Report on proofs

Workfront’s digital proofing features allow you to manage projects and related review workflows all in one place — Workfront. Gain valuable insight into the proofing work being done with report types, field sources, and field names that display review and approval information.

We recommend working with your Workfront consultant to create reports that meet your organization’s requirements. Some of the reports require familiarity with Workfront’s text mode reporting.

Start with these basic, standard reports to help your teams manage proofs going through a review and approval process in Workfront.

Proof Approval

This report type helps you track outstanding proof approvals to make sure deadlines are being met.

Select Proof Approval from the New Report drop-down menu

View and filter options include decision date, proof approval, approver stage, workflow template, and requester information. With text mode reporting, you can create a grouping that organizes the list by document name. See Understand basic text mode for groupings.

When writing proof approval reports, make sure you’re getting information related to the most current version of the proofs. Workfront recommends including this field source and field name in the filter:

Proof Approval>>Is Current Document Version

Filters tab in report builder

This is useful when you’re reporting on proofs that have multiple versions so the report lists only the current version of each proof that needs approval. This filters out the earlier versions that you no longer need to work on.

Document Version

This report type allows you to manage and track versions in Workfront.

Select Document Version from the New Report drop-down menu

View options include information from the document version, document, entered by, proof approval status, proof creator, and document provider.

Groupings can be done by document version, entered by, proof approval status, or proof owner information.

Filters include document version, access level, document, entered by, proof approval status, proof creator, and document provider information.

You can display the name of the proofing stage that is currently active for each document on the report with this column in a view:

Document Versions >> Active Proof Stages

Filters tab in report builder

If no stage is currently active, the column is blank.

This field source >> field name also is available as a filter in a report.

Use the Proof Creator field source to report on information about the user who created the proof. Choose the Name field source to display the name of the proof creator in a view.

Proof Creator >> Name

This field source >> field name combo also is available as a filter.

Filters tab in report builder
