Add basic conditional formatting to a view

Conditional formatting is done by creating column rules. Column rules allow you to format a column in a specific way based on criteria you set.

In this video, you will learn:

  • What conditional formatting is in a view
  • How to create and modify conditional formatting
Welcome to Add Basic Conditional Formatting to a View. In this video, you will learn how to make information in your view stand out based on conditions you set. Conditional formatting allows you to change color and text attributes of the information shown in a column based on certain conditions being met. In this view, you see some cells in the Percent Complete column have a yellow background. It’s based on a column rule, a condition, that says to add a yellow background color if the percent complete is less than 20%. This makes it easy to identify projects or tasks that might be running behind and maybe need more resources. Let’s open the view to see how this is done. Select the column that the formatting was applied to, percent complete. Then click Advanced Options to see the column rules. A column rule defines the condition and sets the formatting change that occurs when the condition is met. This column rule with a yellow background says if percent complete less than 20. Click Edit to see how it’s set up. First, there’s the condition statement. You can choose from a variety of fields here, just like when adding a new column in a view. Next is the qualifier of less than and a value of 20. After the column rule, you specify what happens when that condition is met. You can change the text color, format, alignment, or background. Show Text tells Workfront to replace the value in the column with the text you enter. If Show Text is unchecked, you have the option for the text attributes to apply to the entire row instead of just one cell of the row. That is not available right now, but if I uncheck Show Text, then it becomes available. Check the preview area to see what this will look like. Sometimes having an entire row highlighted or in bold might be a bit too much. You also have the option to show an icon instead of the value text, such as a red flag when the percent complete is less than 20. The advantage to this is that the icon doesn’t take up much space, but it will replace the percent complete number with the flag icon, so we’ll stick with the yellow background so we can still see the percent complete amount. Let’s summarize what we just did. To create conditional formatting, you’ll want to start by 1. choosing the column where you want the formatting to appear, 2. then decide under what conditions you want the formatting to change, and 3. decide what type of formatting change will work best. Background color, text color, replacement text, or show an icon. As you can see, conditional formatting makes it easy to pick out key information in a list or report. Some Workfront customers use this formatting to highlight parts of a report that need attention, such as field values that are out of range.

Conditional formatting ummary

To create conditional formatting:

  1. Choose the column where you want the formatting to appear

  2. Decide on what conditions you want the formatting to change

  3. Decide what kind of formatting change will work best

    • background color
    • text color
    • replacement text
    • show an icon

“Add basic conditional formatting to a view” activities

Activity 1: Add conditional formatting to a view

Create a task view named “Standard + Progress” by using the existing Standard view and adding this conditional formatting on the Name column.

  1. Add a column rule that will turn the field background red when the progress status of the task is Late.
  2. Add a column rule that will turn the field background yellow when the progress status is Behind or At Risk.

This will help you spot troubled tasks without including the column for progress status as part of your view.

Answer 1

An image of the screen to create a new column rule

  1. In a task list report, go to the View drop-down menu and select New View.
  2. Name your view “Standard + Progress.”
  3. Use the default columns provided.
  4. Select the Task Name column. This is the column you want to apply the conditional formatting to, so it appears red or yellow if the progress status of the task is not On Time.
  5. Click Advanced Options at the top-right corner of the report builder window.
  6. Click Add a Rule for this Column.
  7. Start the column rule by changing Task > Name at the top of the window to Task > Progress Status. Just click the X icon next to Task > Name to delete it from the field.
  8. Type “progress” in the field, then select Progress Status under the Task field source.
  9. Select Late in the field to the right of the Equal qualifier.
  10. Choose a background of red in the Text Color row.
  11. Click Add Rule to save the column rule.
  12. Now click Add Column Rule again to add another rule.
  13. Just like before, delete Task > Name from the criteria field. Replace it with Progress Status under the Task field source.
  14. Select both At Risk and Behind in the field to the right of the Equal qualifier.
  15. Choose a background of yellow in the Text Color row.
  16. Click Add Rule to save the column rule.
  17. Click Save View to save the view.