Learn how to collaborate on asset management using comments, annotations and tasks.
In this video, we’re going to learn about the collaboration tools available in Adobe Asset Essentials.
Asset Essentials provides collaboration tools that allow us to annotate and comment on assets, as well as assign and manage review tasks. To demonstrate, let’s navigate to our Surf Camp in Costa Rica folder and select our surfboard asset.
Next, on the top right sidebar, select the comment icon to view the comments made by users in your organization.
The comment sidebar lists all unresolved comments and allows us to create three different types of comments. A text comment, pin comments and custom shape comments. Text comments are pretty straightforward.
Wendy has indicated that this image would be a great banner image in our Summer Surf Adventures campaign. Let’s reply to her comment agreeing and leave a comment of our own.
Pin comments allow us to leave a text comment with a colored pin marker on the asset. This is helpful when you want to talk about a specific part of the asset without having to describe where this is on the asset. The custom shape option allows us to perform a free form sketch on the asset and leave a color coded text comment. This allows for more freedom than pin comments. Let’s leave a comment indicating that we would like to remove the light spot behind the surfboard and touch up the chain fence.
Now, that we have replied to an existing comment and left a few of our own, let’s take a look at some of the actions that are available for a comment. Selecting an ellipsis on the comment populates a dropdown with actions we can take. We can resolve, edit and delete a comment. Resolving a comment will remove the comment and mark it as resolved. Editing the comment allows us to change the text or location of an annotation, such as the pin location.
Deleting a comment removes the comment permanently. If we wanted to view the asset without annotations, we can select the remove annotations icon in the bottom right. Next to the remove annotations icon is the filter icon. Selecting the filter icon allows us to filter by reviewers, time and status.
Selecting resolved displays are recently resolved comment.
Now that we understand comments, let’s clear our filters and assign a task back to Wendy. Navigate back to our workspace by selecting the back arrow and then select the asset. Next, select the ellipsis on the bottom right of the asset and select assign tasks.
The create task pop-over appears with a preview of the asset we are making the task for.
We need to give this task a name, select the priority, provide a due date and assign the task. We can either use Wendy’s name or email ID when assigning the task. We should also provide a description of the task and what’s being asked. Once complete, select create task.
We have now created and assigned a task to Wendy, however, before we jump over and look at the task from Wendy’s point of view, let’s take a look at My Workspace.
The My Workspace tab lists all the tasks that I am involved in, including tasks assigned to me, by me and completed tasks. We have the task type, summary, status, priority and other fields associated with the task.
Here we can see the task we just made for Wendy. Let’s swap over and log in as Wendy now to take a look at this new task.
After swapping and selecting My Workspace, Wendy is able to see the new task that was assigned to her with the new status under assigned to me, selecting the task opens the action bar where she is given two options. She can open the task details or select complete task. Selecting open task details loads the task manager. On the left is the task details. To the right is the asset in question and on the top are buttons to approve, reject, edit, and delete. This task is a quick review task. Generally, these types of tasks just need to know if the asset is approved or not. Wendy can also look at the metadata for this view and more importantly, any comments that have been made. After replying to comments, Wendy is ready to approve the asset for the adventure marketing campaign. Selecting approve opens a pop-over allowing for a quick message. Once approved, Wendy can navigate back to My Workspace and the task is no longer populated in the assigned to me tab and has instead been moved to the completed tab.
Now, before we finish, I want to highlight how folks who are not directly involved with the task can still see the task progress. Going back to our assets preview page, we can select the task icon from the far right. This opens the related tasks sidebar, allowing anyone who has access to our organization to see the task status, messages and who is involved with this task.
You should now know how to collaborate using Adobe Asset Essentials. Thanks for watching. -