[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Configuring the integration

[AEM Assets Essentials]{class="badge informative"}

Learn how to configure the Adobe Workfront and Assets Essentials integration.


Let’s take a look at how to configure the Adobe Workfront and AEM Assets Essential integration. So this can be broken down into two main activities. The first will be entitling a user to act as the Workfront system administrator, and the second will be logging into Workfront as that administrator and adding the integration with Asset Essentials. So let’s get started by logging in to the Adobe Admin Console. The Adobe Admin Console can be accessed through the Adobe Experience Cloud home screen. If you’re part of more than one Adobe organization, always make sure that the correct organization is selected in the organization switcher in the top right. Tap on Admin Console from quick access and note that if you don’t have the Admin Console option, that means that you’re logged in user has not been entitled to manage other users within the Adobe org. So you’ll need to talk to one of your Adobe organization administrators to sort that out. In Admin Console, tap on products to see a list of all of the Adobe products you’re entitled to. You should see Workfront listed and tapping into Workfront shows all available Workfront instances. This list is typically comprised of at least the production instance, a preview instance, and optionally Sandbox instances. We’ll want to click into the Workfront instance that will be integrated with Asset Essentials. So let’s go ahead and select our production instance. If you’re confused as to which is the production instance, it’s the listing without preview, or SB, which stands for Sandbox in the URL name. Once in the production instance, we’ll do two things. The first is, we’ll add our user who’ll act as our Workfront system administrator to the Workfront All Users Product profile. So let’s tap the All Users Product profile to open it, make sure we’re on the users tab and tap add user. We can search for the user that we want to act as our Workfront system and administrator. And once we found and selected the user, we can save our new addition. Now our newly added user shows up under the users list for our All Users Product profile. At this point, this user will be able to log into Workfront with a basic request or access. However we want to elevate their entitlements even further so that they can become Workfront system administrators. So to do this, simply head over to the admins tab under this product profile file and just like users, we have the same user as an admin.

Save our changes, and now that same user will be listed here as well.

Okay, so now we’ve successfully entitled our user to be able to access Workfront as a Workfront system and administrator, and they’ll now be able to configure the AEM Assets Essentials integration. So the next step is to do just that. And for this, we need to access Workfront. We can find the URL to Workfront either by copy and pasting the name from the Workfront product that we just configured in Admin Console. Note that the product names is in fact the URL, or alternatively, the user that we just provisioned will have received an invitation email to Workfront that contains the URL as well. But let’s go ahead, copy this link and log into Workfront.

Make sure to log in as the user we just provisioned as the Workfront system administrator, and once we’re in Workfront, click on the main menu in the top right.

Since we’ve logged in as administrator, we should see a setup option down at the bottom and let’s tap on that.

And now over on the left side, scroll to the bottom, expand documents and tap on Experience Manager. From here, we can add the AEM Asset Essentials integration. Tap on the add Experience Manager integration button, give the integration meaningful name. So let’s call ours AEM Asset Essentials. The URL is automatically populated. And if you’re part of a single Adobe IMS org, that will be auto selected as well. However, if you’re part of multiple Adobe organizations, make sure you select the correct Adobe IMS org ID from the drop down. If you need to double-check the org ID, simply head back over to Admin Console and you’ll be able to see the Adobe IMS org ID in the URL.

Okay, so it looks like we had selected the right one and we’re almost done. The last piece of the integration setup is the metadata mapping, and this maps fields from within Workfront to the asset metadata properties that exist in Asset Essentials. So on the left, we can either search or browse for Workfront fields, select them and over on the right, map them to their corresponding asset metadata properties. The reason this mapping is important is because it allows Workfront to write values from the source fields into the assets corresponding metadata fields, exposing them to Asset Essentials. Asset Essentials administrators can configure metadata forms, so these are visible within Asset Essentials and these values can also enhance search within Asset Essentials.

We can map as many metadata fields as we need, and this includes any custom Workfront fields. Once satisfied, tap save to create the integration.

The integration will now display as active under the Experience Manager integrations list and note that if you ever need to go back and evolve the metadata mapping, simply select the integration, tap edit, and you can make changes to the metadata mappings as needed. The last thing we’ll do is verify that Workfront has indeed registered our integration with AEM Asset Essentials. So for this, navigate to the main menu in Workfront, and now a menu item assets should display. Tap it and if everything’s set up correctly, you should be taken directly to the registered AEM Asset Essentials environment. -
