Understand system settings
In this video, you will learn how to:
- Establish global settings
- Set options that affect assets
- Establish settings that affect folders
- Make rules regarding downloads
- View reports and audit logs
We want to get into our system settings here. These are going to be our system-wide settings.
So if we come down here, if we click on preferences. Some of these settings down here are going to affect the brand portal but the brand portal does have some of its own settings but with a lot fewer options. Many of the settings that you see here are going to be self-explanatory.
I’m just going to point out a few.
And let’s go ahead and look at some, let’s start here with general settings.
This email that you see here is the one that receives messages when certain actions happen, like downloads, new user registrations, things like that. It’s like the admin and we can only put in one here.
So it’s the overall, it’s the main Workfront, the DAM admin.
So we can see that there.
If it needs to go to multiple people, I would recommend creating an email group. So have an email group that you can put in here so it would go out to multiple people, otherwise you can only put in one email.
Next, let’s look at users and groups. I’m just going to scroll down here a little bit. Users and groups.
You may not need some of these fields if you’re using single sign-on, just as an FYI, but you can allow users to self-register.
This will actually put registration links on the login page so you can allow them to self-register. You can set notify when new users register.
Yeah, I mean it’s totally separate. I mean, create an email group through your email server or whatever email company you might be using. Like we use Google here or Gmail. So we would create an email group and add a bunch of users to it.
So it’s completely independent of the Workfront DAM.
It just has something completely to do with your email that you use. So I know you can create, again, it’s called an email group. You add users or specific emails to that group and then just put that one in there instead if you want notifications to go out to multiple people.
You can see here, new users must be approved before registering. It’s just turn it on or turn it off. Do you want to automatically have passwords expire? This says display the following, click-on agreement on registration. So you can edit this. So if you have a specific terms of use type of thing, you can set that there.
And then session expiration time. So if you are inactive for a specific amount of time, this will log you out.
So we just go ahead and say three hours. Scroll down a little bit more, let’s look at assets. So, this is going to affect assets that are currently uploaded as well. So if you make any changes here it’s going to affect those. So default status of assets on upload. Do you want to make them an active asset or an inactive asset as soon as they’re uploaded? Usually, this should be set to active. If you select inactive, you have to go in to the individual asset, you have to mark it as active, but, again, it really just depends on your workflow needs. So if you don’t want something to be immediately active then switch this to inactive. But the default is it’s going to set it here to active.
Right here, this next one says default asset name on upload. Again, usually the file name is the asset name but I think it’s, again, more user preference.
You can choose to auto rotate, receive email notifications on uploads. Watermark, you can watermark 'em, if you had a watermark uploaded.
You can say apply metadata from the new version or their current version. You can do things like enabling things like keyword taxonomies.
So enforcing 'em, deactivating upon expiration, receive email notification asset expiration. So if we keep scrolling down, you can see things like if it’s a video, source of the video thumbnail you can put it custom or you can choose the seconds when it shows up.
You can enable the Wistia player here as well.
And if you’re using that, some JavaScript API options, again, that’s a little bit more in depth that we won’t cover, that’s more for something to talk about with your consultant.
Let’s go back up here to the top and let’s go over here to folders.
So again, active versus inactive when you create 'em.
So you can have an active folder and inactive folder.
And then also the option to keep or delete folders on an FTP site.
So when you import them, if you import a folder, do you want to keep the folder or not? Downloads, just setting, again, some of the defaults for when we download.
So if you have a watermarked download, do you want to allow them to download? Do not allow download? Allow download for logged in users only? Do you want to enable a click-on agreement? So if you enable that then the click-on agreement will show up.
You need to require users to agree upon the first download only or for every download? So they’d have to click on that agreement every time. Here’s where we can choose that agreement. Receive email notifications for download. So if you’re the admin, this is where you can set the download information that you might want to receive.
And then even email download requests, search information, image download presets, video download presets, even cloud sharing.
And then approvals as well.
So, talk to your consultant before activating some of these options.
We recommend do not talk, please do not talk to Workfront. So if you’re currently using Workfront and you’re also using the DAM, these asset approvals they don’t speak to each other. So they’re completely independent of each other.
So, again, like I said, a lot of these are self-explanatory. You can look through 'em and choose your image presets, if you want to delete those or edit those or whatever you want to do, you can create new image presets and video presets or whatever you want to do.
Next we’re going to look at some reports and audit logs. So I’m going to click right over here under my settings, over here, it says reports. Let’s just take a look at that.
Again, some of this is going to be pretty straightforward. It’s going to be pretty self-explanatory but you can see a download tracker, a request, an upload tracker. So you can click on any one of these and it will show you uploads, number of assets, the day it was uploaded, so you can see that information. So there’s my one, there’s Allison’s, my other one. You can see login tracker. These are going to be your built-in reports here.
And at this point, we only have these built-in options. There’s actually no options to create new reports. So these are the ones that we have.
And so you can just choose the ones that you want, take a look at 'em and see what’s happening. And that’s really the extent of downloading and audit logs it’s just what you see here. -