, yeah, I want to add into the education team. And it would add that individual to this team.
So again, we can make these changes, edits, or adjustments as we need.
You can also, from right here, you can do some inline editing. So if you wanted to change their role, we could change their role. If you want to add into a group, just click right there and choose the group that they can have access to. You can see how many times they downloaded something. Again, giving us information about that specific user.
Now, a couple things about users.
You’ll notice here that there is, when I select an individual, I’ll go ahead and select myself. There is an option to deactivate and delete. And I want to talk a little bit about this real fast.
We recommend that you deactivate a user rather than delete them. Deactivating is going to free up a license, okay? And it’s not going to delete information related to that user. If you delete somebody, it removes the user’s name, right? From uploaded by field and other fields that it might have been automatically put in. So you’re going to lose metadata if you delete somebody. So deactivate them as kind of more like, as a safety, as a precaution. Cause then the information still is there, right? If they uploaded any metadata, if they uploaded keywords, things like that, we want to make sure that that information remains. If you delete 'em, it’s going to get rid of all of that, right? We don’t want that to happen.
Right, and those are going to be how we add users and how we take care of groups. -

Groups and users review

As you configure your Workfront DAM system, it’s important to consider the roles that users and groups play in the big picture.

Groups control access to asset folders in Workfront DAM. Group settings also control what users can do with the assets (view, download, edit, etc.) they have permission to access.

When creating groups, it’s vital to keep in mind what asset folders the members of that group will need access to in Workfront DAM.

Users are the individuals who have logins to Workfront DAM. A user cannot access anything in Workfront DAM unless they are assigned to a group. Users can belong to more than one group, depending on their needs.

Default groups

There are two default groups that come with Workfront DAM. All users belong to these groups automatically, based on whether they have Workfront DAM login credentials. You cannot add or remove users from these groups:

  • Guest group—Used to control access for an anonymous user. This could be someone without login credentials or a user who is not currently logged in.
  • Logged-In group—All users who are logged in belong to this group.

The Admin group and its settings also exist by default. You can add users to this group but you cannot adjust the settings.

Role types

As groups are created, they are assigned a role type. The role type determines what part of the Workfront DAM system users get when they log in — Workfront DAM itself or Brand Connect.

There are three role types available with Workfront DAM licenses:

  • Brand Portal—These users have access only to Brand Connect, which is where they can view and download approved assets.
  • Contributor—These users can access Workfront DAM and Brand Connect. They have full access rights to assets and folders—view, download, upload, edit, move, and delete.
  • Administrator—System administrators have access to everything in Brand Connect and Workfront DAM, plus the ability to establish the global system settings for each. They also can access assets that have expired or been set as inactive.